analisa usaha ikan nila 1000 ekor
analisa usaha ikan nila 1000 ekor

Example of 1000 Tilapia Business Analysis, Complete!

Are you looking for a new commodity to cultivate? If yes, let's read this article! This article will discuss the business analysis of 1000 tilapia which is very interesting to explore together.

Tilapia is a freshwater fish that has long been a prima donna among Indonesian cultivators. Not without reason, the popularity of tilapia farming occurs because tilapia is relatively easy to cultivate and doesn't get sick easily. The most widely cultivated fish in Indonesia after the goldfish can adapt easily in new environments.

Therefore, many cultivators are interested in cultivating tilapia. If you are interested in cultivating tilapia as well, see the business analysis of 1000 tilapia fish in this article!

Tilapia Business Prospects

prospek bisnis ikan nila
Source: Wikipedia

Tilapia certainly has a delicious taste and high nutrition. However, that's not the only reason why tilapia farming is a promising business for you. Fish that can grow faster than other fish have a relatively easy cultivation method and don't take up a lot of money and effort. With an easy way and not too big capital, this tilapia business is suitable for novice cultivators.

Currently, people's demand for fresh water fish is increasing. Freshwater fish have a taste that is no less delicious and can reduce people's dependence on sea fish little by little. For this reason, many people see tilapia farming as a promising business opportunity due to the increasing market demand for this fish.

Analysis of 1000 Tilapia Fish Business

analisa usaha ikan nila 1000 ekor
Source: Dictio Community

After knowing the prospects for the tilapia business, it's time for you to do a tilapia business analysis. In tilapia cultivation, there are 2 types of capital that must be prepared, namely capital that is only issued at the beginning of cultivation and capital that is issued every month. Speaking of capital, one of the capital that you must prepare is capital for ponds or cultivation media. uThe ideal size for a 1000 tilapia fish pond is 100 m or 10 m x 10 m. Come on, see the price of a pool of this size and details another start-up capital!

tabel modal awal budidaya ikan nila
Table of Initial Capital for Tilapia Cultivation

In addition to the costs above, there are costs that you must pay each month. For the duration of fish rearing, tilapia can be harvested at the age of 4 months. Come on, see the table below to find out the amount that must be spent for 4 months of cultivation!

tabel biaya bulanan budidaya ikan nila
Table of Monthly Costs for Tilapia Cultivation

With the calculation above, the cost of operating tilapia that you need to spend is IDR 5,100,000 per month. These costs are estimates only. If you want to add workers and other tools during the cultivation cycle, of course the monthly costs that you have to pay for in the family will be higher.

Benefits of Cultivating Tilapia Fish 1000 Heads

After finishing calculating the capital that you have to spend, it's time to calculate the profit of tilapia cultivation! Of the 1,000 tilapia seeds that were stocked, not all of the seeds will survive until the harvest season arrives.

During the cultivation cycle, the estimated mortality of tilapia fingerlings is 5%. That way, percentage survival rates (SR) tilapia is 95%.

This means that from a thousand seeds, it is estimated that 950 tilapia fish will be harvested. If after harvesting the average weight of tilapia is 250 grams per head, then from 1,000 seedlings you can harvest 237.5 kg of tilapia.

Tilapia on the market has an average price of IDR 37,000 per kg. Prices for tilapia vary, depending on the quality of the fish and the area where the fish is sold. If the price is multiplied by the yield, then IDR 37,000 x 237.5 = IDR 8,787,500.

If this number is deducted by the monthly cultivation costs which amount to IDR 3,950,000, then the profit that you will get is IDR 4,837,500. However, this calculation is still a rough calculation because there are many factors that will change the capital figures and harvest income. If the capital is greater and the harvest income is smaller, then the profit you get will also decrease.

Tips for Successful 1000 Tilapia Fish Business

In order to maximize profits and tilapia can grow well, you should not do cultivation carelessly. There are several tips for success that you need to know to support cultivation.

If detailed from the start, the first thing that must be considered is the selection of the pool location. Choose a strategic pool location and away from industrial areas and main roads. This is done in order to facilitate the entry and exit of 4-wheeled vehicles and avoid excessive pollution. 

In order for the cultivation costs to be cheaper, the selection of the type of pond is important to note. Fish farming can use concrete, tarpaulin, or soil ponds. However, the cheapest and easiest pond to maintain is a tarpaulin pool. Adjust the selection of pools with each pocket, yes!

In addition to the two things above, you must also know the correct cultivation method, starting from selecting seeds, spreading them, to maintaining them. The correct cultivation method is very important because it can produce healthy and high-quality fish. With that, you can reap more profits.

If the cultivation method is correct and the fish is ready to be harvested, do intense marketing. In order for the fish to sell out quickly, you can sell it in large quantities to fish agents, markets, supermarket, hotel, restoran, atau kafe.

Develop Tilapia Cultivation with Support from Kabayan!

Jika Bapak/Ibu ingin mengembangkan bisnis budidaya ikan nila, eFishery punya solusinya dengan aplikasi eFisheryKu. eFisheryKu adalah aplikasi yang dibuat untuk membantu Bapak/Ibu memajukan bisnis budidaya ikan. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur untuk mendukung proses budidaya, seperti akses ke lembaga keuangan yang terpercaya, terdaftar, dan diawasi oleh OJK, melalui Kabayan (Kasih, Bayar Nanti).

As is Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapat pakan, benih, dan sarana produksi lainnya yang bisa dibayar setelah panen. Keuntungan menggunakan Kabayan lainnya adalah proses cepat, bunga rendah, persyaratan mudah, akad perjanjian bisa secara syariah, pemesanan pakan atau saprokan melalui aplikasi, serta promo menarik lainnya. Pengajuan Kabayan it's also easy, you can register through the application eFisheryKu.

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