benur udang
benur udang

Quality Benur, The Key to Success in Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation

One of the keys to successful shrimp farming is the selection of fry. This step is one of the first steps when starting shrimp farming. If done properly, your shrimp cultivation can run more smoothly and be protected from diseases or epidemics that attack. 

Therefore, you need to recognize the characteristics of superior quality shrimp seeds. These are the characteristics of quality shrimp fry!

1. Memiliki Sertifikat

There are 2 types of certificates that you need to pay attention to, namely SPF and CPIB certificates. These two certificates indicate that the shrimp seeds sold are in accordance with the certification and guaranteed quality. 

Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) is a certification for fry that has been examined and proven to be free from several types of pathogens or shrimp diseases. Shrimp certified with SPF have been tested for White Feces Disease (WFD), Infectious Myonecrosis Virus (IMNV), Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV), Covert Mortality Nodavirus (CMNV), White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), and Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease. (AHPND).

Meanwhile, the CPIB certificate is a certificate indicating that the shrimp are bred according to the Good Fish Hatchery Method. According to the Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of West Java Province, Good Fish Hatchery Methods are guidelines and procedures for breeding fish & shrimp in a controlled environment that meets technical, management, food safety and environmental criteria and requirements. This certificate exists to ensure that the seeds on the market are safe for consumption and free from harmful substances. 

2. Bibit Udang Tidak Cacat Fisik

Body condition is one of the easiest indicators of the health of shrimp fry. Make sure the fry have the perfect body shape:

  • The shrimp fry antenna is intact and not broken, can be opened and closed
  • Body shape straight and slender
  • Shiny eyes
  • Bright color and no spots on the skin
  • The tail is not deformed and unwrapped

Shrimp body shape deficiencies indicate a shortage of shrimp or an invading disease. Therefore, make sure the seeds you choose have a shape that is not defective.

3. Usus Benur Terlihat Penuh

In addition to the body shape of the shrimp, the inside of the fry can also show its quality. Healthy and quality fry will have full intestines because they eat voraciously. Conversely, fry that are sick or stressed will lose their appetite, so they have an empty gut. 

4. Ukuran yang Seragam

The uniform size of the fry helps you control the size of the shrimp when harvesting. When starting a cultivation cycle with the same size fry, the size of the shrimp when harvested is uniform. This will help you when selling your crops. And vice versa, if the size of the fry is different, it is likely that the shrimp harvested will also be of different sizes. Usually, the size of quality vanname shrimp fry is at PL-10 and above, while quality tiger prawn fry is at PL-12 and above. At that age, the intestinal and digestive organs of shrimp are perfect, so they are safer to cultivate.

5. Bergerak Dengan Aktif

The movement of the fry is an indicator of the health of the fry. Vaname shrimp fry that are actively moving are healthy fry. In addition, healthy shrimp are also sensitive to external stimuli. 

Note, healthy shrimp will swim against the water currents. If the water current is rotated, healthy fry will stick to the bottom of the pond.

6. Lulus Uji Stres 

One way to test the resistance of fry is by stress test or stress test. The stress test was carried out by immersing the fry in fresh water or 100 ppm formalin for 30 minutes. After that, the percentage of shrimp mortality rate was calculated. If the survival rate of fry exceeds 95%, it means that the sample is healthy and of good quality.

7. Berasal dari Hatchery Trustworthy

In order to get fry whose quality is guaranteed, it is better for you to take fry with quality hatchery trustworthy. Hatchery is the process and location of the shrimp hatchery to obtain fry which will be cultivated later. Process hatchery which is strictly controlled by experienced farmers will produce quality fry. With a maintained fry enlargement process, the quality of fry and cultivation will also be maintained.

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That's how to choose good shrimp fry! With these consideration steps, we hope that you can get quality fry. Quality seeds, successful cultivation!

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