pencatatan data budidaya udang
pencatatan data budidaya udang

Cultivation Data Recording, The Key to Success in Shrimp Cultivation

Hello Mr/Ms Shooters! Have you ever been curious about what makes shrimp farming easier, more successful and thriving? Like the title of this article, the key is recording shrimp farming data!

Of course, even though farmers record data diligently, it doesn't mean that their shrimp farming will be profitable instantly. However, recording cultivation data really helps farmers check the condition of their ponds. In addition, with complete and neat data, shrimp farmers can take more accurate and better treatment steps.

Let's review how and why shrimp farmers need to record shrimp cultivation data!

Why Should Cultivation Data Be Recorded?

Periodically, you check the conditions of the shrimp, water, and ponds to ensure that shrimp farming, be it vanname shrimp, tiger shrimp, and so on, is running smoothly. 

Parameters for checking shrimp sampling such as color, activity, size, etc. determine the health condition of the shrimp in your pond. When there are oddities or abnormalities, you should be vigilant because there are aspects of shrimp pond maintenance that need to be paid attention to again. Recording data on the condition of the shrimp helps you check the development of the growth and health of the shrimp, so that you can take appropriate disease prevention measures or adjust the amount/type of feed given.

Parameters for checking pond water quality such as color, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen levels, ammonia levels, nitrite levels, nitrate levels, temperature, and so on cannot be ignored. Shrimp, especially juveniles or fry, are very vulnerable to death. Therefore, drastic changes in parameters can cause stress and make shrimp susceptible to disease or death.

With neatly recorded data, you can get more reliable information. You can see the actual condition and development of shrimp farming, so you can take fast and appropriate steps for treatment or prevention. 

How Can Cultivation Data Help Shrimp Farmers?

Making decisions based on shrimp farming data is not easy. However, data helps you make decisions that are right on target. Data recorded every day can be collected and used to draw conclusions. How to? Let's see.

1. Get the Latest Information 

Checking the condition of your pond regularly helps you get the latest information about your pond. This information is important in order to maintain the condition of the shrimp and pond water as conducive as possible so that the shrimp can grow optimally in a comfortable environment. In addition, you can control the stability of pond water conditions more easily because the slightest change can be seen quickly. 

2. Assist Decision Making

With the latest information and previous pond data, you can see the needs of your pond or shrimp, so you can determine steps treatments which is more targeted. For example, you see that shrimp growth is slowing down. It could be that the amount of feed that is spread is not much, so the shrimp are starving. Things like that can be seen quickly, so you can also take steps more quickly.

3. Seeing the Possibility of Disease

Shrimp cultivation data can help you see the possibility of disease or epidemics attacking the pond. One way is to look at the results of pond water laboratory tests. Note the total population of vibrio bacteria in the pond. If the vibrio bacteria are high, your shrimp are susceptible to disease.

Not only with periodic laboratory results, you can also see the potential for disease emergence from weekly population trends. If pond water conditions are stable, the shrimp will not be stressed and the possibility of disease attacks will be smaller. Therefore, maintaining the stability of water conditions is important.

4. Predicting Yields

With shrimp cultivation data, you can also estimate yields, you know! Aquaculture productivity can be calculated from feed efficiency and shrimp health conditions. By means of accurate calculations and proper feed management, you can get yield figures that are similar to reality. Apart from that, you can also make plans treatments cultivation that helps shrimp grow more optimally before being prepared for harvest.

Practicing Shrimp Cultivation Data Recording using eFarm

Now, you can record shrimp farming data more easily and practically using eFarm from eFishery!

eFarm is a pond management application with the most complete features, including features Daily Report, Cycle Report, And Harvest Plan!

laporan harian budidaya

Feature Daily Report is a feature that helps you to record daily prawn cultivation data practically, so that your cultivation data can be checked and monitored easily. This feature helps you take steps to care for cultivation or prevent disease quickly and precisely.

fitur laporan siklus

Feature Cycle Report is a feature that makes it easier for you to see the last cycle cultivation data. Data is presented in easy-to-read graphs and tables. With this, you can better plan the next shrimp farming cycle. As a result, shrimp farming becomes more profitable!

rencana panen udang

Then, there are features Harvest Plan, a feature that helps you calculate predictions or estimates of shrimp yields. With this feature, you can get a more certain estimate! In addition, eFishery can buy your crops at the best prices!

Let's visit eFarm from eFishery dan dapatkan panen udang maksimal, bobot udang lebih besar!

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