Hello, Shooters! Shrimp farming is a high-risk activity. However, the shrimp pond business has very lucrative potential. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia reported that the export value of Indonesian shrimp in the first 6 months exceeded 45 trillion Rupiah. It is estimated that this figure will continue to increase, so that the opportunity for shrimp exports to become an open door for activists in the field of shrimp farming.
Namun, di saat yang sama, bisnis tambak udang juga berisiko tinggi jika tidak dilakukan dengan benar. Udang sangat rentan terkena penyakit udang, seperti Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND), Myo (Iinfectious myonecrosis virus), or White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). These diseases are not easy to cure, but can be prevented with the right biosecurity measures and the help of appropriate shrimp farming products.
Apart from protecting shrimp from disease, shrimp culture products can also support the productivity of your shrimp pond business so that the pond business can be maximized. Large shrimp weight and a successful harvest resulting from good and stable shrimp growth is the dream of all shrimp farmers, right? The right shrimp farming products, such as vitamins, disinfectants, minerals, and probiotics can make your pond business a conducive place for shrimp growth.
Come on, see what products can help your shrimp cultivation to be more optimal!
7 Shrimp Cultivation Products for Maximum Harvest!
1. ProteAQ MineralFix

ProteAQ MineralFix is one of the minerals that can help expedite the molting process in shrimp and meet the needs of important macro minerals in the process. This mineral can increase and maintain the stability of the value of alkalinity and pH in pond water.
Usage Recommendations
ProteAQ MineralFix can be applied to plastic, concrete or earthen ponds for preparation before stocking, before the molting period, or during shrimp rearing.
Dosage Recommendations
For plastic/concrete pools:
Before stocking 1-2 days: 5 ppm
Before molting 2 hours: 4 ppm
Culture: 3 ppm every 5-7 days
For ground pools:
Before stocking 1-2 days: 3 ppm
Before molting 2 hours: 2 ppm
Culture: 2 ppm every 5-7 days
MgCl₂.6H₂O, MgSO₄.H₂O, KCl, NaCl, NaHCO₃, and Zeolite
2. ProteAQ Stomi

Apart from ProteAQ MineralFix, ProteAQ Stormi is also a mineral product that can help with the molting process of shrimp, by maintaining the stability of the alkalinity and pH values of pond water.
3. PROTEXIN Aquatech

PROTEXIN Aquatech is a probiotic that can maintaining the health of the digestive tract of shrimp, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic vibrio bacteria, increasing the growth of shrimp, as well as reducing the content of NH₃ and NO₂ so as to maintain water quality in ponds.
Usage Recommendations
Application can be done by mixing it in feed or pond water to increase feed digestibility by shrimp.
Dosage Recommendations
50 ppm or 100 ppm to filler increments
Probiotic Based on Bacillus Subtilis – PXN21
4. Vitamin Aqua C Fish Plus

Vitamin Aqua C Fish Plus can improve health and immunity against infections from pathogens and improve growth performance so that the size of the shrimp in your shrimp pond business can be uniform. This vitamin also functions to meet the needs of organic acids which can improve digestion and absorption of food.
Usage Recommendations
- Dissolved in water, then mixed with feed pellets, then glued with oil (oil binders), and let it dry for 15 minutes before feeding it to the prawns, or
- Mixed with home feed (homemade) which has been cooled.
Dosage Recommendations
2-3 gr/kg of feed for daily treatment. Equivalent to Ascorbic Acid (A AE)/kg (200-300 mg/kg feed).
Vitamin C 10%, Organic Acid 23% (Formic Acid, Lactic Acid and Ditric Acid), Essential Oils
5. Coforta A

Coforta A is a source of organic phosphorus which is easily absorbed and functions for improve the metabolism and immune system of shrimp in your shrimp farming business. This supplement can restore health after shock effect due to environmental changes (reducing stress) and able to restore shrimp health quickly (eg during partial harvest).
Usage Recommendations
Dissolve in water, mix with pelleted feed, and allow to dry for 15 minutes before giving to shrimp (20th DOC).
Dosage Recommendations
- To prevent AHPND: DOC < 30 days, apply every day with feed 3 gr/kg (one meal)
- For growth promoter: DOC > 30 days, apply 3 days 7 days off with feed 3-5 g/kg (2 meals/day)
- Butaphosphan (Organic Phophoric Acid) 100 mg
- Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 0.05 mg
6. Caforton OS

Caforton OS is a source of organic phosphorus that is easily absorbed and functions to increase metabolism, the immune system, and the growth of shrimp in your shrimp pond business. This supplement can restore health after shock effect due to environmental changes (reducing stress) and able to restore shrimp health quickly (eg during partial harvest).
Usage Recommendations
Dissolve in water, mix with pelleted feed, and allow to dry for 15 minutes before giving to shrimp (20th DOC).
Dosage Recommendations
For broodstock:
- Commercial feed: Continuously mix Coforton OS 3-5 ml/kg feed.
- Fortify blood worms: Mix Coforton OS 3-5 ml/kg clean blood worms 15-20 minutes before feeding.
For larvae:
- Zoea-Mysis: Coforton OS 2-3 ml/m³. Use before larva transformation. Dissolve the product in clean water, then pour it into the nursery tank.
- Post (PL): Coforton OS 3-5 ml/1 million PL. Mix directly into feed before feeding (2-3 times per day).
- Weak larvae (delayed in transformation): Coforton OS increases 5-7 ml/m3. Dissolve the product in clean water, then pour it into the nursery tank.
Butaphosphan (Organic Phophoric Acid) 100 mg and Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 0.05 mg
7. Aquasept 3.0

Aquasept 3.0 is a disinfectant that functions to kill bacteria, viruses, mold spores and fungi in the process of preparing pond water which can cause disease in shrimp.
Aquasept 3.0 can maintain the ratio of water balance so that water management can be done in a shorter time.
Usage Recommendations
- Application can be adjusted to the conditions and water quality at the pond preparation stage.
- Do not use for breeding (brood) shrimp.
- Use water after 12 hours of product application and aeration.
Dosage Recommendations
- Water preparation stage (1 tablet/5 m³) = 1 ppm. Water and bottom disinfection (kills vibrio and pathogenic bacteria).
- Storage pond (1 tablet/10-20 m³) = ¼-½ ppm. Disinfection (water and base), reducing ferric acid, and reducing organic matter.
- Conditional Vibrios (culture period, DOC > 30)(1 tablet/30-40 m³) = 1/8 – 1/6 ppm.
Sodium Dicloroisocyanurate (NaDCC)
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