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Nabilla Anggi
Magister Budidaya Perairan
The catfish seed business opportunity can be a big source of income for you. You need to know, this business opportunity is still rarely popular because it requires special expertise.
Catfish breeding is somewhat difficult because these fish cannot spawn naturally. Spawning can only be done artificially or better known as injecting mating.stripping).
Injecting mating is done by injecting the hormone ovaprim to the female parent to speed up the process of releasing eggs. Furthermore, taking sperm from the male parent, then fertilization is carried out with the eggs that have been taken.
In the nursery process, you need to carefully select quality broodstock as an effort to produce superior seeds with predetermined sizes and targets. Take special care of the catfish broodstock that will be spawned.Â
Now, you don't need to worry because this article will provide accurate information about the secret to a successful catfish seed business. Read carefully, ok!
Business Prospects of Catfish Seeds
Fish seed business is a very important business in the cultivation of catfish. This business can provide lucrative profits because it is not empty of consumers and can provide a sizable income for you.
However, there are still many catfish farmers who are constrained by nurseries. To solve the problem, eFishery has a solution to help you in carrying out nursery activities. If you do this business at the same time as the enlargement process, the profits will double when the harvest arrives.
Seeing this, the prospect of the catfish seed business is interesting to try, especially if the catfish seed business is carried out for the enlargement process. You have the potential to make big money.
Not only that, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for the 2014-2019 period, Susi Pudjiastuti, once campaigned for people to consume local catfish. So that people are more interested in consuming catfish and demand in the market will tend to rise.
With the nursery business, it is hoped that it can help overcome or meet the increasing demand for seeds. So that the shortage of seeds is no longer an obstacle in cultivation activities.
Business Analysis of Catfish Seeds
Just like any other business, in starting a catfish seed business, you need to prepare capital. The good news is that the catfish seed business can be done with small capital. You can also adjust to current finances. The following is an analysis of the catfish seed business.

You can start a catfish seedling business with only IDR 2,200,000 in capital. This business has a lower risk of failure than catfish farming for consumption. Why is that?
Because in one spawning, the parent catfish can produce up to 323,500 eggs from one parent. Quite a lot right? In addition, production costs can be reduced and the profit turnover is also faster.
Types and Sizes of Catfish Seeds
There are many types of catfish seeds, this is because catfish seeds come from several types of broodstock that have different specifications. The types of catfish that are widely distributed in Indonesia are local types or those that have been developed by the Indonesian KKP Fish Breeding Research Institute.
Catfish seeds that have quality and standards in accordance with CPIB certainly have a good market. Especially for the quality of seeds above the average has a share of the export market. This is because the need for catfish is not only favored by the local market, but the export market is also very potential.
In the catfish breeding business, of course you must understand the types and specifications of the seeds to be developed or sold. Here's the review:
1. Jambal Catfish
The dorsal side of the jambal catfish is blackish gray, and the belly is silvery white. Healthy jambal catfish seedlings can be seen morphologically and physiologically without defects or abnormalities. In addition, these fish seeds are active and startle easily when feeding.
2. Siamese Catfish
Siamese catfish have a blackish-gray back and silvery white belly. Siamese catfish have active movements, are responsive to feed, and are agile and easily startled. Healthy Siamese catfish seeds are physically visible. His limbs are complete, show no deformities or defects, and are free from pathogenic bacteria.
3. Pasupati Catfish
The Pasupati catfish is the result of crossing a female Siamese catfish and a male Jambal catfish. Pasupati catfish seedlings have a black upper back, a silvery-white belly, and red fins and tail.Â
4. Nasutus Catfish
The nasutus catfish have a blackish-gray back, silvery-white belly, and black fins and a combined tail. These catfish seeds are responsive to fast feed, active and agile, and easily startled.
5. Mighty Catfish
The back of the mighty catfish has a blackish-gray color, and the belly is silvery white. Just like other catfish seeds, mighty catfish also have a level of responsiveness to feed that is fast, active and agile, and easily startled.
After you know the types and specifications of catfish seeds that are popular for cultivation, it's time for you to know the size and price of catfish seeds.
Size | Price range |
2-3 cm | Rp280 |
3.5-4 cm | IDR 310Â |
4.5-5cm | IDR 350 |
6-7 cm | Rp400 |
8-9 cm | IDR 500 |
10-12cm | Rp.650 |
The difference in the size of the types of catfish seeds is what underlies the needs of the cultivators. In addition, the price of catfish seeds varies greatly, depending on the size of the seeds, the region or area where they are sold.
How to Choose Quality Catfish Seeds
After you know the specifications and prices for catfish seeds, you need to know how to choose quality seeds. Catfish seeds that are not of good quality will be susceptible to disease and their growth will be less than optimal. Selection of quality catfish seeds as follows:
- Derived from quality seeds.
- Have a vaccine certificate (if vaccination is done).
- Make sure to choose the type of antibiotics, vitamins, probiotics and other supplements when caring for catfish seeds
- Uniform seed size and bright color (shiny).
- Movement agile and agile.
- No disfigurement and no injuries on his body.
- Free from germs.
- Body position in water is normal.
The size of the catfish seeds should be uniform, the goal is that there is no competition in getting feed and space for movement. Larger fish are sure to grow faster. While the small, growth will be stunted. Catfish fry that are small in size will lose in competing for feed.
Sukseskan Bisnis Bibit Ikan Patin dengan Kabayan dari eFishery!
Dalam berbisnis bibit ikan patin, Bapak/Ibu harus benar-benar memperhatikan bagaimana cara merawat dan memberi makan induk ikan patin agar menghasilkan bibit yang berkualitas. Selain itu, kandungan nutrisi pada pakan juga perlu diperhatikan. Pakan tinggi nutrisi yang bisa Bapak/Ibu gunakan sebagai pakan induk ikan patin adalah pelet.
Bapak/Ibu bisa membeli pelet ikan patin berkualitas terbaik di eFishery pakai Kabayan. Kabayan (Kasih, Bayar Nanti) merupakan penyedia akses ke institusi finansial terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK. Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang dapat dibayarkan setelah panen. Dengan proses cepat dan persyaratan mudah, budidaya ikan pun makin lancar pakai Kabayan.
Isi formulir di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan akses ke Kabayan!
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Nabilla Anggi - Magister Budidaya Perairan
Nabilla merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister budidaya perairan serta memiliki pengalaman di dunia perikanan baik hatchery maupun pembesaran
Questions Regarding Catfish Seeds
It is recommended for catfish seeds to eat natural food because they contain complete nutrition, are easy to digest, and are sized according to the size of the seed feed. Natural food can accelerate the growth of fish seeds. Examples of natural food are artemia, water fleas, and silkworms.