sistem imun pada udang
sistem imun pada udang

Strengthen the Immune System in Shrimp in the Following 4 Ways!

The immune system in shrimp is important because it can protect shrimp from disease, viruses and bacteria. Shrimp will be susceptible to disease if they have a weak immune system. Moreover, many shrimp diseases cannot be cured easily. For this reason, the immune system is needed to protect shrimp from this disease.

So, how to strengthen the immune system in shrimp? Come on, find out together here!

Getting to Know the Shrimp Immune System

One of the detrimental factors for farmers in shrimp farming is the death of shrimp caused by viruses and bacteria. Moreover, some viruses that attack shrimp cannot be cured. For this reason, you need to take precautions before viruses and bacteria infect the shrimp.

You can prevent viruses and bacteria from infecting shrimp by increasing the defense system in shrimp. Improving the shrimp defense system can be done by using immunostimulants, vitamins, and hormones. This increase in immunity is intended so that the shrimp can survive attacks by viruses or bacteria that can threaten crop failure. This is because immunity is resistance or resistance to disease, especially to infections which are the most important for every living thing.

The immune system is the result of cooperation between cells, molecules, and tissues that have a role in fighting infection-causing bacteria. The immune system in shrimp does not have immunoglobulins for their immunity. Shrimp only have a natural immune system that is nonspecific. This natural resistance is influenced by genetic and environmental factors so that there are different levels.

4 Ways to Strengthen the Immune System in Shrimp

Strengthening the immune system in shrimp can be done by increasing the intake of immunostimulants. Immunostimulants are substances (drugs and nutrients) that stimulate the immune system by increasing the activity of components of the immune system to fight infection and disease. Immunostimulants deal directly with immune system cells that make them more active. Here's how to increase immunostimulants and strengthen the immune system in shrimp:

1. Mixing Feed with Bacillus polymyxa

ilustrasi bakteri bacillus polymyxa
Source: Wikipedia

The first way that you can use to strengthen the shrimp's immune system is with bacteria Bacillus polymyxa. Bacillus polymyxa capable of producing polymyxin substances as antibiotics that can increase immunostimulant. These bacteria are not pathogenic and have the potential to be developed into shrimp probiotics. These bacteria can be applied via water or mixed directly into shrimp feed. Several facts show that immunostimulants mixed with feed can increase shrimp resistance to disease infections by increasing the immune response.

2. Giving Kasemmbuh leaves as additional feed

daun kasembukan sebagai bahan pakan tambahan
Source: SehatQ

Kasemmbuhkan leaves are plants that belong to the family rubiaceae. These leaves are widely used as herbal medicine for humans. Kasemburan leaves have high potential as a material that has bioactivity against artemia salina. In addition, kasembuk leaves also have antioxidant activity of 21.59% at a concentration of 50 ppm. 

The use of kasemmbuhan leaves in shrimp has been proven to increase body resistance, increase productivity, and prevent bacterial infections that can threaten shrimp crop failure. Research has proven that kasembuk leaves mixed with shrimp feed have a significant effect on total hemocytes and the survival rate of shrimp.

To mix the kasembuk leaves with shrimp feed, you need to process these leaves into powder first. Then, mix the kasembuk leaf powder into the mashed shrimp feed. If it is well mixed, add fish oil as much as 10% of the total weight and form it into pellets.

3. Utilizing Bacteria Lactobacillus sp.

ilustrasi bakteri lactobacillus sp
Source: Pop Mama

Lactobacillus sp. is one of the shrimp probiotics that can be used to improve environmental quality and increase the survival of shrimp. Probiotic bacteria are live microbes that can increase the utilization of feed nutrients, enhance the immune system, and improve the quality of the host's living environment. As probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus sp. It can also suppress the bacterial population Vibrio sp. which can harm the shrimp. Based on the results of research by several institutions, giving bacteria Lactobacillus sp. in shrimp has been shown to be able to increase immunity in shrimp. If the shrimp's immunity is strong, their body's immunity will also increase.

Lactobacillus sp. are lactic acid-producing bacteria that produce antimicrobials in the form of bacteriocins. This bacteriocin will later be used to inhibit the growth of pathogens and increase shrimp immunity.

Application technique Lactobacillus sp. which is a probiotic can be done during land preparation and after stocking fry. Keep in mind, to produce high effectiveness, giving Lactobacillus sp. need to be done routinely and regularly.

4. Provide Vitamin C and Feed Supplements

Memperkuat sistem imun udang juga bisa dilakukan dengan pemberian suplemen pakan dan vitamin C secara teratur. Vitamin C bisa meningkatkan kesehatan dan kekebalan udang terhadap infeksi patogen. Vitamin C juga bisa meningkatkan performa pertumbuhan sehingga udang memiliki ukuran yang seragam.

Selain vitamin C, suplemen pakan juga bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan sistem imun udang. Suplemen pakan bisa membantu untuk meningkatkan metabolisme, meningkatkan pertumbuhan, dan mengurangi stres pada udang. 

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Questions Regarding the Immune System in Shrimp

There are 4 ways that can be used to strengthen the immune system in shrimp, namely mixing shrimp feed with Bacillus polymyxa, giving kasembuk leaves as additional feed, utilizing Lactobacillus sp. bacteria, and providing vitamin C and feed supplements.

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