basmi myo pada udang dengan 6 rekomendasi obat
basmi myo pada udang dengan 6 rekomendasi obat

Eliminate Myo in Shrimp with These 6 Recommended Drugs!

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

As a farmer, you must know how to treat Myo disease in vannamei shrimp. This is because Myo or IMNV is a common disease that attacks cultivated shrimp. 

Shrimp exposed to Myo will turn pale in color. In addition, the characteristics of the shrimp affected by Myo are white color or white lumps on the body segments, reddening of the abdomen to the tail, cramps in the muscle tissue, and shrinking of the hepatopancreas. Myo can also cause death in shrimp. Therefore, you must be vigilant and know the drugs that can help you prevent this disease from entering the pond.

Check out the following 6 drug recommendations to treat Myo disease!

1. Aqualisan

Aqualisan is an environmentally friendly disinfectant for shrimp farming. Aqualisan is a product that is safe to use, environmentally friendly, leaves no harmful residue, and is significantly more effective than other disinfectants.

disinfektan aqualisan 22 kg
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Aqualisan:

  • Controls and kills harmful viruses, bacteria and microbes 
  • Oxidize and eliminate harmful compounds, such as H2S, NH3, NO2, and algae toxins
  • Eco-friendly and harmless to shrimp
  • Ensuring the safety of shrimp pond biosecurity

Dosage and How to Use Aqualisan:

  1. The application of Aqualisan is adjusted to the target microorganism. Make sure it's not used at the same time as using probiotics. The following are the recommended dosing times:
    • If you want to target BGA (Blue Green Algae), then dosing is done when the sun starts to set.
    • If you want to target GA (Green Algae), then dosing is done in the afternoon. 
    • If you want to target bacteria, dosing is done at night after there is no sunlight.
  2. Place the dosing on the anco bridge.
  3. The dosage must be adjusted according to brightness, BGA (Blue Green Algae), plankton composition, TVC/TBC ratio, and pond type. Usually, the dose for using Aqualisan in an earthen pool is 4 ppm. Meanwhile, the dose for use in HDPE, plastic, mulch and concrete pools is a maximum of 2 ppm, adjusted to water quality parameters. For the exact dosage, consult a shrimp farming expert.
  4. If there are indications of disease infection, you can give a dose of 8 ppm every 3 days (taking into account other environmental factors).

For the proper use of Aqualisan, consult the method and dosage to a shrimp farming expert.

2. Aquasept 3.0

Aquasept is a tablet-shaped disinfectant effervescent, so that it is easy and fast to apply to aquaculture ponds.

elanco aquasept 3
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Aquasept 3.0:

Reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria in ponds

Dosage and How to Use Aquasept 3.0:

  • In the Water Preparation Stage

Use 1 tablet for 5 m3 as much as 1 ppm. Disinfect water and pool bottom to kill vibrios, pathogenic bacteria, etc.

  • Reservoir Pool/Pond Reservoirs 

Use 1 tablet for 10-20 m3 as much as ¼-½ ppm. Disinfection (water and basic) to reduce ferric acid (ferric acid) and organic matter.

  • For Vibrio Conditioning (Culture Period, DOC > 30) 

Use 1 tablet for 30-40 m3 as much as ⅛-1/6 ppm.

Calculate the correct dose according to the needs of the pond, then insert the Aquasept 3.0 tablets directly into the pond pond.

3. Coforta A

Coforta A is feed additives which serves to increase metabolism and growth as well as reduce stress on shrimp.

elanco coforta a
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Coforta A:

  • Improve the immune system (immune) and shrimp growth 
  • Recovering shrimp health due to environmental changes or after partial harvests
  • Increase metabolism in shrimp 

Coforta A Dosage:

  • At DOC < 30: Coforta A is mixed with feed as much as 20% of the total feed. Its application is carried out once a day with the addition of 3 g/feed.
  • At DOC > 30: Coforta A is mixed into feed as much as 15% of the total feed. The application is carried out 2 times for 3 consecutive days, then a break for 7 days, with the addition of 3-5 g/kg of feed.

How to Apply Coforta A:

Dissolve Coforta A in water, then mix it with the shrimp pellets. Then, paste with oil like oil binders and let it dry for 15 minutes before spreading it into the shrimp pond.

4. Nitro TP

NitroTP is a suitable microbial inoculum used for shrimp farming with the aim of maintaining the quality of shrimp aquaculture water. 

probiotik udang nitro tp
Source: eFishery

This product contains bacteria:

  • Bacillus pumilus 
  • Bacillus megaterium
  • Thiobacilus denitrificans
  • Nitrosomonas sp.
  • Nitrobacter sp.

Benefits of Nitro TP:

  • Improve and stabilize the water quality of shrimp ponds
  • Stabilizes the digestive tract of shrimp
  • Helps suppress algae growth in ponds
  • As a good probiotic for shrimp
  • As anti virus and fungicide in ponds
  • Remodel H2S and nitrite go through a denitrification process

Dosage and How to Use Nitro TP:

  • Water Preparation Stage 

The recommended dose is 0.05-0.1 mg/liter.

  • Fry Spreading Stage 

The recommended dose is 0.05-0.1 mg/liter. 

  • Maintenance period 

The recommended dose is 0.05-0.15 mg/liter every 14 days until the shrimp are harvested.

5. Paraqua Lacto

Paraqua Lacto is a probiotic made to produce lactic acid/Lactic Acid Bacteria. These bacteria can help improve the digestion process and the shrimp immune system, so that the shrimp are more resistant to disease.

probiotik udang paraqua lacto bubuk 1 kg
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Paraqua Lacto:

  • Improve water quality 
  • Improving the immune system of shrimp in aquaculture ponds 
  • Helps decompose feed that settles at the bottom of the pond

Dosage and How to Use Paraqua Lacto:

Spread on the pool according to the recommended dose, which is 0.2-0.3 ppm with an interval of 2-3 days.

6. Stimuno Plus C-Take

Stimuno Plus C-Take is a vitamin that is useful for shrimp farming.

vitamin udang takeshu stimuno plus
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Stimuno Plus C-Take:

  • Complete the vitamin needs of shrimp and fish
  • Helps increase the body's resistance (immunity) shrimp
  • Prevents vitamin deficiency in shrimp and fish

Dosage and How to Use Stimuno Plus C-Take:

Applied to the feed as much as 2 gr/kg every hour of feed. 

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Get the Best Product Recommendations for Eradicating Myo 

Myo or IMNV is a virus that attacks shrimp by destroying the muscle tissue of the shrimp's body. The disease causes the shrimp to be susceptible to death. To prevent this, you can do various ways, one of which is by giving medicine and vitamins to the shrimp. 

If you are still confused about choosing the right medicinal and vitamin products to treat Myo disease, you can consult with a shrimp farming expert through Cultivation Consultation from the application eFarm.

Cultivation Consultation is a consulting feature on line with shrimp farming experts through the application eFarm. Through features Cultivation Consultation, Mr/Mrs can consult all problems of shrimp farming and get the right treatment steps and the right product recommendations. Mr / Ms just enough todownloads and register personal data in the application eFarm, And eFarm can be accessed for free from anywhere. 

What are you waiting for? Consult cultivation issues through the application eFarm right now!

Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

Questions Regarding Shrimp Myo Drugs

Recommendations for drugs that can be used to treat Myo disease in shrimp are Aqualisan, Aquasept 3.0, Coforta A, Nitro TP, Paraqua Lacto, and Stimuno Plus C-Take.