keuntungan menggunakan efeeder udang
keuntungan menggunakan efeeder udang

5 Advantages of Using a Shrimp eFeeder, More Cash!

Artikel Ini Telah Direview dan Berkolaborasi Dengan:

Sangga Sulistyo
Sangga Sulistyo

Praktisi Aquaculture

Rifki Maulana
Rifki Maulana

Tech Consultant IoT

eFeeder from eFishery (formerly known as eFishery Feeder) is one of eFishery's innovations that can support shrimp farmers in the process of distributing feed. eFeeder is specifically designed for shrimp farmers, so it is easy to use and can optimize feed to get optimal yields.

For a more complete explanation of the benefits of eFeeders, let's read this entire article to find out what eFeeders are and how they differ from manual feeding methods. Check out the explanation as follows.

What is eFeeder from eFishery?

foto efeeder di tambak udang
Source: eFishery

One of the big problems in shrimp farming is the lack of efficient use of feed which causes feed costs to swell. eFeeders are auto feeder Shrimp feed or automatic shrimp feed equipment that can be fully controlled by farmers through applications to regulate effective feed spread to achieve maximum and profitable yields. The use of an eFeeder is ideally done at DOC 30 when the shrimp are started to be fed pellets with a feed size of 1-5 mm. 

Advantages of Using eFeeder

As discussed briefly before, eFeeder for your shrimp farming business will bring many advantages. The advantages of eFeeder for shrimp ponds are as follows: 

1. Accelerate Growth

Shrimp have properties continuous feeding or eat constantly. eFeeder can eject feed many times until the feed in the container runs out. That way, the eFeeder is able to balance the characteristics of the shrimp so that the use of feed is more optimal and the shrimp grow faster.

2. Optimizing FCR

An even distribution of feed can make the feed conversion value or FCR of shrimp ponds more optimal. The feed will be eaten and used by the shrimp immediately, so it doesn't cause excess feed residue or overfeeding.  

3. Increasing Production

eFeeder is able to help farmers to increase feed efficiency. The use of appropriate and efficient feed will save feed costs and accelerate shrimp growth, so that shrimp harvest will be faster and production profits will double. 

4. Improving Water Quality

Water quality will be maintained because with an eFeeder, there is less feed left in the pond, so there is less waste that has the potential to reduce shrimp health. Maintained water quality will increase the survival ofSurvival Rate (SR) shrimp in ponds. 

5. Save Time and Energy

Pond workers only need to fill the feed containers when the feed has run out without the need to surround the pond to spread the feed, so they can save more time and energy.

Differences in Manual Feeding and with eFeeders

Then, what is the difference between manual feeding and eFeeder? Here's the difference:

perbedaan pemberian pakan udang secara manual dengan efeeder
Source: eFishery

Budidaya Udang Lebih Mudah dengan eFarm

Kini budidaya udang vaname akan jadi lebih mudah dengan eFishery. eFishery merupakan aplikasi andalan para petambak karena memiliki banyak fitur dan produk yang dapat mendukung keberhasilan budidaya udang Bapak/Ibu. Salah satunya adalah fitur Cultivation Consultation yang memberikan akses untuk berkonsultasi dan berdiskusi langsung dengan ahli budidaya.

Isi form di bawah dan downloads application eFarm untuk mendapatkan banyak manfaatnya!

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Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture

Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT
Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT

Rifki menjadi bagian dari Tech Consultant Product IoT eFishery yang bertanggung jawab menganalisis kesiapan dan kerusakan produk IoT, seperti eFeeder

Questions About the Advantages of Using a Shrimp eFeeder

Manual feeding is done by spreading the feed by hand while circling the pond. Meanwhile, eFeeder spreads feed automatically with the amount and time according to the settings of the farmer.

Some of the advantages of using a shrimp eFeeder are accelerating growth, optimizing FCR, increasing production, improving water quality, and saving time and effort.

  • ISW. 2020. 2 Feeding Techniques for Shrimp. Retrieved January 27, 2022
  • Trobos Aqua. 2017. Plus Minus Shrimp Autofeeder. Retrieved 27 January 2023