budidaya ikan nila
budidaya ikan nila

Tips on How to Cultivate Fast Tilapia Harvest and Big Profits!

Currently, the tilapia fish farming business is one of the most popular aquaculture businesses in Indonesian society. Tilapia is one of the favorite fish for consumption, so the demand will continue to increase and the profit prospects are very promising. The fast growth of tilapia makes harvesting tilapia not take a long time.

Before you start a tilapia farming business, let's follow these tips from eFishery!

An Easy and Profitable Way to Cultivate Tilapia!

1. Selection of Tilapia Seeds

bibit ikan nila

Choosing the right seeds for tilapia cultivation is very important. Generally, the seeds used are male or monosex, because 40% grows faster than female seeds.

2. Selection of Tilapia Cultivation Land

Pay attention to the type of soil that will be used as a pond. Each type of soil has its own advantages. 

Usually, clay or loam types work best. The characteristics of non-porous soil are able to hold water well. In addition, the type of clay or loam can be used as a pond wall. 

The slope of the land also has a role in smooth cultivation so that irrigation can be easier with the help of gravity. The optimal slope of the land is around 3-5%.

3. Quality of Water Sources

Selection of water sources must be selected correctly so that the yield becomes superior tilapia. Make sure the water is not polluted by toxic chemicals and is green/brown in color. A good water source contains plankton, which is the natural food for tilapia. You can ensure that the turbidity of the water is maintained by using a secchi disk. Usually the brightness number shows 20-30cm.

4. Preparation of Tilapia Fish Ponds

Pools that have been made well are also not used immediately. Filling pool water is better done gradually so that it is properly mineralized. Healthy and ready-to-use aquatic media can be seen from the presence of insect larvae, worms or seafood children at the bottom of the pond. Take the following steps before sowing tilapia seeds:

  • Two weeks before use, dry and dry the pond bottom for a few days.
  • Clean, hoe, and level the pond bottom soil.
  • Improve the bottom soil pH of the pond by applying fertilizer. The dosage: 100-300 kg/ha of quicklime (CaO) or 500-1000 kg/ha of agricultural lime for a pH of 6.
  • Give manure (organic) as much as 1-2 tons/ha by sowing and stirring to improve soil fertility.
  • Fill the pool with 5-10cm of water, then leave it for 2-3 days. After that, add water to a height of 75-100cm.
  • When the phytoplankton starts to appear in the water (greenish yellow), the pond is ready for use.

5. Distribution of Tilapia Seeds

After the pond is ready for use, it's time to spread the tilapia seeds. It is better to use acclimatization techniques so that the seeds can adapt to aquatic media and are not surprised by differences in temperature, pressure, pH, salinity and amount of oxygen. Cultivation ponds that have been stocked with seeds should not be left alone. It must be maintained, monitored and cared for.

6. Maintenance of Tilapia Fish

Maintain pool water quality regularly. Test certain parameters, such as oxygen levels. If it decreases, quickly fix it by increasing water circulation. If the levels of sulfuric acid and ammonia in the water are not balanced, there will be a foul odor in the pool. Replace ⅓ pool water with new water.

7. Harvest Tilapia

Generally, the tilapia fish that are most sought after are those measuring 300-500 grams per head. By stocking seeds of 10-20 grams per head, it usually takes 4-6 months to harvest tilapia.

Tilapia Marketing Tips

Fresh fish has a higher price in the market. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the method of sending fish so that the fish reaches consumers in a fresh condition. For harvesting and shipping fish, the best times are morning and evening. 

Make sure the fish has been thoroughly washed before packing. Use a clean, closed transport container. If shipping short distances, just use oxygenated plastic. But for long distance delivery, use a box fiberglass with max. capacity 50 kgs. For safer fish delivery, use low temperature water -+ 20C for fish transportation.

Start Tilapia Cultivation With Kabayan!

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Kabayan merupakan bantuan akses ke lembaga keuangan yang terpercaya, terdaftar, dan diawasi oleh OJK. Dengan adanya Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapat pakan, benih, dan sarana produksi lainnya yang bisa dibayar setelah panen. Keuntungan menggunakan Kabayan lainnya adalah proses cepat, bunga rendah, persyaratan mudah, akad perjanjian bisa secara syariah, pemesanan pakan atau saprokan melalui aplikasi, serta promo menarik lainnya. Pengajuan Kabayan it's also easy, you can register through the application eFisheryKu.

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