teknologi budidaya udang vaname untuk optimalkan panen
teknologi budidaya udang vaname untuk optimalkan panen

4 Vaname Shrimp Cultivation Technologies to Optimize Harvest!

The potential for Indonesian aquaculture resources, especially vannamei shrimp, is quite large. This great potential needs to be supported by vannamei shrimp cultivation technology so that it can further develop. 

The potential for brackish water cultivation in Indonesia reaches 2.8 million hectares. However, it is estimated that only 21,641 TP3T or an area of 605,000 hectares will be utilized. 

In fact, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is targeting an increase in national shrimp production by 250% in five years (2019-2024). To achieve this target, Indonesian farmers must be supported from various aspects, one of which is the use of digital technology-based shrimp pond equipment. 

To develop a shrimp farming business, you need to know the various types of vannamei shrimp farming technologies that exist to optimize shrimp harvest. The goal is that the vannamei shrimp farming business that you are running is more effective and can produce the best sized shrimp. 

Check out the explanation here!

IoT Based Vaname Shrimp Cultivation Technology

Along with the development of the Aquaculture sector, digitalization technology being developed for shrimp farming is currently being intensively carried out. Shrimp cultivation data is one of the most important aspects of the process decision making or decision making.

Through cultivation data, farmers can analyze pond conditions. With the existing analysis, farmers can make decisions based on more targeted data. Calculations for cultivation business analysis can also be carried out with more precision. Plus, security is guaranteed because data storage is done digitally. 

Digitizing cultivation data management is one of the adjustments to the data collection process using 4.0 technology Internet of Things (IoT). The application of this technology makes big data can be stored on line and processed for specific analysis.

Digitizing cultivation data is also important because with the help of the system cloud, the data will be saved automatically and also has a higher level of security. Risk of data lost as a result human error will also decrease. Storage by on line able to assist farmers in accessing cultivation data so that it can be done anywhere.

The following are the types of vannamei shrimp farming technology to optimize the cultivation business that you are running:

1. IoT-Based Pond Waterwheel

The waterwheel is one of the shrimp farming facilities that plays an important role in creating balanced conditions in ponds. Its function is to cause the movement of water in the pond and produce a burst of strong water flow.

With the IoT-based pond waterwheel innovation (Internet of Things), Mr. / Mrs. Farmers can be helped because this technology can maintain oxygen levels properly.

The advantage of this pond water wheel is that it can produce Dissolved Oxygen (DO), high coverage area and maximum burst, lower operating costs, spare parts easy to get, easy maintenance, and more competitive prices.

ilustrasi kincir air tambak berbasis iot
Source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

2. Digital Water Quality Controller

One of the obstacles in shrimp farming is poor water quality which causes crop failure. Poor water quality causes shrimp to be susceptible to disease White Feces Disease (WFD). 

Disease attacks can cause mass death of shrimp due to poor water quality. This is one of the serious problems in shrimp farming.

One of the technologies developed to increase the productivity of Indonesian farmers is an IoT-based digital water quality control device (Internet of Things). 

This technology is used to measure pond water quality based on water temperature and pH parameters. This tool can help Mr/Mrs Farmers to monitor water quality continuously real-time and analyze measurement data digitally.

3. Nanobubble Technology

Intensive and super-intensive shrimp farming systems use high stocking densities so as to provide high production increases. However, this has an unfavorable impact, namely a decrease in water quality.

Decreasing water quality due to high stocking densities can disrupt shrimp growth, reduce body resistance, cause shrimp to become infected with disease, and cause death. 

One of the technologies developed to improve the quality of cultivation is technology nanobubbles. This technology can provide oxygen for a longer time in the pond, so it can maintain dissolved oxygen levels to remain stable. 

ilustrasi teknologi nanobubble untuk meningkatkan kualitas air tambak
Source: Airlangga University

The research results show that the use nanobubbles on shrimp provides value Presumptive Vibrio Count (PVC) which is lower than using ordinary aerators.

Use nanobubbles will produce more optimal water quality in ponds, because it produces small air bubbles that balance the oxygen in pond water. 

Besides that, nanobubbles using a recirculation system, so that the water quality in the pond is controlled. This is different from aerators which produce large bubbles, causing an imbalance of dissolved oxygen in ponds.

4. eFeeder dari eFishery

eFeeder dari eFishery adalah auto feeder pakan udang atau alat pemberi pakan udang otomatis yang mampu menekan angka FCR dan meningkatkan size udang dengan mudah. eFeeder terhubung dengan aplikasi sehingga Petambak dapat dengan mudah mengatur frekuensi, takaran, dan jadwal pemberian pakan udang.

efeeder auto feeder tambak udang
Source: eFishery

Selain itu, eFeeder mempunyai banyak manfaat yang bisa Bapak/Ibu rasakan. Berikut keunggulannya:

  • Accelerating Shrimp Growth

Continuous and regular feed patterns make shrimp growth faster.

  • Optimizing FCR

Even distribution of feed and nutrients that are maintained can make FCR more optimal. In addition, it reduces the amount of wasted feed and can save on feed expenditure.

  • Increased Production

eFeeder dapat menghemat pakan karena pakan yang diberikan merata sehingga tidak ada sisa pakan di tambak. Kemudian, hasil panen cepat dan Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapat untung berkali lipat.

  • Improving Water Quality

Regular feed management can reduce remaining feed which has the potential to become waste and can improve water quality.

  • Make Yields Evenly

Lontaran pakan eFeeder mampu menebarkan pakan ke banyak arah, sehingga bisa menghasilkan panen yang seragam. eFeeder dibuat spesifik untuk membantu Petambak menebar pakan dengan akurat, tepat waktu, dan efektif.

Budidaya Udang Lebih Mudah dengan eFarm

Kini budidaya udang vaname akan jadi lebih mudah dengan eFisheryeFishery merupakan aplikasi andalan para petambak karena memiliki banyak fitur dan produk yang dapat mendukung keberhasilan budidaya udang Bapak/Ibu. Salah satunya adalah fitur Cultivation Consultation yang memberikan akses untuk berkonsultasi dan berdiskusi langsung dengan ahli budidaya.

Isi form di bawah dan downloads application eFarm untuk mendapatkan banyak manfaatnya!

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Questions Regarding Vaname Shrimp Cultivation Technology

In shrimp farming, technologies that can be used are energy-efficient pond waterwheels, digital water quality controllers, nanobubble technology, and an automatic feed ejector eFeeders.

  • https://kkp.go.id/artikel/29411-kkp-ciptakan-inovasi-kincir-air-tambak-hemat-energi-berbahan-baku-lokal-and-ramah-lingkungan
  • https://kkp.go.id/an-component/media/upload-gambar-pendukung/DJPB/Pustaka/buku%20msf%20revisi.pdf
  • https://news.unair.ac.id/2019/08/12/teknologi-nanobubble-tingkatkan-budidaya-udang/?lang=id
  • https://prasetya.ub.ac.id/mahasiswa-ub-ciptakan-pengontrol-kualitas-air-tambak-udang/