aerator kolam ikan nila
aerator kolam ikan nila

What is the Use of a Tilapia Pond Aerator? Peep the Answer Here!

Tilapia is a fish that requires very high dissolved oxygen to maximize its metabolic system and growth. Therefore, tilapia ponds need a tool called an aerator. The existence of a tilapia pond aerator is very important, especially in ponds with calm water currents.

Let's take a look at this article together, ladies and gentlemen, to find out more about the function of the aerator!

Tilapia Fish Cultivation Tools

Aerator is one of the tools needed in tilapia cultivation. Apart from aerators, tilapia cultivation also requires other tools to make it more optimal. Come on, find out what these tools and their functions are first!

1. Tool Tools

For cultivators who use earthen ponds for cultivation, the tools used are hoes, sickles and knives. The tool is used to shape the inside of the pond and make waterways.

2. Hapa

Hapa is a mosquito net that is square or rectangular in shape. In tilapia aquaculture, hapa is used as a temporary storage container for the mother fish or their seeds. Hapa also functions to protect fish from pests or insects.

3. Small and Large Scale Scales

The scales used in tilapia cultivation are small scale and large scale scales. Small scale scales are used to weigh fish seeds or small fish, while large scale scales are used to weigh large fish harvested.

4. Secchi plate

A secchi plate is a tool used to measure the clarity of water. This tool is very important for aquaculture because if the water is too cloudy, the water will reduce the oxygen level in the water.

5. waring

Waring is a tool that functions as a barrier above the pond so that fish do not jump out. Ware is made of plastic. Even though it is made of plastic, the waring remains sturdy to hold the fish that will jump.

6. Nets

In tilapia cultivation, nets are used to catch tilapia that are ready to be harvested. Nets are installed at the bottom of the pond before cultivation begins. The goal is to keep all the fish in the pond in one place so they don't come out of the container.

7. Seser

Just like nets, seser serves to catch fish, it's just that the size of the seser is smaller. Usually seser has a handle. Seser can also be used to catch dirt in the pool.

8. Kakaban

Kakaban is a tool used by tilapia to attach fertilized eggs. Usually, kakaban is made from a bunch of fibers clamped with bamboo. Kakaban is also given ballast so it doesn't sink.

Function of Aerator in Tilapia Fish Ponds

prospek bisnis ikan nila
Source: Wikipedia

The role of tilapia pond aerators in aquaculture is very important for the survival of tilapia during the cultivation cycle. Oxygen from the aerator is needed by tilapia to breathe and get rid of the rotten gas contained in the pond. Without circulation and the oxygen that the aerator produces, these gases will poison the fish.

The way the aerator works is to make as much of the water surface in contact with free air so that as much water can enter as possible. In this process, the aerator also removes gases and foul-smelling substances in the pool. For more details, here is the function of the aerator in tilapia cultivation:

1. Creating Current in the Pond and Pumping Air

When it starts working, the aerator will stir up the water on the surface of the pool. The water that is agitated due to the movement of the aerator will create a current in the pool.

Water currents function to exchange the carbon dioxide content in the pool with oxygen in the air. This causes air to be pumped into the water to increase the dissolved oxygen levels needed by fish.

Signs that the aerator is functioning optimally is the appearance of bubbles at the bottom of the pool. With this, the dissolved oxygen content in pond water increases and tilapia can grow healthily.

2. Emergency Aeration

Aerators can work using various kinds of energy, there is electrical energy and battery energy. If you use an aerator whose energy source is electricity, the aerator will turn off when there is a power outage.

Meanwhile, if you use an AC/DC aerator or a battery aerator, the aerator will not turn off if there is a power outage. If there is a power outage and you need emergency aeration, you can try an AC/DC aerator.

Tilapia Fish Cultivation Without Aerator

pasar nila hitam
Source: Tilapia Depot

Even though an aerator is really needed for tilapia cultivation, you can also cultivate tilapia without using an aerator. Let's follow the way together!

For tilapia cultivation without an aerator, it's best if you place the pond in an area that gets direct sunlight. Sunlight will help the process of photosynthesis in the pond so that oxygen will appear by itself. For the type of pond itself, ideally you use an earthen pond to expedite the process of photosynthesis in the pond.

In addition, tilapia also requires extra care to grow well in ponds without aerators. In terms of feeding, it is recommended that you feed approximately 3% of tilapia body weight. Feed is given 2-3 times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The feed given should also not be arbitrary. The feed should contain 25-30% protein. You are also advised to provide additional feed as much as 15% of the total feed given.

After the feeding mechanism, another thing you have to pay attention to is the quality of the water in the pond. The water in the pool should be 28-30°C with a pH of 7-8.5 and a water discharge of 5 seconds per 1,000 square meters.

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