usaha ikan teri crispy
usaha ikan teri crispy

Crispy Anchovy Business: Healthy Snacks Business Opportunity

Anchovy business crispy is one of the businesses that you can try if you want to start a culinary business using fish as the main raw material. Anchovy crispy is a delicious preparation that can be enjoyed by children and even adults. By running anchovy business crispySir/Madam, you can help many people to enjoy this high-calcium fish in a more delicious way. 

Come on, read this article to find out business analysis, recipes, and tips for business success!

Uniqueness and Benefits of Anchovy Crispy 

manfaat ikan teri crispy
Source: Cookpad

Anchovies are fish that are only about 2-10 cm in size. Although small in size, anchovies have great benefits.

Anchovy also has a high nutritional content such as calcium which can prevent osteoporosis. To avoid osteoporosis, humans need at least 1 gram per day. This calcium requirement can be obtained by simply eating or consuming anchovies.

In addition, anchovies can also strengthen teeth. Therefore, anchovies are suitable for babies to be able to support tooth growth. To be consumed by babies, anchovies can be mashed and then used as a mixture of baby porridge. By consuming only 5 grams of anchovies 3 times a week, anchovies can help grow teeth.

Anchovy Business Analysis Crispy 

In starting an anchovy business crispy, there are 2 types of capital that you must prepare, namely capital that is only issued at the start of the business and capital that is issued every month. The capital that you only spend at the start of the business includes capital to buy cooking utensils, packaging machines, and others. Meanwhile, the capital that you spend each month includes capital to buy fish, oil, spices, and others.

Come on, let's see how much capital you will spend to start an anchovy business crispy!

modal awal usaha ikan teri crispy
Table of Initial Capital for Crispy Anchovy Business

In addition to the costs above, there are costs that you must pay each month. For details, see the table below!

biaya bulanan produksi usaha ikan teri crispy
Crispy Anchovy Production Monthly Cost Table

If from these materials you can produce 500 packs of dried anchovies crispy, here is the calculation of the profit:

50 kg of anchovies = 500 packs (if the anchovy weighs 100 grams per pack)

500 x IDR 30,000 = IDR 15,000,000

Net profit :
Income – Expenditures = IDR 15,000,000 – (IDR 3,000,000 + IDR 5,204,000) = IDR 6,796,000

Recipes & How to Make Anchovy Crispy 

resep ikan teri crispy
Source: Cookpad

How are you, sir/madam? Anchovy business crispy pretty profitable, right? If you are interested in getting started, let's learn the anchovy recipe crispy following!


  • 200 grams of medium-sized wet anchovies
  • 6 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 3 tbsp tapioca flour
  • Enough water

How to make:

  • Clean the fresh anchovy with running water.
  • Mix a little water into 2-3 tablespoons of all-purpose flour. Make sure the dough is not too thick and not too runny.
  • Mix unused dry all-purpose flour with tapioca flour.
  • Enter the anchovies into the wet mixture, mix well.
  • Add the anchovies to the dry flour mixture. Make sure every surface is covered with dry flour.
  • Fry the anchovies covered in flour with hot oil. Fry until golden yellow.
  • If it is cooked, remove and drain.
  • Anchovy crispy ready to be served.

Anchovy Marketing Strategy Crispy 

pemasaran ikan teri crispy
Source: Rich Indonesia

The marketing strategy is the company's plan to introduce the widest range of products to reach customers and make sales. There are many marketing strategies commonly used in marketing products, one of which is the 4P strategy. The 4P strategy consists of Price, Product, Place, And Promotions or which, if translated into Indonesian, becomes Price, Product, Place, and Promotion.

The following is an explanation regarding the 4P marketing strategy:

1. Price

Consumers tend to make purchases based on product characteristics (appearance, style, & quality) and price. Pricing made by the seller will greatly influence consumer buying behavior. If consumers judge that the price listed is commensurate with the value of the goods, they will make a purchase.

Things that you should pay attention to as a seller in setting the price of anchovies crispy are the price of raw materials, processing labor wages, operational costs, and profit margins. Therefore, do not get it wrong in setting the price of anchovies crispy, yes sir/madam!

2. Products

In products, you can increase the value of anchovies crispy using quality anchovies. Anchovies and other quality raw materials can be obtained easily through cooperation with trusted suppliers so that the quality is guaranteed. In addition, anchovies crispy must also be processed hygienically and comply with SNI (Indonesian National Standard). 

After ensuring the quality of raw materials and hygiene, you must also ensure the safety of anchovy packaging crispy. Use safe packaging for anchovies crispy not much easy. Finally, don't forget to include an information label containing the product brand, product composition, product content (quantity), and expiration date on the packaging.

3. Place

The place that you choose to market anchovies crispy also greatly affect the level of sales. You can market the anchovies crispy in e-commerce, gift shops, restaurants, distributors, or agents for anchovy agar crispy that you make can be more widespread.

4. Promotion

You can promote anchovies crispy by word of mouth techniqueword of mouth) carried out by distributors and consumers who are satisfied with your product. You can also do direct sales (direct selling) by participating in a food festival which is visited by many people.

Tips for Choosing Quality Anchovies 

Anchovy delicacy crispy cannot be separated from the high quality of its main raw materials. To choose high-quality anchovies, pay attention to the following ways:

1. Smell the Aroma 

High-quality anchovies will have a light, fresh, and not fishy aroma. These aroma characteristics apply when you want to choose wet or dry anchovies.

2. Feel the Body 

Checking the quality of anchovy can also be done by holding or feeling its body. A good anchovy has a body that feels springy and is not brittle when held. Even when watered, fried, and soaked, the body of the anchovy will not break easily.  

3. Pay attention to the color   

Quality anchovies are blue-green on top and white on the bottom. You are advised not to buy white-brown anchovies because this is a sign that the anchovies are starting to get moldy.

4. Look at the condition of his head

When buying anchovies, you should choose the head that has not been severed from the body. The broken head indicates that the anchovy has been stored for a long time. So, the freshness and taste is reduced. 

5. Pay attention to his eyes

As with choosing fresh fish, choosing anchovies must also be seen from the condition of their eyes. You are advised to choose anchovies with bright eyes and stand out, especially if you buy wet anchovies. Anchovies with these characteristics are usually fresh, even when they are cooked they taste better and smell less pungent. 

Ikan teri crispy merupakan olahan lezat yang bisa dinikmati oleh anak-anak juga orang dewasa. Ikan teri yang sudah dihaluskan bahkan bisa dijadikan campuran bubur bayi karena bisa membantu pertumbuhan gigi. Maka dari itu, usaha ikan teri crispy adalah salah satu usaha yang bisa Bapak/Ibu coba jika ingin memulai bisnis kuliner. Yuk, mulai usaha ikan teri crispy sekarang!

Questions Regarding Crispy Anchovy Business

Yes, anchovies must be washed first.

Anchovies are not soaked, but washed under running water.
