cara menghitung mbw udang
cara menghitung mbw udang

How to Calculate Shrimp ABW Easily and Quickly

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Syavin Pristiwayuning
Syavin Pristiwayuning

Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan

In shrimp farming, there are many important terms that farmers need to know, one of which is ABW (Average Body Weight) or often referred to as MBW (Mean Body Weight). By knowing how to calculate the ABW of shrimp, you can more easily analyze the condition of the shrimp you are cultivating. 

ABW/MBW is an important parameter in shrimp farming, because it is used as a basis for monitoring shrimp growth. The ABW/MBW calculation is carried out at the time of sampling by calculating the total net weight divided by the number of shrimp, so as to obtain the average weight of the shrimp per head.

So, how to calculate it? Also, what formula is used to calculate the ABW of shrimp? Check out the full explanation in this article!

What is ABW/MBW Shrimp

The term in shrimp farming is a science that must be known by shrimp farmers. These important terms are the main parameters in the operational analysis of shrimp farming, one of which is ABW (Average Body Weight).

ABW of shrimp is the average weight of shrimp per head which is obtained from routine sampling during cultivation. The goal is to determine the condition and growth of shrimp. Not only that, if the sampling is done regularly, then you can see whether the shrimp has a disease or not.

jenis kolam udang
Source: eFishery

By knowing the ABW of the shrimp, you can measure the health level of the shrimp. Why is that? The increase in weight gain in shrimp occurs because the nutrients in the feed are able to be absorbed properly by the shrimp.

Feed content that is easily absorbed and utilized by shrimp will result in a higher ABW value. The ABW value is influenced by high protein, you can provide feed with protein > 35% to maximize shrimp growth. 

Protein in feed is used for body maintenance, tissue growth, and replacement of damaged tissue. Shrimp can grow well if they have a growth rate of 1-1.5 grams/week.

The increase in ABW of shrimp is closely related to the availability of dissolved oxygen in the pond, when the dissolved oxygen in the pond is optimal enough it will support the growth of the shrimp that you are cultivating.

ABW is also affected by stocking density, the higher the stocking density, the lower the average weight of the shrimp. This is due to competition for space in the cultivation media.

How to Calculate Shrimp ABW/MBW

ABW is the average weight of the shrimp from the sampling results, the units are grams/head. Measuring the ABW value of shrimp is quite easy to do, you only need to enter the by-product data into the predetermined formula. The following is the formula for calculating shrimp ABW:

cara menghitung abw udang
Source: eFishery

You can calculate the ABW of shrimp by doing a sampling first. Sampling can be done in 2 ways, as follows:

1. Sampling with Shrimp Nets

This method is done by taking at several points, namely 4-5 random points. Minimum sampling with nets is 1 kg of shrimp. Even though it is done randomly, you must pay attention to the construction of the pond, especially the bunds. You need to be careful so you don't get hurt as a result of being hit by the barrier. 

When sampling shrimp, you need to pay attention to the right time. You are advised to do it in the morning or evening, it is useful to minimize stress shrimp.

2. Sampling with Anco

This method can be done when the shrimp are in the anco. The difference between the two is based on the age and weight of the shrimp. At least 30-50 prawns taken in sampling with anco. 

Sampling with anco was carried out after the first feeding, which was 30-60 minutes. This is useful for getting uniform shrimp. After the shrimp are caught in the anco, you can count the number and weigh the sampling shrimp.

udang di anco
Source: eFishery

The results of the sampling are expected to be used as a basis for calculations in making decisions between cultivation techniques and shrimp quality and pond conditions at that time. In addition, you can also estimate the amount of feed to suit the needs of the shrimp.

The process of sampling activities with anco should be done 1.5-3 hours after feeding so that the number of shrimp taken can be maximized. Anco sampling activities should be done quickly, this is to avoid decreasing the quality of the sampled shrimp.

In addition, if the shrimp are weak after the sampling process, then the shrimp may not be returned to the pond. This is feared to cause shrimp to be cannibalistic and carrier or bring disease from outside the pond.

