biosecurity tambak udang doc 30
biosecurity tambak udang doc 30

Must Know! Shrimp Pond Biosecurity for DOC 30!

Are vannamei shrimp <30 days old prone to disease? Biosecurity Shrimp pond is the solution! Biosecurity is an important process that should not be missed during shrimp farming because it can help the growth of shrimp. 

Want to know the full explanation about biosecurity? Come on, see together in this article!

Biosecurity in Vaname Shrimp Ponds

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Source: eFishery

In general, biosecurity defined as a series of processes and actions taken to prevent the entry of disease into a place. In vaname shrimp cultivation, biosecurity carried out to prevent the entry and spread of disease-causing organisms in cultivation. 

Application biosecurity carried out in all phases of aquaculture, from pond preparation, water preparation, water quality management, feeding, sampling, harvesting, to preparation for the next cycle. Process biosecurity This is also done on all tools and facilities in the pond so that there is no media that can transmit disease to shrimp.

Importance Biosecurity Vaname Shrimp at the Beginning of Cultivation, up to DOC 30

Lots of Farmers have experienced crop failure due to diseases that infect vannamei shrimp, especially small vannamei shrimp that are still underdeveloped. Day of Culture (DOC) 30. Small shrimp that are under 30 days old are very susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and disease because their immunity has not yet been fully formed. This disease can lead to the death of shrimp which causes losses for you.

The spread of the disease needs to be controlled to prevent crop failure with application biosecurity. Apart from preventing biosecurity also can eliminate diseases that previously existed in shrimp farming ponds. Application biosecurity in ponds is a must for Mr / Ms Farmers to mitigate the risk of failure in cultivating. Biosecurity also can streamline the time of cultivation and the amount of provision and nutrition of shrimp feed.

How to Build Biosecurity Appropriate for Shrimp up to DOC 30

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eFishery Resources

Biosecurity should be a major part in shrimp farming. Biosecurity carried out at the stage of preparation for cultivation, during cultivation, until harvest. Its implementation also requires a lot of time and money. Therefore, you must do it with procedures that are in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Here's how to build biosecurity according to SNI standards:

1. Biosecurity in the Pond Preparation Stage

  • Install Bird Scaring Device (BSD) which is made of type D-9 PE yarn tied to a pole on the side of the pond.
  • Install Crab Protecting Device (CPD) made of plastic.
  • Dry the pond with value Organic Residue Potential (ORP) of at least 50 mV for 10 days.
  • Perform sterilization to minimize the emergence of animals and benthic organisms that have the potential to carry pathogens.
  • Sprinkle lime to neutralize the pond's acidity to a pH of 5-7.

2. Biosecurity in the Pond Water Preparation Stage

  • Install 300 I and 1,000 I water filters when pumping water from the main inlet to the gutter to make the water sterile.
  • To double the sterilization use Aqualisan disinfectant as much as 2-3 ppm.

3. Biosecurity During Cultivation

  • During cultivation, biosecurity we can start from ourselves by providing sanitation tools for hands and feet. You can use antiseptic soap and clean water to wash your hands and use 70 ppm Potassium Permenganate (KMnO₄) to wash your feet.
  • Pond equipment that is used interchangeably can also be a medium for the spread of viruses and bacteria. For that, do regular pond equipment sanitation.

4. Biosecurity During Emergency Harvest

  • If disease occurs in one of the ponds, isolate the pond so that the disease does not spread to other ponds.
  • Use dose with KMnO₄ by hanging it on the drain pipe as much as 10 ppm.
  • Give KMnO₄ approximately 5 ppm in the surrounding area sub roads.
  • After the harvesting process is complete, apply Aqualisan disinfectant to the canals sub-outlets so that the seeds of disease do not contaminate the environment.
  • Burn and bury dead shrimp carcasses so they don't cause disease.

Konsultasikan Biosecurity dengan Ahlinya di Konsultasi Budidaya! 

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Bagi Bapak/Ibu yang masih bingung terkait membangun biosecurity di DOC 30 dan ingin langsung bertanya/berkonsultasi dengan Ahli Budidaya, Bapak/Ibu bisa berkonsultasi di fitur Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm.

Cultivation Consultation is a feature FREE yang bisa Bapak/Ibu gunakan kapanpun dan dimanapun. Selain konsultasi mengenai biosecurity, Bapak/Ibu juga bisa mengkonsultasikan hal lain seputar budidaya udang.

Isi formulir di atas untuk mengakses fitur Cultivation Consultation!

Questions Regarding Shrimp Pond Biosecurity for DOC 30

Untuk mencegah kegagalan panen karena penyakit yang menjangkit udang vaname apalagi udang vaname kecil yang masih di bawah Day of Culture (DOC) 30, Farmers need to pay attention to biosecurity.
How to build biosecurity for shrimp up to DOC 30 can be started from the pond preparation stage, pond water preparation, and during cultivation.