warna air kolam gurame yang bagus
warna air kolam gurame yang bagus

Good Gurame Pond Water Color for Big Profits

To maintain water quality, you need to know the color of a good carp pond water. This is because pool water can change color to green, brown, to black, and these colors indicate different water conditions. That is why those of you who cultivate carp must know the types and meanings of each color of pond water and know the color of good carp pond water.

The main factor causing the color change is a change in water quality, such as oxygen levels, acidity (pH), or water depth. Therefore, when the pond changes color, you only need to analyze the cause, whether it is caused by plankton or other organic matter. 

Therefore, let's find out the meaning and causes of changes in water color to find out the color of a good carp pond water.

Gurame Pond Water Quality Factors

Before knowing the causes and meaning of the color of carp pond water, you need to know in advance the factors that cause changes in water quality. Check out the following discussion.

1. Water Oxygen Levels 

Changes in oxygen levels in the carp pool water will directly affect the growth and endurance of the carp. Ideally, carp requires a dissolved oxygen level of 5 ppm. Oxygen levels in ponds can be reduced because they are affected by aquatic organisms such as aquatic plants or heterotrophic microorganisms.

If not addressed immediately, the risk is that the fish will become limp and the carp will float on the surface of the water. To overcome this problem, you can leave the surface of the pool open and keep the water flowing in the pool smooth. You can also add a waterwheel or aerator to increase the dissolved oxygen levels in the water.

2. Water Temperature 

The criteria for a good pool are those that have a temperature between 24-28 oC. When there is a significant change in temperature in a short time, the conditions and growth of the gourami will be affected. 

This is because when the temperature changes, such as the temperature change from day to night, the level of dissolved oxygen in the water drops drastically from its normal rate, which is 4-6 mg/liter. One solution to overcome this problem is to plant trees around the pond to control changes in pool temperature so that it doesn't change drastically.

3. Water Depth

The next determining factor for water quality is the depth of the pond water. There is a standard for measuring the depth of water in carp cultivation ponds that you need to pay attention to. When the pond is too shallow, the pool water temperature will change and become unstable. If the pool is too deep, it will be difficult for sunlight to reach the bottom of the pond. The standard size for carp pool water depth is 70-100 cm.

4. Water Acidity Level

The final factor that affects the quality of pond water is the acidity level (pH) of the pool. The pH standard for carp pond water is 6.5-7.5 pH. You can measure it using litmus paper or a pH meter.

If the result is that the acidity level of the pond is below 6.5, for example 6, then you need to increase the pH by using a mixture of lime (CaCO3) or baking soda in pool water. However, if it turns out that the pH exceeds this number, you need to neutralize it using phosphoric acid which is sprinkled slowly.

The Meaning of Good Gurame Pond Water Color

The best carp pond water color is light brown and brownish red. These two colors indicate different water conditions, but both are good for carp cultivation. However, don't be surprised when the color of your carp pool water suddenly changes in the same cycle. This is actually normal. 

The change in the color of the carp pond water in the same cultivation period is not without reason. The change in the color of the carp pond water which was good before becomes not so good is caused by many factors. One of the main factors is the presence of plankton and other organic matter.

This pool color change can occur manually or man-made with the help of several additional tools, such as UV plastic, paranet, to aerators. Here are the meanings and causes of the color of the carp pond water.

1. The Color of Clear Pool Water

Many think that a pool with clear water is a pool that has good water quality. The clear color is the result of the performance of the water filter and aeration which work together to clean the aquaculture pond.

Though the reality is of course different. A clear-colored aquaculture pond indicates a lack of plankton in the water, both in the form of organic and non-organic matter. These three factors are actually needed by the pond to support the growth of carp.

The worst impact of a pond color that is too clear is the threat of stress to fish and the threat of carp predators or fish predators such as birds.

2. The Color of Turbid White Pool Water

In the rules of the Red Water System it is stated that the cloudy white color of pool water is a normal phase due to changes in the color of the water from green, white to red. This can happen because of the population of Bacillus bacteria and Saccharomyces yeast in the water.

However, actually this cloudy white color is created due to the amount of lime or suspended minerals that are too much. This lime or mineral will directly affect the level of water quality because it can increase the level of acidity (pH) and hardness (dH) of water. The way to overcome this condition is by replacing or depositing water to get the ideal water pH and dH numbers.

3. Light Green Pool Water Color

Generally, the green color will be seen in tarpaulin ponds, concrete ponds, or fiber ponds for cultivating carp, catfish, and tilapia. The green color itself is created from the performance of chlorophyll plankton in the Cyanobacteria and Gloeotrichia echinulata categories when carrying out photosynthesis in water.

