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Sangga Sulistyo
Praktisi Aquaculture
Equipment for shrimp ponds is very important to increase the productivity of shrimp farming. With the availability of adequate shrimp pond equipment, the shrimp cultivation process will be more optimal!
Shrimp pond equipment is the main thing that must be prepared before carrying out cultivation. The tools in shrimp ponds function to help the cultivation process and to check the health of the shrimp.
Therefore, before starting shrimp farming, you are advised to know the types and benefits of the various tools used for shrimp farming. This is useful for facilitating and optimizing the shrimp farming that you are currently doing.
Come on, see the types of shrimp pond equipment here!
Types of Supporting Tools for Shrimp Ponds
The availability of tools for vaname shrimp cultivation is the main thing that you must prepare before carrying out cultivation. By having complete equipment, the cultivation process will run optimally.
The tools used for shrimp farming are very diverse. Each tool has a type and function to maximize the shrimp farming process. The following are shrimp pond equipment that you must prepare before starting cultivation:
1. Aerator or Waterwheel
Aerator or waterwheel is very necessary for shrimp farming. The function of the waterwheel in ponds is to maintain dissolved oxygen in the water, control dirt and sludge, prevent stratification of water quality, and maximize productivity feeding area, as well as reducing dead areas (low oxygen areas).
The oxygen needed will increase along with the increase in shrimp biomass in the pond. The peak period of oxygen demand for shrimp is at DOC 60-110.

You can adjust the number and strength of the wheels according to the area of the pond and the number of shrimp that are stocked. The layout of a good water wheel on the pond is very relative. However, the rotation of the fan on the water wheel is expected to produce a water current that can evenly distribute the oxygen in the pond water vertically and horizontally.
The following are tips that need to be considered when arranging a waterwheel in a shrimp pond:
- Use a good quality mill.
- Pay attention to the basic ingredients of the waterwheel machine. You can choose a stainless steel machine.
- Note the combination of the direction and position of the water wheel on one pond plot. This combination must produce a whirlpool that directs the dirt at the bottom of the pond towards pond water disposal, so that pond water conditions remain healthy.
- Pay attention to the construction of the waterwheel supporting poles in the pond. The pillars supporting the waterwheel must be strong and stable.
- Set the position and direction of the wheel according to the shape of the pond. Thus, the location and direction of the water wheel can vary in each pond.
- The number of wheels used must be in accordance with the age and density of the shrimp in the pond.
2. Geomembrane (Plastic Coating)
Geomembrane is one of the familiar materials for use in ponds. This is because geomembrane is often used by farmers as the basis for water ponds so that the pond does not mix with the soil.

Geomembrane is a layer of polyethylene plastic which is known to have high durability, so it is durable and can be used for quite a long period of time. In addition, the geomembrane serves to prevent pond leaks and maintain water quality so that it remains clean and not easily polluted.
3. Water Pump
In shrimp farming, the need for water supply is very important. This requires Farmers to choose a water pump with good quality and longevity.

The function of the pump in the pond is to help the process of changing the water. In the process of changing water, farmers need a pump that can work optimally.
The pump must have a lining epoxy coatings Thick and has corrosion protection.
4. DO Meters
dissolved oxygen (Dissolved Oxygen) is the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. The optimal DO value for shrimp is > 4-5 mg/l. Dissolved oxygen content that is low or <1.5 mg/l will be lethal or turn off the shrimp.

To find out the DO level in pond water, you can use a DO meter. The use of this tool is quite easy, Mr/Mrs Farmers only need to dip the DO meter pen into the water, then wait for the numbers printed on the DO meter monitor to stop.
You can check with a DO meter at night. This is because during the day plankton produces oxygen, while at night plankton uses it for respiration.
5. pH Meter
During shrimp farming, Mr / Mrs Farmers must ensure that the pH of the water is always in optimal conditions. Therefore, you need a pH meter to measure the acidity level of each pond pond.

How to use a pH meter is quite easy. You only need to take a sample of pond water and dip the pH meter in the water sample. Then, the pH meter will automatically show the pH value of the water sample. The optimal water pH for shrimp is 7.5-8.5.
6. Refractometer
A refractometer is used to determine the level of salinity in the water used in ponds. Before starting to put shrimp into the pond, you need to know the level of salinity in the pond water so that it doesn't interfere with the growth of the shrimp.

The optimal salinity level for shrimp ponds is 15-25 ppt. For this reason, you need to carry out routine checks on the salinity in the ponds. This is to determine the salinity of the pond every day. If the salinity decreases, the shrimp will lack minerals.
7. Secchi Disk
Secchi disk used to measure the level of turbidity of water in ponds. Pond water that is too turbid can result in low oxygen, reduced shrimp visibility, and disturbed shrimp appetite. Of course, this can have an impact on shrimp growth which becomes less than optimal.

as the name suggests, secchi disk circular in shape resembling a disc with a black and white patterned surface. How to use it is quite easy. You can tie it with a rope and put it in the water.
Optimal brightness level in shrimp farming is 30-40 cm. If you see the brightness of the water < 30 cm, it is necessary to change the pond water until it reaches the optimum standard.
Meanwhile, the brightness level of the shrimp pond water is > 40 cm, so you need to re-fertilize so that the plankton in the pond can grow again according to standards.
8. Siphon Hose
Siphon in shrimp farming is a technique used to suck up sludge from the pond bottom using a hose. Siphon functions to maintain water quality, prevent disease, and detect death and molting in shrimp.

The siphon technique utilizes the force of gravity and water pressure. Here's how the siphon method works:
- Install a drain outside the pond.
- Point the siphon hose at the mud at the bottom of the pool.
- Dispose of sludge in the drain with a siphon hose.
- Prepare replacement water after siphoning the pond, because the siphon process will release some of the water in the pond.
9. Shrimp Nets
Shrimp nets or nets are one of the shrimp pond equipment that is very necessary when the harvest arrives. Not only that, shrimp nets are also needed every day for sampling shrimp and used to drive away pests such as crabs that will enter the pond.

10. Shrimp Anco
Anko or tray is a tool used by farmers to determine the level of feed consumption in shrimp. It can be said that anco can be used to detect shrimp appetite, so that farmers can determine the amount of feed to be given.

Observation of shrimp feed consumption levels with anco can help farmers in determining the amount of feed. Of course, the use of anco is very effective because the feed you give is neither less nor more.
In addition to monitoring feed efficiency, anco can also be used to monitor shrimp health. With checking, you can monitor whether the shrimp you are cultivating are diseased or not.
11. eFeeder dari eFishery
eFeeder dari eFishery adalah auto feeder pakan udang yang mampu menekan angka FCR dan meningkatkan size udang dengan mudah. eFeeder terhubung dengan aplikasi sehingga Bapak/Ibu dapat dengan mudah mengatur frekuensi, takaran, dan jadwal pemberian pakan udang dari genggaman Bapak/Ibu.

Budidaya Udang Lebih Mudah dengan eFarm
Kini budidaya udang vaname akan jadi lebih mudah dengan eFishery. eFishery merupakan aplikasi andalan para petambak karena memiliki banyak fitur dan produk yang dapat mendukung keberhasilan budidaya udang Bapak/Ibu. Salah satunya adalah fitur Cultivation Consultation yang memberikan akses untuk berkonsultasi dan berdiskusi langsung dengan ahli budidaya.
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Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia
Questions Regarding Shrimp Pond Equipment
In shrimp farming, pond equipment that can be used by farmers, namely aerators, geomembranes, water pumps, DO meters, pH meters, refractometers, secchi disc, siphon hoses, shrimp nets, shrimp anchors, and efeeders for shrimp feeders.