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bibit ikan mas

Here's an Easy Way to Choose High Quality Goldfish Seeds

Choosing high-quality goldfish seeds is the right first step to starting a farming business. The main factor that determines the success of goldfish farming is the provision of superior goldfish seeds. To get it, you need to know how to choose quality goldfish seeds.

Carp farming is quite easy to do, because it can be done in various types of environments, such as earthen ponds, swift water ponds, cages, and even floating nets. Whatever pool you have, it has great potential to generate profits.

Apart from that, another advantage of goldfish farming is that you can start with a capital that is not too big, but you can still get lucrative profits because the selling price is high. Therefore, you need to complete your knowledge on how to choose quality goldfish seeds. Read more here, OK!

Goldfish Seed Business Prospects

Who would have thought that the carp seed business for consumption could be a profitable investment choice if done diligently and seriously. This is because the need for goldfish in each period never decreases.

Indonesian people never seem to get bored with the existence of this one fish. No wonder goldfish has a wide market share and its popularity never goes down.

prospek bisnis bibit ikan mas
Source: Alfa Farm

Based on data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the price of goldfish continues to increase every year. This is due to the increasing demand for this highly nutritious fish.

Goldfish seed business prospects very interesting to try, because there are still many cultivators who are constrained by carp nurseries. If you do this business at the same time as the enlargement process, the profits will be doubled and have the potential to generate big profits when the harvest arrives.

With the existence of a carp nursery business, it is hoped that it can help overcome and meet the increasing demand for seeds. Thus, the shortage of seeds is no longer an obstacle in the cultivation business.

Types and Sizes of Goldfish Seeds

Ideally, the size of the goldfish seeds to be raised are grouped into four, namely:

  1. Goldfish seeds 2-3 cm in size
  2. Goldfish seeds 3-5 cm in size
  3. Goldfish seeds 4-6 cm in size
  4. Goldfish seeds 5-7 cm in size

With the same size in one pond, carp seeds will have relatively uniform growth and minimize the risk of mass death or cannibalism, due to the presence of larger seeds.

Goldfish seeds that are spread in ponds will be raised until they reach the standard size of fish that are fit for consumption, namely 300-400 grams/head. Usually, the weight of the fish will reach that size when the fish reaches 6-8 months of age. 

The following is the price of carp seeds according to the type:

daftar harga bibit ikan mas

*Prices may change depending on market and area

The estimated price of goldfish fingerlings in the table above may change depending on the market and area. The difference in the price of carp per kilo can be due to differences in feed prices, transportation costs and operational costs.

How to Choose Quality Goldfish Seeds

There are several criteria that need to be considered in selecting high quality and superior carp seeds. It is hoped that goldfish can grow to a standard weight of fish that can be consumed by humans.

Here are tips on choosing quality and superior goldfish seeds:

1. Trader Research

You need to do research with several carp seed traders. The goal is to find out whether the goldfish offered by the trader is of good quality or not. The method is quite easy, you only need to look at the physical condition of the goldfish seeds.

2. Pay attention to the physical condition of the goldfish seeds

The next tip is that you need to ensure the physical condition of the goldfish seeds. By paying attention to this, it can speed up the seed enlargement process and minimize the seeds being attacked by diseases and viruses.

The following are the physical characteristics of good quality and superior carp seeds:

  • Fish seedlings are actively swimming.
  • Seedlings of uniform size with a level of uniformity > 95%.
  • Fish seeds are not physically disabled and have wounds.
  • The movement of fish seeds is agile and agile.
  • Free from disease attacks.
  • Quick response to feed.
  • Fish seeds have an open tail shape, wide and thick.

After you know how to choose quality seeds, you need to know how to spread the seeds in aquaculture ponds. The trick is that you need to adapt the seeds to the pond water conditions first.

During the cultivation process, you can feed goldfish seeds of a size that fits their mouth opening. Preferably, you also need to provide vitamins and supplements to increase the fish's appetite and immunity.

In addition, you are advised to routinely check the quality of pool water. This is a step to support the survival of the fish that you are currently cultivating.

Develop a Goldfish Cultivation Business Using Kabayan at eFisheryKu

When viewed from the prospects of the carp seed business, this business is no less profitable than the enlargement business. However, you must always make efforts to achieve maximum profit in goldfish breeding so as not to lose money.

However, if you have problems when you want to develop goldfish farming, there are Kabayan* in app eFisheryKu! Kabayan merupakan bantuan akses ke lembaga keuangan yang terpercaya, terdaftar, dan diawasi oleh OJK.

As is Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapat pakan, benih, dan sarana produksi lainnya yang bisa dibayar setelah panen. Keuntungan menggunakan Kabayan lainnya adalah proses cepat, bunga rendah, persyaratan mudah, akad perjanjian bisa secara syariah, pemesanan pakan atau saprokan melalui aplikasi, serta promo menarik lainnya. Pengajuan Kabayan it's also easy, you can register through the application eFisheryKu.

Tunggu apa lagi? Nikmati berbagai kebermanfaatan Kabayan dengan mengisi form di bawah ini!

Get Access to Financial Institutions that are Trusted, Registered & Supervised by OJK!

Fill in your personal data in the following form. Our team will immediately contact you via the number cellphone attached. Make sure the data entered is correct.

One of the dedicated financial institutions in realizing the program Kabayan is Amartha. Let's get acquainted Amartha!

kabayan efishery amartha

Amartha is a platform prosperity that provides inclusive financial services to the grassroots economy through technology. Amartha collaborate with eFishery to provide inclusive access to capital for cultivators in the ecosystem eFishery, in order to advance the fish farming business. You can access capital ranging from 5 – 100 million rupiah which can be used to increase fish farming production. Come on, click here to get to know Amartha and learn more about business tips!

What are you waiting for? With Kabayan*, you can develop your dream cultivation business safely, because it is supported by a financial institution that is registered and supervised by OJK. One of which is Amartha! Come on, develop your goldfish farming business together eFishery!

*For programs Kabayan, eFishery cooperate with third parties supervised/licensed by OJK.
