Tilapia is a fish that requires very high dissolved oxygen
Hello Mr/Mrs Cultivators! Is it difficult for the catfish that you are cultivating?
Even though cultivating tilapia is fairly easy, it doesn't mean there are no problems
Hello Mister / Ms Shooters! Do you know what is meant by partial harvest? Harvest
Hello Mr/Mrs Cultivators! Have you ever felt that fish growth has slowed down?
Jika ingin budidaya ikan lele, ada banyak cara yang dapat Bapak/Ibu gunakan.
Ikan lele sangkuriang merupakan varietas ikan lele yang dikembangkan oleh Lembaga BBAT
To get the maximum yield of catfish, you need to pay attention to the selection
Halo Bapak/Ibu! Apakah selama ini Bapak/Ibu kesulitan dalam mencari perbedaan ikan lele
Hello Sir/Madam! Are you a catfish cultivator? Or just interested to