bibit ikan mujair
bibit ikan mujair

Bisnis Bibit Ikan Mujair: Ikuti Tipsnya Supaya Untung!

Tilapia fish seeds are one of the most important things in tilapia fish cultivation. However, not many people are interested in starting a tilapia seed business.

Most people are more interested in enlargement efforts. Even though the tilapia seed business still has very wide opportunities.

Come on, read this article to find out the opportunities and business analysis!

Business Prospects of Mujair Fish Seeds

As a consumption fish, the existence of tilapia fish is very popular with the community so that many fish farmers cultivate it. Apart from its delicacy, many people like tilapia because this fish can increase the body's metabolism, reduce signs of aging, improve hair health, and strengthen the human immune system.

However, many cultivators don't want to bother with the process of spawning seeds when they want to start tilapia cultivation. Most of them prefer to buy seeds that are ready to be cultivated at a nursery because it is faster and more practical.

This can be seen as an opportunity for those of you who want to start a tilapia seed cultivation business. Moreover, tilapia enlargement cultivation itself has very good prospects for development because market demand is getting higher every day. If the market demand for tilapia fish is higher, the demand for cultivators for tilapia fish seeds will also increase.

So, are you interested in starting a tilapia seed farming business?

Mujair Fish Seed Business Analysis

gambar ikan mujair
Sumber: Shopee

After knowing the prospects for the tilapia seed business, it's time for you to do a business analysis. One of the most important things in tilapia nursery is the pond and the mother fish. To save costs, you can use a tarpaulin pool. 

The area of the tarpaulin pond required for breeding 2 male tilapia and 3 female tilapia is 3 m x 4 m with a depth of 0.5 m. In this pond which has an ideal area, you can add fine mud which will later be used by the tilapia mother as a nest for eggs. During the breeding process, usually the tilapia mother does not have a high appetite so you don't need to think about the high cost of feed.

This nursery process will last for approximately 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, you can harvest tilapia seedlings using anco and then transfer them to the grow-out pond or sell them directly to potential buyers.

To find out the details of the capital used to buy seeds, ponds, anco, and drainage pipes needed during the nursery process, see the table below!

Table of Initial Capital for Cultivating Mujair Fish Seeds

No.GoodsAmountUnit price
Total price
1.Tarpaulin Pool3m x 4m800.000800.000
2.Mother Mujair520.000100.000
3.Pool Water Drain Pipe150.00050.000

From the table above, we can see that the primary capital needed in the process of breeding 2 male tilapia parents and 3 female tilapia parents is IDR 980,000. In one breeding process, 1 female parent can produce 500-2,000 tilapia seedlings. If multiplied by 3, the total is 1,500-6,000 tilapia seeds.

Usually, tilapia seeds that are 6-8 cm in size sell for Rp. 1,000 on the market. This means that in one harvest you can get a turnover of IDR 1,500,000-IDR 6,000,000. If you reduce the capital of Rp. 980,000, you can get a profit of Rp. 520,000-Rp. 5,020,000 per harvest. Very tempting right?

How to Choose Quality Mujair Fish Seeds

After the harvest of tilapia fish seeds is finished, it's time for you to select high-quality tilapia seeds that are suitable for sale. It is best if you only sell high-quality seeds to customers.

This is done so that the customer can successfully cultivate tilapia fish and buy your tilapia seeds again in the future. Therefore, you must pay close attention to the breeding method so that you can get high-quality tilapia seeds.

High-quality tilapia seeds that are ready to be cultivated usually weigh ± 15-20 grams per head. The superior tilapia seeds will have scales that grow healthily without cuts and abrasions. In addition, the superior tilapia seeds that are ready for cultivation have perfect fin shapes, are agile, active, and have a high appetite.

Kembangkan Bisnis Pembibitan Ikan Mujair dengan Aplikasi Serba Ada, eFisheryKu!

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When viewed from the analysis and business opportunities for tilapia seedlings above, the seed business is no less profitable than the grow-out business. However, you must always make efforts to achieve maximum profit in tilapia fish breeding so as not to lose money.

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