cerita budidaya ikan patin
cerita budidaya ikan patin

Cultivation Story: Catfish Cultivation Makes More Profit Using eFeeder!

Catfish, which is also known in the market as dori fish, is one of the most sought-after aquaculture commodities, especially by Horeka businesses and home industries. The delicious and unique taste of the meat is very appetizing when served. Cultivating catfish can be a profitable business if you apply accurate management, especially by spreading feed efficiently.

That is what happened to Mr. Eric Sinto Juniawan, or who is more familiarly called Mr. Eric. He is a catfish cultivator in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, who has been cultivating since 2012. He is also a cultivator who has faithfully used eFeeder from eFishery until now. 

cerita budidaya ikan patin

Mr. Eric met eFeeder at the eFishery Mega Workshop which was held in 2019, as part of the massive eFisheryFeeder launch. At that time, Mr. Eric immediately ordered 10 units for his pool. 

Today, Mr. Eric has 17 fish ponds which he uses for cultivating catfish. Each pond has a different number of seed stocks, from 10,000 to 25,000 fish/pond. There are 15 pools, each equipped with 1 unit eFeeders active. Each pool has a variety of sizes, from 15×20 meters to 30×30 meters. However, various pool sizes are not an obstacle when using an eFeeder.

The eFeeder in Mr. Eric's pond is placed on the edge of the pond to maximize ejection of feed. Currently, he is using the Advance setting, with a schedule for spreading feed 2 times a day, in the morning-noon and noon-night. This setting was chosen to optimize the amount of feed eaten by fish, so no feed is wasted. In one day, a total of 100-200 kg of feed is stocked for Pak Eric's catfish cultivation. However, this figure is considered profitable when compared to the yield. 

Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of Pak Eric's cultivation is stable at a ratio of 2:1. In addition, the size of the fish harvested is relatively the same size, namely 5-8 ounces/head. Maintaining the stability of FCR and fish size is very difficult if you do manual feeding. But by using an eFeeder, FCR and fish size can be maintained properly.

Apart from maintaining feed efficiency and fish size, Mr. Eric also feels that the eFeeder is very helpful. The process of feeding which is usually very draining of energy and time can be done automatically. Mr. Eric can arrange for himself the required feeding needs by simply using cellphone. Mr. Eric can arrange everything himself, from the duration, amount, frequency, to the feeding schedule. 

eFeeder not only helps Mr. Eric get satisfying yields, but also maintains efficiency in capital, resources, and cultivation time. He found ease and comfort in cultivating with the help of eFeeder from eFishery.

That's all Mr. Eric's Cultivation Story with eFeeder from eFishery! Experience how easy it is to spread effective feed like Pak Eric with support eFeedersDownloads eFisheryKu dan registrasi sekarang juga untuk dapatkan eFeeders dengan klik tombol di bawah ini!