kolam ikan nila
kolam ikan nila

Find out the type and size of 500-1000 tilapia fish ponds

Kolam ikan nila memiliki peran yang cukup krusial dalam keberhasilan budidaya ikan nila. Dalam pembuatannya, ada aturan tersendiri yang harus diperhatikan Pembudidaya. Sebagai contoh, ketentuan batas minimum dan maksimum kedalaman kolam serta padat tebar nila yang tepat berdasarkan ukuran kolamnya.

Since 2015 until now, tilapia production continues to increase every year. This is in line with the increasing demand for tilapia in the market. You don't need to worry about running out of markets, because you can sell your tilapia harvest anywhere, from traditional markets to restaurants to household segments.

Before thinking about the target market, it's a good idea for you to think about the right cultivation media for tilapia. The following is a complete review of tilapia ponds so that you can find out what type of pond and what size the pond will be built later.

Types of Tilapia Fish Ponds

Factors that influence the success of tilapia cultivation apart from preparing quality tilapia seeds and nutritious feed, cultivators also need to prepare cultivation media. In this case, the cultivation medium is a pond that will be used as a place to raise tilapia seedlings. There are 4 types of tilapia ponds that can be used for cultivation, including tarpaulin ponds, earthen ponds, concrete ponds, and biofloc ponds.

The following is a review of each type of pool.

1. Tarpaulin Pool

If the cultivator has limited business capital to develop tilapia cultivation, using tarpaulin ponds is the right solution because it can reduce business capital. Tarpaulin prices are currently quite cheap, depending on the desired size. 

Apart from that, Cultivator only needed to prepare the frame of the pond so that it could stand firm. Tarpaulin ponds also have the advantage of being easily disassembled so that cultivators can move the pond as desired.

Even though the pool already uses a frame, the risk of leaks and the pool easily collapsing still exists. Especially if there is an error when installing the pool, it is possible that the pool will easily collapse and leak. When this happens, the tilapia will be threatened with death.

2. Ground Pool

Apart from tarpaulin ponds, making cultivation ponds using soil is also quite cheap. Even an earthen pond can help accelerate the growth of tilapia more optimally. This is because the earthen pond resembles the original habitat of tilapia. As a result the fish will avoid stress. 

The elements that need to be considered when building an earthen pond are the right quality of soil to be used as a pond and a large enough land area. 

The biggest problem you will face when raising tilapia in earthen ponds is the greater risk of pest attack. These pests can enter and sneak through the soil and can affect the growth of tilapia.

3. Concrete Pool

If you have sufficient capital to start tilapia farming, then there is nothing wrong with using a concrete pond as a cultivation medium. This type of pond will protect fish from pest attacks and any disease viruses. In addition, this pool is not easily damaged and collapsed. 

To control and maintain water quality, concrete ponds have added value, namely a system of waterways where the paths for entering and exiting the waterways are different.

Behind the advantages, concrete pools have the disadvantage that it is difficult to change the structure and difficult to move. Therefore, you must really ensure that the land will be used as a cultivation pond. Also make sure the size of the pool is correct and appropriate because the pool cannot be disassembled again if there is an error in size.

The problem that often comes to cultivators who use concrete ponds is the quality of the pond water which must be maintained regularly so as not to increase the stress level of the tilapia. This is because concrete ponds have drawbacks that can stress tilapia.

4. Biofloc Pool

The last type of pond that can be used as a tilapia rearing pond is a biofloc pond. Apart from earthen ponds, biofloc ponds also have the advantage of increasing tilapia growth. This is because the shape of the pond resembles its natural habitat so that tilapia adapt more quickly.

Even though it is quite profitable, only certain cultivators can use biofloc ponds. This is because there is a lot of equipment needed to maintain the quality of pond water that works continuously. These tools also require electricity so the Cultivator will incur more costs when all the equipment is operating.

Tilapia Fish Pond Size

The size of the tilapia pond can affect the stocking density of the tilapia itself. For example, the size of a pond for 500 tilapia will be different from a pond designated for 1000 tilapia. 

Ideally the population for a 1 m2 pond is 10-15 individuals. The size of the tilapia pond for 1000 fish is 100 m2 or 10 x 10 m. If you have limited funds to make a pond, then the minimum size of the pond is 1000 fish, you can use a 2 x 4 m pond.

Especially for concrete ponds, the ideal population for a 1 m3 pond is 50 individuals. With an area of 20 x 10 m, you can raise 10,000-15,000 tails. The depth of the pool is between 50-75 cm, while the maximum depth of a concrete pool can reach 1.5 m.

It is not recommended to make the pool too deep because it is feared that sunlight will not be able to reach the bottom of the pond. The inside of the pond that is not exposed to sunlight is too cold and increases the risk of developing pests and disease viruses.

You need to carefully consider the size of the pond and the stocking density of tilapia because the impact is quite worrying if the pond is too crowded or too wide. If the size of the pond is wide but the number of fish stocked is small, then of course it is detrimental in business.

However, if the number of fish populations that are stocked is greater, then the risk of health problems for tilapia can occur. The worst impact for tilapia when the pond is too crowded is tilapia growth slows so that the potential for cannibals will be higher.

How to Maintain Water Quality for Tilapia Fish Ponds

To ensure the quality of pool water, you should make a pond in a location that is exposed to direct sunlight. In addition, routinely check dissolved oxygen levels, acid-base levels, and water temperature. 

Use certain probiotics that contain minerals and vitamins to help improve the quality of tilapia pond water. However, cultivators need to pay attention to the type of probiotics and supplements used. It is recommended to use natural probiotics so as not to disturb and damage the pond ecosystem.

Routinely cleaning the pond from leftover feed, dirt, or ammonia also needs to be done so that the quality of the pond water remains stable. The last and most important thing is to provide feed in reasonable quantities. 

The problem that often occurs in tilapia cultivation is that cultivators want rapid growth in a short time. So it's not uncommon to end up giving excessive feed.

What happened was not the rapid growth of tilapia, but a lot of leftover feed that settled and accumulated at the bottom of the pond. The rest of the feed will turn into ammonia and affect the quality of pond water.

Tingkatkan Usaha Budidaya Nila Pakai Kabayan dari eFishery

Budidaya ikan nila dengan skala 500-1.000 ekor memang menguntungkan. Namun, Bapak/Ibu bisa untung lebih banyak dengan menambah bibit nila yang dibudidayakan. Yuk, kembangkan budidaya nila pakai Kabayan from eFishery menyediakan akses ke institusi finansial terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK.

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Questions About Tilapia Fish Ponds

Ideally the water depth for tilapia ponds ranges from 50-75 cm, while for concrete ponds the maximum depth can reach 1.5 m.

The size of the tilapia pond for 1000 fish is 10 x 10 m. The recommended fish stocking density for a 1 m2 pond is 10-15 tilapia.

  • https://gdm.id/kolam-ikan-nila/#Kapasitas_Padat_Tebar_Bibit_Kolam_Ikan_Nila
  • https://dayaternak.com/ukuran-kolam-ikan-nila-1000-ekor/
  • https://duniaterpal.com/ukuran-kolam-ikan-nila-1000-ekor/
  • https://erakini.com/panduan-membuat-kolam-beton-nila/
  • https://dkpp.bulelengkab.go.id/informasi/detail/artikel/cara-budidaya-ikan-nila-di-kolam-kecil-tapi-untung-besar-63