Kenali Penyakit pada Ikan Gurame Akibat Patogen Parasit blog1 (1)
Kenali Penyakit pada Ikan Gurame Akibat Patogen Parasit blog1 (1)

Diseases in Gurame Fish Due to Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens

Hello, Fellow Cultivators! 

We meet again at SIAR, the second part of the Aquaculture Information Series, episode 3, on the topic “Disease in Gurame Fish”! At SIAR, the eFishery Aquaculture team will share tips, tricks, and info about fish and shrimp farming for the general public, especially Indonesian farmers!

In this episode, we are still accompanied by Daru, who will explain the types of diseases caused by 2 other types of pathogens, namely bacteria and fungi! Some diseases caused by bacterial pathogens are Columnaris and red spot. Both of these diseases thrive in poor waters, so it's very important that you take care of the quality of your pond!

Apart from pathogenic diseases caused by bacteria, there are also diseases caused by fungi, such as Saprolegnia and Achyla. Fish infected with the fungus will have fine threads or fungal hyphae in the wound. 

Apabila tidak ditangani, penyakit yang berasal dari patogen dapat membunuh ikan gurame Anda, bahkan menggagalkan panen Anda. Maka dari itu, Daru juga akan membagikan tips dan cara mencegah penyakit pada ikan gurame di video di atas. Simak video di atas ya!