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apakah efeeder udang bisa digunakan di semua tambak

Can Shrimp eFeeders Be Used in All Types of Ponds?

Artikel Ini Telah Direview dan Berkolaborasi Dengan:

Laksono Radityo
Laksono Radityo

Praktisi Budidaya Udang

Rifki Maulana
Rifki Maulana

Tech Consultant IoT

Before installing a Shrimp eFeeder in your pond, you need to pay attention to several aspects, such as the type of pond where the eFeeder will be installed, the distance between the eFeeder and the water anco, where to install the eFeeder (using a float or bridge), the cultivation system used, and so on. You must pay attention to these aspects so that the eFeeder can function optimally and the shrimp do not experience food shortages. 

Then, what cultivation system is suitable for using eFeeder? And, can the eFeeder be used in all types of ponds? Check out the following explanation!  

Suitable Culture System for Shrimp eFeeders

Shrimp eFeeder (formerly eFishery Feeder) is auto feeder shrimp suitable for all aquaculture systems (traditional, semi-intensive, and intensive) and can be used in all types of ponds.

What needs to be remembered when using a Shrimp eFeeder in a pond is that you need to make a special place to install the eFeeder. This special place can be in the form of a bridge or a buoy located in the middle of the pond.

If you use a bridge, it is better if the bridge is made 10-12 meters from the bund with a position jutting towards the pond. You can make a bridge out of wood, bamboo or concrete/cement. 

If you plan to place the eFeeder on the float, make sure the Shrimp eFeeder is not exposed to water when pond water shocks occur. This is to prevent rust on the eFeeder due to pond water.  

How to Optimize the Use of Shrimp eFeeders in Various Types of Ponds

1. Ground Pool

efeeder di kolam tanah
Source: eFishery

An earthen pool is a pond whose bottom and bunds are made of soil without any layers. If you want to use the eFeeder in an earthen pond, you need to make a bridge first as a place to install the eFeeder. eFeeder can be fastened with clamps supplied in the eFeeder package or tied with wire. 

2. Concrete Pool

efeeder di kolam beton
Source: eFishery

Concrete ponds or cement ponds are ponds whose parts are concreted/cemented so that they are permanent and not easily damaged. For placing the eFeeder in a concrete pool, you can use a bridge. Make a bridge with a distance of 30-40% from the side of the pond length and the distance of the bridge 10-12 meters from the side of the pond.

3. Plastic Pool

efeeder di kolam plastik
Source: eFishery

Plastic ponds are pools/ponds covered with plastic. The eFeeder can be used in plastic pools by placing it at the end of a bridge at a distance of 10-12 meters from the side of the pool. 

4. Floating Net Cage (KJA)

efeeder di keramba jaring apung
Source: eFishery

For the use of eFeeders in floating net ponds, eFeeders can be attached to buoys or placed on bridges. When using a float, you must make sure the eFeeder is about 50 cm above the water level. This is so that the eFeeder can rotate and spread the feed to the maximum. 

Budidaya Udang Lebih Mudah dengan eFarm

Kini budidaya udang vaname akan jadi lebih mudah dengan eFishery. eFishery merupakan aplikasi andalan para petambak karena memiliki banyak fitur dan produk yang dapat mendukung keberhasilan budidaya udang Bapak/Ibu. Salah satunya adalah fitur Cultivation Consultation yang memberikan akses untuk berkonsultasi dan berdiskusi langsung dengan ahli budidaya.

Isi form di bawah dan downloads application eFarm untuk mendapatkan banyak manfaatnya!

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Laksono Radityo - Praktisi Budidaya Udang
Laksono Radityo - Praktisi Budidaya Udang

Berpengalaman sebagai asisten riset perikanan dan teknisi tambak udang. Saat ini aktif sebagai Technical Support Online di eFishery

Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT
Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT

Rifki menjadi bagian dari Tech Consultant Product IoT eFishery yang bertanggung jawab menganalisis kesiapan dan kerusakan produk IoT, seperti eFeeder

Questions Regarding eFeeder in Pond Ponds

Can. What needs to be remembered when using an eFeeder in a pond is that you need to make a special place to install the eFeeder. This special place can be in the form of a bridge or a buoy located in the middle of the pond.

You can, but you need to make a special place to install the eFeeder, in the form of a bridge or float. The bridge should be made of wood, bamboo or concrete/cement. If using a float, make sure the Shrimp eFeeder is not exposed to water when water is shaken so that the eFeeder does not rust.