Case Example of Shrimp ABW/MBW Calculation

The ABW of shrimp needs to be calculated to determine the average weight of the shrimp being cultivated. Come on, see an example of ABW calculations for shrimp below!


Shrimp Total Weight = 250 grams

Total amount of shrimp = 100 tails


ABW = Shrimp Net Weight (grams) / Stocking Amount (head)

ABW = 250 grams / 100 head

ABW = 2.5 grams/head

So, the ABW of the shrimp is 2.5 grams/head.

How to Calculate ABW/MBW with the Cultivation Calculator

kalkulator budidaya udang
Source: eFishery

After understanding the formula and calculating ABW/MBW manually, you need to know how to speed up and simplify the calculation of shrimp ABW correctly and accurately. Now, you can use the feature Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm

Cultivation Calculator is a feature made to calculate the growth of shrimp in ponds. With this feature, you can calculate important predictions which can later be used to make a cultivation plan for 1 cycle. The numbers can always be updated according to the condition of the shrimp in the pond.

With features Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm, You will experience various advantages, such as being able to use it at any time, fast calculations and accurate results, can be used to simulate cultivation conditions, and it's FREE!

Apart from ABW/MBW of shrimp, you can also calculate ADG, population, biomass, FCR, SR, and size of shrimp that are in the cultivation process. You can directly fill in the data according to the field data and the calculation results will appear automatically and accurately. Thus, it is easier for you to make decisions in shrimp farming.

Before knowing how to calculate the ABW/MBW of shrimp, you need to know that the ABW/MBW of shrimp is included in the type of field sampling. Calculation of this prediction is done by taking direct sampling from the pond.

Here's how to use Cultivation Calculator to calculate the ABW of Shrimp:

cara menghitung abw udang dengan kalkulator budidaya 1

cara menghitung abw udang dengan kalkulator budidaya 2

How to Use the Farm Calculator to Calculate Shrimp ABW

  1. Click features Calculator on the main page eFarm.
  2. Choose a mode Compute Field Sampling by clicking the arrow on the right. You can choose MBW/ABW And checklist box next to it.. Click the button Count which is at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter the requested information, ie Shrimp Total Weight (gram) And Number of Shrimp (tail). Prediction numbers MBW/ABW will appear automatically in the bottom box.
  4. Press Wipe in the upper right corner to remove numbers. Press Edit Calculator to change the calculation mode.

Need Help Regarding Shrimp Cultivation Business?

Fill in your personal data in the following form. Our team will immediately contact you via the number cellphone attached. Make sure the data entered is correct.

Calculating ABW Easier with Cultivation Calculator in eFarm!

Now, you can calculate ABW more easily and accurately with features Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm from eFishery!

This feature is useful to assist you in calculating and predicting shrimp growth correctly. In addition, this feature can save time because you only need to enter the numbers needed and the results will come out right away.

Come on, use it Cultivation Calculator for free from eFarm now!

Syavin Pristiwayuning - Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan
Syavin Pristiwayuning - Penulis Makalah Ilmiah Perikanan

Berpengalaman sebagai asisten koordinator pelatihan teknisi pada tahun 2020 dan saat ini aktif sebagai Technical Support Online di eFishery

Questions Regarding ABW/MBW Shrimp

ABW of shrimp is the average weight of shrimp per head which is obtained from routine sampling to determine the condition and growth of shrimp during cultivation. 

ABW of shrimp is one of the parameters in the analysis of shrimp culture. By knowing the ABW of the shrimp, you can find out the condition and growth of the shrimp.

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  • Prama EA, Akbarurrasyid M, Astiyani WP, Prajayanti VT, and Anjarsari M. 2023. The Effect of Different Feed Brands on Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Cultivation at PT. Blue Ocean Archipelago, Pangandaran Regency, West Java Province. Marine and Fisheries Science Technology Journal. 4(1): 11-21