rekomendasi obat kekebalan tubuh udang untuk tingkatkan SR dan ADG
rekomendasi obat kekebalan tubuh udang untuk tingkatkan SR dan ADG

3 Shrimp Immune Drugs to Increase SR and ADG!

Artikel Ini Telah Direview Oleh:

Sangga Sulistyo
Sangga Sulistyo

Praktisi Aquaculture

As a farmer, you must know what are the shrimp immune drugs that can boost the shrimp immune system. Shrimp are animals that only rely on the natural immune system and do not have it adaptive immunity or adaptive immune system.

Adaptive immunity Is a defense mechanism in the body in the form of resistance against certain antigens. Therefore, increasing the shrimp immune system is not enough just by providing feed with a balanced nutrient composition, but also needs to be accompanied by providing immunostimulants. The goal is for the shrimp's immune system to become stronger so they are not susceptible to disease.  

Let's look at product recommendations to boost the immune system in shrimp below!  

3 Recommendations for Shrimp Immune Medicine

The following are product recommendations that are useful for boosting the immune system in shrimp:

1. Elanco Aqua C Fish Plus

elanco aqua c fish plus
Source: eFishery

Aqua C Fish Plus is feed additives to boost the immune systemimmunostimulant) and acts as an antioxidant.

Benefits of Aqua C Fish Plus:

  • Improving shrimp health and immunity against infection from pathogens
  • Meet the needs of organic acids to improve digestion and absorption of food
  • Meet the needs of vitamin C which is important for the growth of shrimp and protect the digestive tract


The recommended dose is 3-5 grams/kg of feed every day treatments (equivalent to ascorbic acid (AAE) of 200-300 mg/kg of feed)

How to Apply:

  • Pellet Feed
    Dissolve Aqua C Fish Plus in water, mix with pellets, then seal with oil (oil binder is optional), and let dry for 15 minutes before spreading.
  • Homemade Feed (Homemade)
    Mix Aqua C Fish Plus with the cooled feed.
testimoni siyamto pengguna aqua c fish plus
Source: eFishery

Mr. Siyamto, a shrimp farmer from South Lampung Regency, uses Aqua C Fish Plus to increase the immunity of his cultivated shrimp. Before using Aqua C Fish Plus, SR (Survival Rate) Pak Siyamto's shrimp pond is 35%. After using Aqua C Fish Plus, SR increased to 79%. In addition, the ADG of Pak Siyamto's shrimp pond also increased. Previously, the ADG obtained was 0.23 g/day, then it increased to 0.39 g/day. Dose treatments used is 3gr/kg of feed, given once a day every day when the most feed or shrimp appetite is high. 

2. Elanco Coforta A

elanco coforta a
Source: eFishery

Coforta A is feed additives which is useful for increasing growth and metabolism.

Benefits of Coforta A:

  • Improving immunostimulant (immune system) and growth
  • Able to restore shrimp health quickly, for example after a partial harvest
  • Reducing stress due to environmental changes 


  • DOC < 30 days : Coforta A mixed in feed (20% total feed)
  • DOC > 30 days : Coforta A mixed in feed (15% total feed)

How to Apply:

  • DOC < 30 days : Apply once a day with the addition of 3gr/kg of feed
  • DOC > 30 days : Apply 2 times/day for 3 consecutive days, then 7 days off with the addition of 3-5 g/kg of feed
testimoni petambak udang candra pengguna coforta a
Source: eFishery

Mr. Candra is a farmer located in East Lampung Regency. He succeeded in increasing shrimp biomass after using Coforta A products. Pak Candra's pond shrimp biomass before using Coforta A was only 605 kg. After using Coforta A, shrimp biomass increased by 112.4% to 1,285 kg. The dose used by Mr. Candra is 1.5 g/kg of feed.

3. Elanco Caforton OS

elanco caforton os
Source: eFishery

Caforton OS is almost the same as Coforta A, the only difference is the shape. Caforton OS is in liquid form, while Coforta A is in form powder or powder. The benefits of Caforton OS are the same as Coforta A.

Manfaat Caforton OS:

  • Improving immunostimulant (immune system) and growth
  • Able to restore shrimp health quickly, for example after a partial harvest
  • Reducing stress due to environmental changes 

Dosage and Application Method:

Caforton OS is the same as Coforta A.

testimoni petambak udang taufik pengguna caforton os
Source: eFishery

Pak Taufik is a farmer located in West Lampung. Previously, S.R. (Survival Rate) in the cultivation of Mr. Taufik only amounted to 65%. After the application of Caforton OS, the SR value of Pak Taufik's pond increased by 32.3% to 86%. The dose of Caforton OS used by Mr. Taufik is 2 ml/kg of feed.  

Consult Shrimp Needs to Improve the Immune System Through Cultivation Consultations

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Shrimp are very susceptible to infectious disease attacks, one of which is a bacterial infection. This is because the shrimp immune system is very dependent on the non-specific defense system in the body. The immune system is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, so there are different levels. One way to prevent bacterial infection is by administering drugs and vitamins to boost the shrimp's immune system. 

Currently there are many products recommended to boost the immune system of shrimp. In order for you to be sure of the quality of the product to be purchased, you must ensure the composition and benefits of the product purchased, as well as the needs of the shrimp itself. Or, you can also consult via Features eFarm Cultivation Consulting to obtain product recommendations for shrimp farming.

eFarm provide features Cultivation Consultation which allows you to consult with a shrimp cultivator to get the right steps for aquaculture maintenance, including recommended products for pond maintenance.

What are you waiting for? Come on downloads application eFarm through the Google Play Store and consult your cultivation with experts!

Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture

Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Questions Regarding Shrimp Immune Drugs

Shrimp are animals that only rely on the natural immune system and do not have it adaptive immunity or adaptive immune system. Adaptive immunity Is a defense mechanism in the body in the form of resistance against certain antigens. Therefore, increasing the shrimp immune system is not enough just by providing feed with a balanced nutrient composition, but also needs to be accompanied by providing immunostimulants. The goal is for the shrimp's immune system to become stronger so they are not susceptible to disease.

Drug recommendations to boost the shrimp's immune system are Aqua C Fish Plus, Coforta A, and Caforton OS. 

  • Kurniawan, MH, B. Putri, and Y. Elisdiana. 2018. Effectiveness of Bacillus polymyxa through feed on non-specific immunity of vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). e-Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Technology. VII(1): 739-750