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Easy Ways to Overcome Clear Pond Water

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Nabilla Anggi
Nabilla Anggi

Magister Budidaya Perairan

Pond water is one indicator of water quality that must be considered. Farmers must know how to deal with clear pond water. Check out the following explanation to find out the risks and how to deal with clear pond water!

Is Clear Pond Water Dangerous?

At the beginning of shrimp farming maintenance, the color of the water in the ponds tends to be clear with very high brightness. The water temperature in ponds that have high brightness (clear) during the day heats up faster than pond water that has low brightness. This is due to the large amount of light intensity that enters the map.

Meanwhile, at night, the water temperature cools faster. The clear condition of pond water causes temperature fluctuations or fluctuations in temperature to occur more frequently and are too large. This will cause the shrimp's appetite to decrease and the shrimp to become stressed, so that the shrimp become weak and susceptible to disease.

In addition, clear pond water is an indicator of density Phytoplankton in ponds little or very little. The low density of plankton in the aquaculture pond will affect the appetite of the shrimp, this is related to the diurnal nature of eating shrimp, where shrimp will have a high appetite in dark waters.

Causes of Clear Pond Water

The color of the water in the pond is influenced by the type of plankton such as Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Oosystis sp., and Chlamydomonas sp. which has a green color pigment, and is diatom-like Navicula sp., Skeletonema sp., and Nitzschia sp. which gives the water a brown color. If the pond water is only dominated by one type of plankton (eg only Chlorella sp. or just diatoms), then plankton will be susceptible to mass death when environmental changes and cause the brightness in shrimp ponds to be low, so that the formation of new plankton to replace mass death is more difficult to do. If the plankton in pond water dies, the water will become clear and will disrupt pond productivity. 

How to Overcome Clear Pond Water

Then, how to deal with clear pond water? Here are some ways you can try:

  1. Providing sufficient nutrient sources to grow plankton in ponds, including through fertilization during cultivation. The type of lime that can be used for fertilization is CaO, kaptan or CaCO3, and CaMg(CO3)2 (dolomite).
  2. Maintain pond water quality by checking water quality.
  3. Install waring to reduce the heat temperature.
  4. Do treatments water, such as bran fermentation, to nourish and grow plankton.

Overcome Clear Pond Water Through Cultivation Consultation from the eFarm Application!

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Water color is an indicator of water quality in shrimp ponds. Good water quality will increase shrimp productivity so that the yields obtained can be more optimal. If your shrimp pond has clear water color and are confused about how to deal with it, you can consult for FREE through the feature Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm

eFarm is an application that provides various solutions for shrimp farmers for their shrimp cultivation. In this application, there are features Cultivation Consultation, where you can consult regarding obstacles in shrimp farming, including how to deal with clear pond water. Immediately have the application eFarm now to start consulting the experts!

Nabilla Anggi - Magister Budidaya Perairan
Nabilla Anggi - Magister Budidaya Perairan

Nabilla merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister budidaya perairan serta memiliki pengalaman di dunia perikanan baik hatchery maupun pembesaran

Questions About How to Overcome Clear Pond Water

If the pond water is only dominated by one type of plankton, for example only Chlorella sp. only or only diatoms, then the plankton is susceptible to disturbance and death due to environmental changes. If the plankton in the pond water dies, the water will become clear.

Overcoming clear pond water can be done in several ways, namely providing sufficient sources of nutrients to grow plankton in ponds, maintaining pond water quality, installing nets, and carrying out treatments water.

  • Nugraha, G. 2019. Management of water quality in the intensive rearing ponds of vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) PT. Suri Tani Leader of Banyuwangi, East Java. Thesis. 77 p.
  • Pratiwi, NTM, Winarlin, YHE Frandy and A. Iswantari. 2011. Plankton potential as natural feed for nilem fish larvae (Osteochilus hasselti CV). Journal of Indonesian Aquaculture. 10(1)-81–88.