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How to Calculate Profits and Capital for Vaname Shrimp Ponds

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Syavin Pristiwayuning
Syavin Pristiwayuning

Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan

In running a business, preparing shrimp pond capital is a crucial thing that needs to be prepared carefully by Farmers. Capital is the initial fund needed to start a shrimp pond business.

After you know how much capital you will spend, you can calculate the profit you will get. The profits generated from the shrimp farming business are quite tempting. In fact, some shrimp farmers can earn shrimp ponds of up to IDR 200-300 million/cycle.

For those of you who are interested in starting vannamei shrimp farming, reading this article is the right choice. Here will be explained in full about how to calculate profits and capital for vannamei shrimp farming. Check out this article to the end, OK!

Shrimp Cultivation Business Potential

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Source: eFishery

Shrimp farming is a business that continues to improve every day. This is because the domestic and global market demand for shrimp is very high and continues to increase. This is because many people like to eat shrimp, considering that shrimp has a distinctive taste, thick flesh, and has a high protein content.

Considering that Indonesia is the largest maritime country in the world, the potential to do shrimp farming is quite large. In 2021, Indonesia is one of the largest shrimp exporting countries in the world. Indonesia is ranked 4th after India, Ecuador and Vietnam. 

Therefore, if you are interested in the shrimp farming business, then this business is still quite lucrative. There are many factors that make the vannamei shrimp farming business have good prospects for the foreseeable future, including:

  1. Vaname shrimp is a very potential export commodity.
  2. The level of consumption of shrimp continues to increase.
  3. Maintenance period is relatively fast, around 3-4 months. Generally, shrimp can be harvested when the DOC is 100, depending on each species.
  4. Sales of vannamei shrimp harvests are relatively easy compared to other types of shrimp.

There are a lot of advantages from the vannamei shrimp farming business, right? Come on, take a deeper look at how to calculate the capital and profits of vannamei shrimp farming! 

Shrimp Cultivation Business Capital

After knowing the business prospects and advantages of shrimp farming, it's time for you to do an analysis of the vannamei shrimp farming business. In this article, we will discuss the cost analysis of vannamei shrimp farming using semi-intensive and intensive systems.

In semi-intensive pond cultivation, the stocking density of shrimp is in the range of 30-80 heads/meter. This pond is also relatively easy to control because the stocking density is still not too dense, so water management tends to be easier.

While for intensive ponds, the stocking density is in the range of 100-150 fish/meter. Intensive ponds tend to require a greater focus on water management. This is due to the high stocking density, which results in higher organic matter derived from leftover feed, shrimp waste, and piles of dead microorganisms such as bacteria and plankton.

The following is an example of estimating the cost analysis of shrimp farming with semi-intensive and intensive systems:

A. Estimated Cost Analysis of Semi-Intensive System Vaname Shrimp Cultivation

In conducting shrimp farming, the following is a table of estimated costs for semi-intensive shrimp farming in a case study of one shrimp farmer in Serang, Banten in 2022:

tabel estimasi biaya investasi budidaya udang vaname semi intensif
Source: eFishery

From the table, the total investment cost of semi-intensive shrimp farming is IDR 504,140,000 with the total depreciation expense being IDR 6,721,867 per month. After knowing the estimated investment costs, the following is an estimated cost analysis per cycle:

tabel estimasi biaya budidaya udang vaname semi intensif per siklus
Source: eFishery

From the table above, the total costs per cycle incurred for semi-intensive system vannamei shrimp farming are IDR 290,787,467.

After knowing the cost of cultivating shrimp for 1 cycle, the following is a calculation of the profit and loss analysis of semi-intensive vannamei shrimp farming from Banten Farmers in 2022: 

tabel estimasi analisa untung rugi per siklus produksi budidaya udang vaname semi intensif
Source: eFishery

Of the total cost per cycle issued by IDR 290,787,467, This farmer from Banten received a revenue of IDR 560,000,000 with a huge profit IDR 269,212,533. 

The profit margin obtained by the Farmers from Banten starting semi-intensive shrimp farming is 48,07%. This shows that farmers are able to get a profit of 48.07% from the total revenue, where the remaining 51.93% is used for costs during cultivation.

Then, the R/C ratio shows the numbers 1,93 which means that this cultivation business is feasible because the total revenue is greater than the total cost where every Rp1 spent will provide revenue of Rp. 1.93 and profit of Rp. 0.93.

