bibit ikan bawal
bibit ikan bawal

Characteristics and Prices of the Best Quality Pomfret Fish Seeds!

Pomfret seeds are one of the crucial things in the pomfret farming business. Without good and high-quality pomfret seeds, the percentage of successful pomfret cultivation will be small.

Even so, not many cultivators are interested in starting a pomfret seedling business. Most cultivators are more interested in growing it. Even though the pomfret seedling business is no less profitable when compared to the enlargement business.

Come on, read this article to find out the opportunities and analysis of the pomfret seed business!

Pomfret Fish Seed Business Prospects

bisnis bibit ikan bawal
Source: Abah Tani

It is common knowledge that freshwater pomfret has a savory and delicious taste of meat. Even a number of cultivators who previously cultivated other types of freshwater fish have switched to cultivating freshwater pomfret because of its more profitable potential. 

Not only because of its delicacy, the thing that made them switch to cultivating freshwater pomfret is the increasing price of fish feed. This is because pomfret is an omnivorous fish that can eat natural food at a more affordable price.

The need for freshwater pomfret seeds is increasing because more and more cultivators are turning to cultivating them. In fact, in Southeast Sulawesi Province there are only 2 units providing pomfret seeds. The demand for a lot of pomfret seeds and their limited supply make the price of pomfret seeds increase. 

This limitation opens up a very wide opportunity for those of you who want to start a pomfret seedling business. The demand for pomfret cultivators for a lot of pomfret seeds will make it very easy for you to sell the seedlings from the nursery at a good price.

So, are you interested in starting a pomfret seed farming business? If so, learn the business analysis, come on!

Pomfret Fish Seed Business Analysis

Bak fiberglass is very important in the cultivation of pomfret. The pomfret brooders that are ready for the nursery process will be spawned in the tubs fiberglass until spawn.

For this breeding process, the ratio of the female and male parent is 1:2. So, there will be 1 female pomfret for every 2 male parents. From 1 female parent, the average number of eggs that will be produced is 400 eggs.

Unlike other fish, the process of breeding pomfret is done by injecting hormones. So, male pomfret hormones will later be injected into female pomfrets using a syringe.

When the female pomfret has laid eggs in the tub fiberglass, existence blowers in the tub is needed to keep the eggs alive and afloat. When the eggs have hatched, the eggs are placed in another tub with blowers which stays on.

The process of hatching eggs usually lasts 14 days. However, so that the selling price is higher, you can also nurse the pomfret seeds.

Nursery is the process of enlargement of seeds to a size that is safe for cultivation in enlargement media. Nursery takes approximately 21 days. If combined with the nursery process, the time you need to sell the carp seeds that are ready to be raised is 35 days.

To find out the details of the capital used to buy the tools needed during the nursery process, see the table below!

Table of Initial Capital for Cultivating Pomfret Fish Seeds

No.GoodsAmountUnit price
Total price
1.Bak Fiberglass1450.000450.000
2.blowers Small1400.000400.000
3.Mother Bawal15100.0001.500.000
4.Hormone Syringe510.00050.000
5.Spawning Tarpaulin Pool1150.000150.000

From the table above, we can see that the primary capital required for breeding 5 female pomfrets and 10 male pomfrets is Rp. 2,550,000. In one breeding process, 1 female parent can produce 400 pomfret seeds. If multiplied by 5, the total is 2,000 pomfret seeds.

Usually, the price for pomfret seeds in the market is IDR 2,000. Means, in one harvest you can get a turnover of IDR 4,000,000.

If you reduce the capital of IDR 2,550,000, you can get a profit of IDR 1,450,000 per harvest. Plus, the capital that you used to buy the tools above you can use again for the next nursery. Very tempting right?

Characteristics of Good Pomfret Fish Seeds

ciri ciri bibit ikan bawal
Source: Kompas

After the pomfret seeds have been successfully harvested, it's time for you to select the seeds for sale. Seed selection aims to separate the less superior seeds from the superior ones because only the superior seeds may reach the cultivator for enlargement.

If later the cultivators find inferior seeds purchased from you, their cultivation will fail. They will also give up on buying more seeds from you. Therefore, before selling pomfret seeds, let's find out the following characteristics of good and superior pomfret seeds!

1. High Appetite

One of the characteristics of healthy pomfret seeds is their high appetite. This is a guarantee that when the seeds are cultivated in the rearing pond, their appetite will also be very high so that their growth will also be fast.

2. Good Body Condition

Apart from their high appetite, the sign of superior pomfret seeds can also be seen from their body condition. To find out, you just need to feel the pomfret's body using your fingers.

If pomfret feels soft and supple, it means the seed is still young. However, if it feels rough and not flexible, it means the seed is old and difficult to grow properly.

3. Complete Limbs

The completeness of the fish body can also be used as an indicator of the superiority of the seeds. Through observation, it will be easy to know whether the seedlings have a normal body or not.

If it's normal, the growth of the seed will be fast because the seed doesn't have to divert energy to repair its body defects. This will make all the nutrients absorbed by the pomfret seeds only be used for growth.

4. Neat Scales

Observation of the scales of pomfret seedlings can also be done to determine superior seeds. Pomfret seeds with neat and regular scales are superior quality pomfret seeds. Conversely, scales that look untidy and irregular on the body of the pomfret seedling are a sign of a scar.

Superior pomfret seeds ideally should not experience injuries, either to the fins or other organs, such as the gill covers and head. No matter how small the wound is, it still affects the growth of the seedlings during enlargement.

Kembangkan Bisnis Pembibitan Ikan Bawal dengan Kabayan!

When viewed from the analysis and business opportunities for pomfret seeds above, the seedling business is no less profitable than the enlargement business. However, you must always make efforts to achieve maximum profit in pomfret breeding so as not to lose money.

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