cara menaikkan biomassa udang dengan suplemen caforton os
cara menaikkan biomassa udang dengan suplemen caforton os

How to Increase Shrimp Biomass with Caforton OS Supplements

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Sangga Sulistyo
Sangga Sulistyo

Praktisi Aquaculture

Increasing shrimp biomass is a mandatory task for a farmer. Shrimp biomass is the total weight of the shrimp in the pond which is usually expressed in units of weight, such as kg, quintals, or tons. 

Biomass is one of the determining factors for the success of aquaculture. Check out the explanation here!

The Importance of Increasing Shrimp Biomass

Biomass is one of the determining factors for the success of cultivation because the higher the biomass produced, the greater the profit the cultivation business will get. The rise and fall of shrimp biomass is influenced by several factors, such as: 

  1. Feed nutrition. If the nutrient content in the feed is in accordance with the needs of the shrimp, the shrimp will grow faster.
  2. Stocking density. If not properly cared for, stocking densities that are too high will cause low SR due to competition for resources in the pond, so that the shrimp are susceptible to stress. This will affect the biomass because a low SR will produce small biomass.
  3. Harvest time. Shrimp harvested at DOC 120 and shrimp harvested at DOC 90 will have a different biomass. Usually the longer the rearing period, the higher the shrimp biomass. 
  4. Water quality. When pond water quality is at optimal conditions, shrimp are not easily stressed, so their growth becomes optimal.
  5. Shrimp Supplement. Giving supplements is an effort that must be done to increase the growth of shrimp. One of the goals of giving supplements is to improve the shrimp's immune system so that shrimp are not susceptible to disease and have optimal growth. 

How to Use Caforton OS to Increase Shrimp Biomass

elanco caforton os
Source: eFishery

One of the supplements that can increase shrimp biomass is Caforton OS. Caforton OS is feed additives in liquid form to increase metabolism and growth and reduce stress on shrimp. The benefits of Caforton OS are:

  1. Recovering shrimp health after shock effect due to environmental changes
  2. Improve the immune system (immunity) and shrimp growth
  3. Restore shrimp health quickly, eg after partial harvest
  4. Increase shrimp metabolism


2-4 ml per 1 kg of feed

How to use:

  • DOC < 30 days: Mixed in one of the feeding schedules (20% total feed), applied 1 time/day
  • DOC > 30 days: Mixed on one of the feeding schedules (15% total feed), applied 2 times/day (3 days of application, 7 days off)

The use of Caforton OS is proven to increase shrimp biomass:

biomassa petambak udang taufik sebelum dan setelah penggunaan caforton os
Source: eFishery

Caforton OS is proven to increase shrimp biomass. This is felt by Pak Taufik, a shrimp farmer from West Lampung who uses Caforton OS products. Before using Caforton OS, Pak Taufiq's shrimp biomass was only 38 tons. After using Caforton OS, the shrimp biomass increased by 31.6%, reaching 50 tons. 

The use of Caforton OS can provide additional energy, thereby increasing shrimp appetite. This has a direct impact on the growth of shrimp, SR (Survival Rate or shrimp survival rate), and more optimal harvested biomass. 

The increase in SR is the result of using Caforton OS with the content of butaphosphan and vitamin B12 which helps to recover from stress, and increases metabolism and the immune system in shrimp. 

Dapatkan Bantuan untuk Menaikkan Biomassa Udang bersama Ahli Budidaya!

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Biomassa yang tinggi akan meningkatkan keuntungan usaha budidaya, sehingga penting bagi Bapak/Ibu untuk menjaga kondisi udang agar tidak mudah stres dan memiliki sistem imun yang baik.

Jika Bapak/Ibu ingin langsung berkonsultasi dan mendapatkan rekomendasi terkait cara menaikkan biomassa udang, Bapak/Ibu bisa langsung mengakses fitur Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm secara GRATIS. Bapak/Ibu akan berkonsultasi langsung dengan Ahli Budidaya eFishery dan mengetahui tips menarik lainnya seputar budidaya udang.

Fill out the form above to consult at Cultivation Consultation secara FREE!

Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture

Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Questions Regarding How to Increase Shrimp Biomass

What must be done to increase the biomass is meet the nutritional needs of shrimp feed, apply stocking density management according to pond size, optimize shrimp rearing period, maintain water quality, and provide additional supplements.

One of the supplements that can increase shrimp biomass is Caforton OS. Caforton OS is feed additives in liquid form to increase metabolism and growth and reduce stress on shrimp.

  • Witoko, P., N. Purbosari, NM Noor, DP Hartono, E. Barades and RJ Bokau. 2018. Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Cultivation in Sea Floating Net Cages. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agricultural Technology Development, Lampung State Polytechnic. 410-418.