B. Estimated Cost Analysis of Intensive System Vaname Shrimp Cultivation

After knowing the estimated cost of semi-intensive shrimp farming, you also need to know the estimated analysis of intensive system shrimp farming in the same case study, namely one of the shrimp farmers in Serang, Banten in 2022:

tabel estimasi biaya investasi budidaya udang vaname intensif
Source: eFishery

From the table, the total investment cost of intensive system shrimp farming is IDR 672,540,000 with the total depreciation expense being IDR 8,967,200 per month.

After knowing the estimated investment costs, the following is an estimated cost per cycle:

tabel estimasi biaya budidaya udang vaname intensif per siklus
Source: eFishery

From the table above, the total costs per cycle incurred for intensive system vannamei shrimp farming are IDR 388,368,800.

After knowing the costs of cultivating shrimp for 1 cycle, the following is a calculation of the profit and loss analysis of intensive vannamei shrimp farming from Banten Farmers in 2022: 

tabel estimasi analisa untung rugi per siklus produksi budidaya udang vaname intensif
Source: eFishery

Of the total cost per cycle issued by IDR 388,368,800, This farmer from Banten received a revenue of IDR 700,000,000 with a huge profit  IDR 311,631,200. 

The profit margin obtained by the Farmers from Banten starting intensive shrimp farming is equal to 44,52%. This shows that farmers are able to get a profit of 44,52% from the total revenue, where the remaining 55,48% is used for costs during cultivation.

Furthermore, the R/C ratio shows a number 1,80 which means that this cultivation business is feasible because the total revenue is greater than the total cost where every Rp1 spent will provide revenue of Rp. 1.80 and profit of Rp. 0.80.

This calculation is an estimation calculation, because there will be many factors that can change the cost and revenue figures at harvest. If you want to add other tools or the number of seeds you cultivate, of course the monthly costs you have to spend will be higher.

To get the maximum harvest, you can do things like:

  1. Provide feed with high nutrition.
  2. Calculating feed according to the dose and needs.
  3. Prevent the entry of disease and plague.
  4. Use probiotics according to recommendations and needs.
  5. Keep clean and apply biosecurity .

By cultivating shrimp in accordance with SOP and cultivation standards, shrimp will be more able to survive disease attacks. This is because the shrimp are in conditions in accordance with the standard of cultivation. 

This can make the shrimp not easily stressed because the water conditions are in accordance with the needs of the shrimp. In addition, the shrimp's appetite will increase so that their growth is relatively fast. The reason is, energy is only used for growth, not for survival.

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Get Tips for Shrimp Cultivation Business through the Learning Cultivation Feature on eFarm! 

After you know the information regarding the analysis of vannamei shrimp farming, you might need additional information about how to run a shrimp farming business. Therefore, you need to find reliable information to make it easier when starting a shrimp farming business.

However, you don't need to worry or be confused anymore, because eFarm can provide a solution to the cultivation constraints that you are currently experiencing. eFarm is an application specially made for Shrimp Farmers.

eFarm equipped with various features, incl Learn Cultivation which can be accessed free of charge. With this feature, Farmers can watch videos on various aspects of cultivation, from managing shrimp farming capital, feed management, team building or HR for pond maintenance, to how to deal with epidemic diseases.

All videos are brought by experienced shrimp farming experts and shrimp farmers, so the information you get is very accurate and can help maximize shrimp farming.

come on, downloads eFarm and take advantage of features Learn Cultivation for free!

Syavin Pristiwayuning - Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan
Syavin Pristiwayuning - Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan

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  • Afan N, Hidayat T, and Budiharjo E. 2015. Feasibility Analysis of Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Cultivation in Intensive Ponds. UP Tegal Journal. 11(2): 25-31
  • Hidayat KW, Nabilah IA, Nurazizah S, and Gunawan BI. 2019. Growing Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) at PT. Dewi Laut Aquaculture Garut, West Java. Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health. 8(3): 123-128
  • Kariawu KSF, Durand SS, Tambanii GO, Pangemanan JF, Longdong FV, and Kalesaran OJ. 2021. Financial Analysis of Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Cultivation Business in the New Normal Era in Boyantongo Village, South Parigi District, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. Scientific Journal of Fisheries Agribusiness. 9(1): 134-141