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5 Types of Feed for Newly Hatched Catfish

Healthy and high-quality catfish fry are the forerunner to the success of cultivating catfish enlargement in ponds. To produce good catfish seeds, newly hatched catfish fry must be cared for intensively so they can grow healthy.

The care needed by catfish children is certainly very different from the care needed by their parents. In addition to different treatments, the type of feed they need is also different.

So what kind of feed is needed by catfish fry? Find out the answers in this article!

How to Take Care of Catfish Children

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Source: The Oklahoman

Even though they both have to be done well, the care needed for newly hatched catfish puppies is different from catfish that are ready to be cultivated. Come on, see how to take care of newly hatched catfish puppies!

1. Transferring Pregnant Catfish to the Aquarium

So that newborn catfish do not experience stress, you are advised to move the mother catfish who will give birth to the most comfortable place. In this case, the most comfortable place that you can prepare is an aquarium. 

Keep in mind that only female catfish are transferred to the aquarium. The female catfish that will give birth will have a distended stomach because there are many eggs in it. The difference between catfish that are pregnant and those that are not is very significant. So, you won't be difficult to tell the difference.

2. Removing Mother Catfish After Hatching Their Children

After the female catfish hatches their young in the aquarium, you can move them back to the rearing pond. This is done to prevent the mother catfish from eating its own children.

3. Setting up an Aquarium for Baby Catfish 

Next, you can start setting up a comfortable aquarium for the newly hatched baby catfish. Use an aquarium that has a tankless corner or gravel filter with a power filter in it. This is done because the power filter will suck up the newly hatched catfish puppies.

Place some Java moss in the tank. Java moss is used as a hiding place for newly hatched baby catfish. Also make sure there is an open area in the aquarium so that you can see and supervise the baby catfish at all times.

Catfish Child Food

In addition to the treatments mentioned above, baby catfish also need food with balanced nutrition to grow properly. Because they still have very small mouths and digestive organs, catfish babies need special food that is adapted to their body conditions. The following are foods that are suitable for baby catfish to eat:

1. Blood Worms

cacing darah
Source: Mediatani

blood worm (Schistosoma japonicum) is a type of natural food suitable for catfish fry. This is because blood worms contain high protein, fat, and fiber and can help the growth of young fish. In addition to being highly nutritious, blood worms are also very small so they will be easily digested by fish.

2. Silk Worms

cacing sutra
Source: Medinas Lampung News

In addition to blood worms, silk worms are also suitable for baby catfish that have just hatched or are still 3-4 days old. At this age, baby catfish are still very vulnerable, so natural food in the form of silk worms is very suitable for them to eat. This is because the shape of the silk worm is small so that it is easily digested by baby catfish.

You can get silk worms at the feed store. Silk worms are given until the baby catfish is 15 days old.

3. Phytoplankton

Source: Airlangga University

Phytoplankton is rich in fiber so it can nourish fish digestion. In addition, phytoplankton contains 21-37% protein which can stimulate fish growth. Phytoplankton that can be used as small catfish feed is Navicula spp, Ankistrodesmus spp, Gomphonema spp, And Anabaena.

4. Zooplankton

Source: Mediatani

The type of zooplankton that is suitable for catfish child food is Moina sp.. Moina sp. is a freshwater zooplankton that can live in rivers, ditches, swamps, and stagnant water. This type of zooplankton is often used as natural food for freshwater fish larvae because it is quite cheap and easy to obtain. 

Although easy to obtain, the nutritional content contained in Moina sp. very large. Moina sp. contains 37.4 % protein, 13.29 % fat, 11% ash, and 90.6% water. Apart from catfish, Moina sp. also suitable for use as baby catfish feed, baung, and carp.

5. Brine Shrimp

anakan udang air asin
Source: Study To Death

New brine shrimp puppies can be given when the catfish are 1 week old. The brine shrimp puppies used are the ones that have just hatched and are still very small in size.

How to Feed Small Catfish Children

The first thing you should pay attention to when feeding catfish children is the amount of feed. The amount of feed must be adjusted to the body weight of the baby fish. Catfish fry need daily feed of 3-6% of their body weight.

Feeding also needs to pay attention to time, because the right feeding time can affect the weight produced. The right time of feeding can also prevent catfish children from disease. Feeding catfish is done every day 4-6 times per day with an interval of 2-4 hours.

It is best if catfish are fed in the morning when the water temperature is warm or at 21°C. If catfish are fed too early or when the water temperature is too cold, the catfish may experience gill inflammation.

You are not advised to shake the aquarium by hand because this will stress the catfish and spit out its food. If catfish vomit builds up in the tank, it can cause high levels of ammonia and interfere with the quality of the aquarium water.

Developing a Baby Catfish Cultivation Business with Kabayan

How are you, sir/madam? Are you interested in cultivating catfish fry? If seen from the article above, the capital needed to start cultivating catfish fry is indeed not too much. However, if in the middle of cultivation later you want to get financial assistance to develop a cultivation business, eFishery Have Kabayan for Mr/Mrs.

Kabayan is a program that can make it easier for you to access a trusted business capital loan institution, registered and supervised by OJK. As is Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapat pakan, benih, dan sarana produksi lainnya yang bisa dibayar setelah panen. Keuntungan menggunakan Kabayan lainnya adalah proses cepat, bunga rendah, persyaratan mudah, akad perjanjian bisa secara syariah, pemesanan pakan atau saprokan melalui aplikasi, serta promo menarik lainnya. Pengajuan Kabayan it's also easy, you can register through the application eFisheryKu.

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Questions About the Little Catfish

Small catfish can be fed blood worms, silkworms, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and brine shrimp fry.

In a day, small catfish can eat as much as 4-6 times.
