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A New Way to Obtain a Cultivation Permit (SIUP for Shrimp Ponds)

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Syavin Pristiwayuning
Syavin Pristiwayuning

Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan

In order to operate legally and be recognized by the government, Mr/Mrs Farmers must have a shrimp cultivation license that is legal in the eyes of the law and recognized by the government. One of them is the SIUP for Shrimp Ponds. This SIUP must be owned by all farmers, both individual and non-individual farmers who have a business entity. So, what are the requirements for obtaining SIUP for shrimp ponds and what is the process? Read more in this article! 

The Importance of Having a Shrimp Cultivation Business Permit 

ilustrasi tambak udang
Source: eFishery

Fishery Business License (SIUP) is a written permit that must be owned by a fishing company to conduct business using the production facilities listed in the permit. This SIUP is valid as long as you carry out fishery business activities. The permit letter is a form of assurance that as a cultivator, you have met good cultivation standards, preserved nature, and maintained harmony with the social environment, and complied with applicable laws.

Apart from the fact that SIUP for shrimp ponds is mandatory for every shrimp farming business actor, SIUP also has its own benefits for you as an entrepreneur. Shrimp farming businesses that already have SIUP will get legal protection from the government. SIUP can also make it easier for you when you want to open a bank account and apply for a business loan. Apart from that, SIUP is sometimes also used as one of the conditions needed if your company participates in a tender. Finally, SIUP can make the shrimp farming business have credibility so that it can increase the trust of partners and consumers.

Adjusting the law on pond licensing, farmers who do not have a SIUP will not have legal protection, will not be able to develop their business, it will be difficult to get financial assistance, and their credibility will be doubted. In addition, your shrimp farming business can also be subject to sanctions in the form of fines in accordance with applicable regulations.

Types of Shrimp Pond Business Licensing 

Before simplifying, there are 21 types of permits that you must have before starting a shrimp farming business. The 21 types of permits involving 21 ministries and institutions in the manufacturing process. However, since 2020, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo, has emphasized that it is sufficient for shrimp cultivation permits to be carried out through only 1 door, namely through the BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board).

Cultivation permits that are carried out through 1 gate are called OSS (Online Single Submission). The OSS system aims to make it easier for business actors to start their business by simplifying licensing. Licensing simplification was carried out by cutting several procedures that were too complex and convoluted. In managing business licenses, OSS has been integrated with several ministries, institutions, agencies, and local governments. Want to know the terms and procedures for submitting SIUP through OSS? Keep following this article, come on!

Shrimp Cultivation Business Requirements 

SIUP is a document that must be owned by companies, except for companies that are expressly exempted from having SIUP. SIUP also ensures that the cultivation meets the aspects of shrimp farming listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries number 28 of 2004 concerning General Guidelines for Shrimp Cultivation. Therefore, in order for your shrimp cultivation to be legal in the eyes of the law, you need a Fishery Business License (SIUP). To make a SIUP, the following are the requirements:

  1. integrity pact
  2. Application letter (addressed to the Head of DPMPTSP in the respective province)
  3. Recommendations from the respective Provincial Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Services
  4. Photocopy of Deed of Establishment, company/cooperative that has been legalized by the authorized official along with a photocopy of KTP for individual applicants
  5. Photocopy of NPWP of companies and individuals
  6. Photocopy of KTP of the head / person in charge of the company
  7. Photocopy of location permit/Business Location Permit (SITU);
  8. Copy of HO disturbance permit;
  9. Photocopy of SPPL/environmental permit and UPL-UKL/AMDAL (For those with legal entities)
  10. Business plan (vision, mission, organizational structure, production plan, marketing goals etc.)
  11. Stamped power of attorney (if the permit is handled by someone else)

Flow of Obtaining SIUP for Shrimp Ponds 

A. SIUP for Shrimp Ponds for Individuals

tahapan perizinan berusaha via oss untuk perorangan
Source: National Working Group on Increasing Creative Industry Production (2022)

If you are an individual UMK (Micro Small Business) actor, follow this process to get a shrimp pond SIUP after completing all the requirements:

  1. OSS Account Registration
    At this stage, you are required to have an account on the site by pressing menu List and fill in the personal data column for the sake of creating an account.
  2. Filling in Business Actor Data
    After the account registration process is complete, you can press the menu New Application Business Licensing or Development. After pressing the menu, you will be asked to fill in personal data Mainly Mr/Mrs as individual business actors, such as ID card number and others.
  3. Business Data Filling
    After filling in personal data, you will also be asked to Fill in the data related to shrimp farming. Here, you are required to enter data that is in accordance with business activities including KBLI data, business location, investment value, labor, And marketing/production capacity per year.
  4. NIB issuance
    If the process of filling in the business actor's data and business data has been completed, it's time to wait for the issuance of the NIB (Business Identification Number) from the OSS institution. You need to wait some time to get an NIB. If there is, NIB will be issued automatically free of charge. With NIB, the shrimp farming business that you have already has legality and the making of SIUP has been successful.

B. SIUP for shrimp ponds for non-individuals

tahapan perizinan berusaha via oss untuk badan usaha
Source: National Working Group on Increasing Creative Industry Production (2022)

The process of applying for a shrimp pond business permit for Mr/Mrs who are UMK (Micro Small Business) Business Entity actors is not much different from that of individual business actors. To get a special SIUP for shrimp ponds for Business Entities, follow this process after completing all the requirements.

  1. OSS Account Registration
    At this stage, you are required to have an account on the site by pressing menu List and fill in the personal data column for the sake of creating an account.
  2. Filling in Business Actor Data
    After the account registration process is complete, you can press the menu New Application Business Licensing or Development. After pressing the menu, you will be asked to fill in your main personal data which is sourced from population data at DUKCAPIL And AHU ONLINE.
  3. Business Data Filling
    After filling in personal data, you will also be asked to Fill in the data related to shrimp farming. Here, you are required to enter data that is in accordance with business activities including KBLI data, business location, investment value, labor, And marketing/production capacity per year.
  4. NIB issuance
    If the process of filling in the business actor's data and business data has been completed, it's time to wait for the issuance of the NIB (Business Identification Number) from the OSS institution. You need to wait some time to get an NIB. If there is, NIB will be issued automatically free of charge. With NIB, the shrimp farming business that you have already has legality and the making of SIUP has been successful.

Start Shrimp Cultivation and Direct Consultation with Experts at eFarm!

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When the SIUP has been taken care of, it's time to start shrimp farming that is legal properly and correctly. When you want to start cultivating, there are a number of things that you need to prepare so that cultivation can run smoothly until harvest. If you are still confused about what to prepare, you can first consult with an aquaculture expert eFishery through features Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm

eFarm is the application of eFishery which provides various solutions for your shrimp farming problems. Besides being able to consult directly with an Aquaculture expert, in the application eFarm You can also find other information about shrimp farming. 

Fill out the form above for Cultivation Consultation in eFarm!

Syavin Pristiwayuning - Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan
Syavin Pristiwayuning - Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan

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