manfaat molase untuk udang
manfaat molase untuk udang

Know the Benefits of Molasses for Shrimp in Ponds!

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

Farmers must know the benefits of molasses for shrimp. Because in the process of cultivation disease is often an obstacle that results in mass death in ponds. One alternative to inhibit the growth of shrimp diseases is by using probiotics produced from molasses fermentation as biological controls.

The benefit of molasses is that it accelerates the transition between autotrophic states (breaks down inorganic matter into complex molecules of organic matter) and heterotrophic (its energy source comes from eating organic matter). 

Both autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions are good for creating a healthy shrimp farming environment. To maintain a healthy cultivation environment, you need to know the function of molasses, tips for using molasses, and the benefits of molasses for shrimp. Come on, see the explanation here!

Function of Molasses in Shrimp Ponds

Molasses serves as a carbon source which is food for bacteria, maintains an abundance of beneficial bacteria, and produces low concentrations of inorganic nutrients. Adding molasses to water will quickly increase the carbon content and increase the carbon to nitrogen ratio

Tips for Using Molasses in Ponds

Molasses in the process of making fermentation is useful in growing plankton. Here are tips for using molasses in shrimp ponds:

  1. For bacterial activation, add 250 cc of molasses for a 20 liter capacity.
  2. For culturing probiotic bacteria, add 2 – 4 liters of molasses per drum (200 liters)
  3. To maintain the growth of probiotic bacteria which is carried out routinely 2 times a week, molasses is given at a dose of 2 – 5% of the total feed that has been used. For example, 50 kg of daily feed for 4 days, then 4 x 50 kg = 200 kg of feed. So the addition of molasses is 2% x 200 kg = 4 kg. The addition of molasses depends on the pH. if the pH is less than 7.5 then the use of pH is reduced, whereas if the pH is more than 8 then molasses is added
  4. For water pH management, if the pH is more than 8 then molasses is added at a dose of 1-2 ppm until the pH drops to less than 8. 

Benefits of Molasses for Shrimp

The benefit of giving molasses to shrimp is to increase the body weight of the shrimp. Besides that, molasses is also useful for increasing the pH of the water, and increasing the activity of beneficial bacteria in shrimp pond water. Probiotics derived from molasses fermentation play a role in improving growth rates, improving the quality of the aquatic environment, increasing shrimp endurance, and increasing feed conversion efficiency.

Probiotic bacteria from molasses which is mixed with the feed will be consumed by the shrimp and will be absorbed into the digestive tract of the shrimp. Probiotics will form a balance in the digestive tract of shrimp, so that they can suppress the population of pathogenic bacteria which are a source of disease for shrimp.

Shrimp weight growth tends to increase with the addition of molasses. This is because the addition of molasses to the shrimp rearing medium allows heterotrophic bacteria to colonize, so that the shrimp larvae can use it as a useful food source to increase growth. 

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Molasses is very important in activating probiotics for shrimp farming in the rearing process. The function of molasses is not only to encourage the formation of good bacteria, but also to provide carbon to accelerate the growth rate of shrimp, biomass, FCR, and reduce Vibrio sp. and other pathogenic bacteria.

For more details regarding molasses, you can consult for free with an expert through the application eFarm. eFarm is a shrimp farming solution in one hand, from cultivation consultations to arranging harvest plans. 

Come on, what are you waiting for? Consultation is now also featured Cultivation Consultation in application eFarm!

Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

Questions Regarding the Benefits of Molasses for Shrimp

Molasses can be applied to shrimp ponds prior to stocking of larvae by mixing it into the feed.

The benefits of giving molasses to shrimp are increasing shrimp body weight, increasing water pH, maintaining water DO, and increasing the activity of beneficial bacteria in shrimp pond water.

Molasses or molasses contains 48‒56% sugar, 30‒40% sucrose, and 4‒9% glucose. The benefit of molasses for shrimp is that it accelerates the transition between the autotrophic state (breaks down inorganic matter into complex molecules of organic matter) and heterotrophic (its energy source comes from eating organic matter).

  • Supito. 2017. Vaname Shrimp Cultivation Techniques (Litopenaeus vannamei). Jepara Brackish Water Aquaculture Center (BBPBAP). 14 p.
  • Widanarni, Saputra W, Wahjuningrum D. 2011. Effect of adding molasses on the survival and growth of tiger shrimp larvae Penaeus monodon Fab. given the probiotic bacteria Vibrio SKT-b. Journal of Indonesian Aquaculture. Vol. 10(2):106‒115.
  • Vaname.pdf