definisi, manfaat, dan cara hitung adg udang
definisi, manfaat, dan cara hitung adg udang

Shrimp ADG: Definition, Benefits, and How to Calculate

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Eko Afriantoro
Eko Afriantoro

Praktisi Budidaya Udang

ADG shrimp is the daily weight gain in a certain time. The purpose of ADG calculation is to determine the speed of shrimp growth. ADG of shrimp is one of the important parameters in the operational analysis of shrimp farming. By knowing the ADG value, you can obtain representative shrimp weight growth data over a certain period of time.

So, how do you calculate it and what formula can be used to calculate ADG shrimp? Get the answer in this article!

What is Shrimp ADG?

petambak udang membawa udang
Source: eFishery

In shrimp farming, not all farmers can produce a successful harvest. One of the parameters used to measure the success of cultivation is ADG. ADG (Average Daily Gain) and how to calculate it are important things that you must know. Why is that? Because the ADG value can measure the speed of shrimp growth.

The meaning of ADG in shrimp farming is the average daily weight gain of shrimp in a certain period of time, so it is used to determine the speed of shrimp growth. The higher the ADG value, it can be indicated that the better the growth of the shrimp that you are cultivating. ADG of shrimp is influenced by several factors such as age, stocking density, feeding management, water quality management, and pest and disease control.

Shrimp appetite can decrease due to unstable weather conditions. This condition causes water quality to fluctuate, so that the shrimp metabolism decreases. By knowing the ADG value of the shrimp, you can estimate the feed requirements and FCR in the pond, so that the shrimp do not experience a shortage of feed. If this happens, the shrimp will experience a decrease in growth due to a lack of energy obtained from feed for metabolic activities. 

In addition to lack of feed, excess feed will also cause low growth because shrimp require large energy for metabolic processes, so that their growth is stunted.

How to Calculate Shrimp ADG

The ADG value was measured by weighing the shrimp. ADG is the shrimp growth rate in grams/day. Shrimp ADG is calculated using the formula below:

cara menghitung adg udang
Source: eFishery

How to calculate ADG can be done by sampling the shrimp first. Sampling was carried out using spread nets and carried out every 7 or 10 days. The number of stocking nets for each sampling is 0.2% of the total pond area and is carried out in different places, so the results can represent the actual situation.

Example of a Shrimp ADG Calculation Case

Shrimp ADG needs to be calculated to determine the growth rate of the shrimp being cultivated. Come on, see an example of calculating ADG on shrimp below!

Example 1

Is known:

Sampling I = 10 grams

Sampling II = 12.5 grams

H = 10 days


ADG = (ABWt – ABWo) / H

        = (12.5 grams – 10 grams) / 10 days

        = 0.25 grams/day

So, the ADG of the shrimp is 0.25 gram/day.

Example 2

Is known:

Pak Untung conducted sampling on DOC 30 and DOC 40. On DOC 30 there were 256 long shrimps weighing 1.55 kg and on DOC 40 there were 177 long shrimps weighing 1.63 kg. The weighing container weighs 0.5 kg. What is the ADG of the shrimp?


Before you calculate the shrimp ADG, you need to calculate the MBW first. Come on, see below!

MBW30 = (Netted Shrimp Weight – Container Weight) / Number of Terjala Shrimp

              = (1,55 – 0,5) / 256

              = 0.00410 kg

              = 4.1 grams

MBW40 = (Netted Shrimp Weight – Container Weight) / Number of Terjala Shrimp

              = (1,63 – 0,5) / 177

              = 0.00638 kg

              = 6.4 grams

ADG = (MBW40 – MBW30) / (DOC40 – DOC30)

         = (6,4 – 4,1) / (40 – 30)

         = 0.23 grams/day

From the example questions above, we already know that Pak Untung's ADG for shrimp is 0.23 grams/day. In shrimp farming, the ADG of normal shrimp is 0.14 gram/day. The higher the ADG value, the faster the shrimp reach the desired size and the growth of the shrimp is classified as optimal.

How to Calculate ADG with the Cultivation Calculator

kalkulator budidaya udang
Source: eFishery

To speed up and simplify the process of calculating and predicting cultivation accurately, including calculating shrimp ADG, you can use the feature Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm! As the name implies, Cultivation Calculator is a feature created to calculate the growth of shrimp in your pond. With this feature, you can calculate important predictions that can be used to make cultivation plans in 1 cycle. In addition to the ADG of shrimp, you can also calculate the MBW/ABW and the size of the shrimp that are currently in the cultivation process.

By using Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm, you will experience various advantages, such as fast calculations and accurate results, can be used at any time, can be used to simulate cultivation conditions, and it's FREE!

You can directly fill in the data according to the field data and the results of the calculations will appear automatically, quickly and accurately, making it easier for you to make decisions in shrimp farming.

Before knowing how to calculate ADG for shrimp, you need to know that ADG for shrimp is included in the type of field sampling. Calculation of this prediction is done by taking direct sampling from the pond.

Here's how to use Cultivation Calculator to calculate Shrimp ADG:

cara menggunakan kalkulator budidaya untuk menghitung adg udang
Source: eFishery
  1. Click features Calculator on the main page eFarm.
  2. Choose a mode Compute Field Sampling by clicking the arrow on the right. You can choose Average Daily Gain (ADG) And checklist box next to it to calculate ADG. Click button Count which is at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter the requested information, ie MBW/ABW And DOC. Prediction numbers Average Daily Gain (ADG) will appear automatically in the bottom box.
  4. Press Wipe in the upper right corner to remove numbers. Press Edit Calculator to change the calculation mode.

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Calculate ADG Easier with the Free Cultivation Calculator on eFarm!

Now, you can calculate ADG more easily and quickly with features Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm from eFishery! Apart from ADG, you can also calculate SR (Survival Rate), size, Biomass, FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio), even MBW (Mean Body Weight) cultivation! Mr / Ms can use Cultivation Calculator only in app eFarm which can be in downloads for free on Google Play Store.

Use features Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm, Free!

Eko Afriantoro - Praktisi Budidaya Udang
Eko Afriantoro - Praktisi Budidaya Udang

Eko berpengalaman sebagai praktisi budidaya udang sejak tahun 2013 yang kini menjadi Farm Lead Research & Development (R&D) Shrimp eFishery.

Questions About ADG Shrimp

ADG of shrimp is the average daily weight gain of shrimp in a certain period of time, so it can be used to determine the speed of shrimp growth.

ADG of shrimp is one of the important parameters in the operational analysis of shrimp farming. By knowing the ADG of shrimp, you can estimate the feed requirements and FCR in the pond, so that the shrimp do not experience a shortage or excess of feed.

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