These plankton carry out photosynthesis in the water thanks to the help of sunlight during the day, so that dissolved oxygen levels will increase and also increase the carp's appetite. Even though it is beneficial, the presence of these plankton at night is quite detrimental because at night, plankton only produce carbon dioxide (CO2). So, do not be surprised if the oxygen level of the pool will decrease at night.

4. Light Brown Pool Water Color

As already mentioned, the color of a good carp pond water is light brown. The brown carp pond water contains ideal levels of minerals and organic matter. In addition, the light brown color also illustrates that the cultivator is really painstaking in caring for the carp and ponds because the carp feed is given in the proper amount. The color of light brown pool water is often found in earthen pools, heavy-water pools, and concrete pools.

5. Dark Green or Dark Brown Pool Water Color

In contrast to the light green color which describes the population of plankton and other organic matter, the color of the carp pond water is dark green or dark brown indicating that the pond has too much amount of leftover feed, manure density, and mud.

Especially in natural pond ponds, this dark color needs to be controlled and managed because it is not good for carp because the organic pollution that occurs is quite high. The solution is simply to provide aeration at night to control plankton and bacteria that absorb oxygen at night.

Interestingly, in biofloc ponds, this dark green color is claimed to be a good carp pond water color because this color indicates the correct way of cultivating carp biofloc. The brown color is formed from the growth of waste and bacterial microorganisms which are deliberately formed and will be used as a supplement or natural food for fish. In addition, this dark color is actually good for protecting carp from the threat of fish predators outside the pond.

6. The color of the pool water is brownish red

The next good carp pond water color is brownish red. This color is formed naturally from probiotic bacteria or from plankton that has a red pigment such as Rhodophyta and Diatom algae plankton.

In addition, according to the Red System rules, this red color is formed from probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces yeast which are responsible for breaking down waste in the pond so that the quality of the carp pond water is maintained.

This brownish red color also indicates the presence of quite a lot of organic matter and can be used as a feed supplement or natural food for fish.

Dapatkan Warna Air Kolam Ikan yang Bagus dengan eFeeder, Beli/Sewa di eFisheryKu Segera!

efeeder alat pakan ikan otomatis
Source: eFishery

Setiap perubahan warna air kolam gurame terjadi karena kualitas air kolam yang kurang bagus yang dipicu oleh populasi plankton, bakteri, atau mikroorganisme lain yang terlalu banyak sehingga dapat menurunkan tingkat keasaman air (pH) dan kadar oksigen.

Mikroorganisme tersebut bisa tercipta karena pemberian pakan yang kurang berkualitas dan terlalu banyak sehingga banyak endapan sisa pakan di dasar kolam. Untuk mengatasinya, Bapak/Ibu dapat menggunakan eFeeders from eFishery. eFeeder merupakan alat pemberian pakan pintar yang dosis, jadwal, frekuensi, hingga durasi pemberiannya bisa diatur dan dikontrol jarak jauh melalui smartphone.

Sekarang, eFeeders bisa Bapak/Ibu sewa dan beli di eFisheryKu, aplikasi yang mempermudah proses budidaya ikan Bapak/Ibu dengan fiturnya yang sangat beragam. Selain beli/sewa eFeeders, di eFisheryKu Bapak/Ibu juga bisa membeli pakan ikan dengan mudah, mendapatkan akses ke institusi finansial yang diawasi OJK, dan menjual ikan hasil panen.

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Questions About the Color of Good Gurame Pond Water

Yes. Gurame fish ponds need to be exposed to sunlight. One of them is to maintain the stability of the water temperature. However, too much sunlight entering the pond can also interfere with the health of the carp.

Gourami fish can live in murky water, but not for long. One of the reasons for the cloudy water is the lime and minerals in the pool. These two substances can affect the acidity (pH) and hardness (dH) levels of water, thereby reducing oxygen levels and affecting fish growth.

The standard size for carp pool water depth is 70-100 cm.

  • https://ukur.co.id/air-untuk-ikan-gurame-2/
  • https://dkpp.bulelengkab.go.id/informasi/detail/berita/contoh-kondisi-air-kolam-ikan-gurami-yang-kurang-baik-untuk-digunakan-93
  • http://belajarbudidayagurami.blogspot.com/2014/04/6-tips-menentukan-kualitas-air-kolam-untuk-budidaya-ikan-gurami.html
  • https://infoduniaperikanan.wordpress.com/2018/01/31/1081/