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3 Ways to Overcome Early Shrimp Death, Don't be Too Late!

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

The shrimp cultivation process cannot be separated from death, so farmers must know the causes and how to deal with dead vannamei shrimp. Vaname shrimp is a type of shrimp that is easy to cultivate but is susceptible to diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. 

Disease infection in shrimp is one of the causes of premature death of vannamei shrimp that occurs during the hatchery or rearing stages. Come on, see here the causes and ways to deal with dead vannamei shrimp!

Causes of Vaname Shrimp Die Early

There are many diseases that cause premature death in shrimp. Each disease has its own characteristics, so we cannot claim one disease as the worst disease. The severity of the disease depends on the conditions of the cultivation area, the time of cultivation and the season. 

Some diseases that are often found in Indonesia are AHPND (Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease) and WSSV (White Spot Syndrome Virus). The following is a summary of the diseases that cause vannamei shrimp to die prematurely and the symptoms of each disease:

penyakit penyebab kematian dini pada udang vaname

The two diseases mentioned above are caused by viruses and bacteria which are most often found and cause a lot of harm to shrimp farmers. 

How to Overcome Early Death 

Detecting diseased shrimp is quite difficult to do directly. Therefore, farmers usually conduct laboratory tests on shrimp samples that have symptoms of disease. Detection needs to be done as early as possible, when the shrimp starts showing abnormal symptoms. This is done because the shrimp will be more difficult to treat if they already have signs of attack on their bodies. 

Generally, to treat diseased shrimp, you can give antibiotics. However, currently the use of antibiotics is prohibited because it can cause pathogen resistance to antibiotics and cause environmental pollution. Some Farmers overcome premature death due to viral and bacterial attacks in the following ways:

  1. If there are shrimp that are already diseased, all the shrimp in one pond are removed or killed. This is done to prevent disease transmission to other ponds. Dead shrimp must be cleaned immediately from the pond so as not to invite birds which can trigger disease transmission to other ponds. Immediately dry and disinfect the pond so that the disease-causing pathogens die, do not infect other shrimp, and do not attack the shrimp in the next cycle.
  2. Raise the remaining shrimp to a certain size so that the price can go up. However, this solution only applies to symptoms that are not serious enough and the cycle can still be continued. The key is improving water quality by growing plankton, changing water, and using appropriate probiotics so that water quality remains stable.

If there are signs of disease, shrimp handling must be done immediately. You must be able to find out what disease is attacking the shrimp by detecting the symptoms experienced by the shrimp and providing appropriate treatment according to the disease.

3 Ways to Prevent Vaname Shrimp from Early Death

The most important thing that needs to be done to avoid premature death in vannamei shrimp is to take preventive measures. This preventive action is carried out with the aim of maintaining pond quality to minimize the entry of pathogens into shrimp pond ponds. The following are recommendations for how to prevent vannamei shrimp from dying prematurely due to viruses and bacteria in shrimp cultivation: 

1. Choosing the Best Mother Shrimp

Choose good shrimp that can be ensured that they are free from specific pathogens or Specific Pathogen Free (SPF). Parent shrimp with SPF can be obtained by the procedure biosecurity the right way, for example by cleaning the brooders that supply the eggs. 

2. Maintain Cleanliness of Pond Facilities

Anyone who works and enters the pond area must be in sterile conditions. The trick is to wear sterile boots, wash hands, and disinfect footwear before entering the pond area.

3. Implement Biosecurity

Biosecurity is measures to prevent the entry of disease hosts so that the pond environment is optimally controlled and free from disease. There are many steps in biosecurity, but this method is very effective in protecting the pond from disease.

If the three methods of prevention above are not practiced properly, it is only natural that the premature death of vannamei shrimp always occurs in your shrimp pond. Therefore, you must maintain the health of the shrimp and maintain optimal environmental conditions. If you are still confused about handling cultivation diseases, you can consult through the Cultivation Consultation feature on eFarm. 

Prevent Vaname Shrimp Death with eFarm Cultivation Consultation!

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Although shrimp disease attack is a major challenge in shrimp farming, it can be prevented and overcome by practicing good pond management and a strong biosecurity system. If you are still confused and want to consult on cultivation issues, you can try the feature eFarm Cultivation Consulting!

eFarm is an application that provides various solutions for your shrimp farming problems. One of the features that you can take advantage of is Cultivation Consultation, where you can chat and consult your problems directly with shrimp farming experts. This feature will help you get solutions to cultivation problems easily!

So what are you waiting for? Consult your shrimp farming problems via eFarm!

Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

Questions Regarding Early Mortality in Shrimp

One of the causes of premature death in shrimp is various types of diseases. Each disease has its own characteristics, so we cannot claim one disease as the worst disease. The severity of the disease depends on the conditions of the cultivation area, the time of cultivation and the season.

The way to deal with premature death of vannamei shrimp in shrimp farming is to choose the best genetics for shrimp parents and be free from specific pathogens or Specific Pathogen Free (SPF), maintain the cleanliness of pond facilities, and implement biosecurity so that the pond environment is controlled optimally and free from disease.

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  • Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. Number Kep/26/MEN/2013 Concerning Capture Fisheries Business in the Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Lightner D V. 1996. A Hand book of Shrimp Pathology and Diagnostics.
  • NACA. 2012. Report of the Asia-Pacific emergency regional consultation on the emerging shrimp disease: Early mortality syndrome (EMS)/acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHPNS). Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific. Bangkok. Thailand.
  • Shinn J. Pratoomyot D, Griffiths T, Trong NV, Jiravanichpaisal, Briggs. 2018. Asian Shrimp Production and the Economic Costs of Disease. Asian Fisheries Science. Vol. 31:29-58.