anak ikan nila baru lahir
anak ikan nila baru lahir

Newborn Tilapia Chicks: Care and Types of Feed

The key to the success of tilapia farming is how you take care of the newly born tilapia fry. In tilapia cultivation, the capital is not too big but the selling price is relatively high in the market.

Tilapia is a type of freshwater fish that has a lot of interest, not many people have looked at this business so there are still no competitors. Therefore, this article will provide information on how to care for and what type of feed for young tilapia to harvest with ideal body weight.

Read it to the end, ok!

How to Care for Newborn Tilapia Children

The most important thing to pay attention to tilapia cultivation is caring for young tilapia fish. Why is that? By caring for good tilapia children, the seeds will grow quickly.

Here's how to care for newborn tilapia puppies:

1. Maintaining Water Discharge

Sometimes, water discharge is often ignored. Even though maintaining water discharge is very important because it is one of the components of caring for young tilapia. Ponds that have a low water discharge, the condition of dissolved oxygen tends to decrease and the results of metabolism are not wasted immediately.

Water discharge plays an important role in water circulation as a carrier of dissolved and suspended materials. stabilizes temperature, and helps distribute oxygen in all directions making it easier for fish to breathe and expedite metabolic processes.

2. Paying attention to Oxygen Solubility

Apart from maintaining the water discharge, you need to pay attention to the dissolved oxygen in the pond. Keep dissolved oxygen > 5 mg/l and water pH around 6.5-8.

3. Increasing Water Discharge

You need to increase the water debit gradually. At the initial stage, the water level in the pond is only 40 cm, then it is increased again 10 cm/day until it reaches the optimum height.

4. Maintain Pool Water Conditions

You need to strive so that pool water is always green or brownish. This is an indication that the pond contains a lot of natural food.

5. Administration of antibiotics

Antibiotics function as drugs that provide immunity. Giving antibiotics is very necessary to fight bacteria or disease so that the larvae remain in good health.

6. Giving Probiotics

Probiotics are nutrients so that the young tilapia's appetite increases and they don't get sick easily. Probiotics are given routinely and regularly, at least twice a week.

7. Proper Feeding

Even though it's still a larva, you shouldn't give it random feed. If you provide random feed, the quality of the tilapia fry will decrease.

Feeding preferably with feed that has a high protein content. The natural food for newly hatched tilapia is zooplankton, such as Artemia sp., Rotifers sp., Moina sp., and daphnia sp.

8. Administration of Vaccines

The eighth stage is to vaccinate tilapia. Vaccines aim to protect against disease. Vaccinate at least twice a month evenly.

Types of Food for Newborn Tilapia Children

In caring for newborn tilapia fry, you need to know the type of food that is suitable for tilapia young. Proper feeding will accelerate growth and increase fish endurance. 

The following are the types of food for newborn tilapia:

1. Artemia sp.


Artemia is a type of small aquatic animal that is very good for tilapia food to grow up quickly. Artemia contains fat and protein which are needed for the growth of tilapia.

The small size of the artemia is very good for newborn tilapia fry. The nutritional content of artemia is 62.78% protein and 6.51% fat.

2. Rotifers sp.

Source: Fish Nature

Rotifers are zooplankton which are often used as natural food for fish, especially for fish larvae. Rotifers are small in size and fit the mouth openings of tilapia fry. In addition, rotifers swim slowly making it suitable for small fish.

3. Moina sp.


Moina is a type of baby fish feed that contains complete nutrition and is easy to digest. The size of the moina corresponds to the opening of the baby fish's mouth. Moina contains 37.38% of protein, 13.29% of fat, 11% of ash and 90.6% of water.

4. Daphnia sp.

Source: Alamtani

Daphnia is a natural food for fish fry. Daphnia is a prima donna among cultivators because it has a protein content of around 39-42%, 8 fat, 4% ash, 2,58% crude fiber, and 94,78% water content. Daphnia belongs to the group of planktonic crustaceans.

Daphnia size is very small, which is 0.2-5 mm. One of the advantages of daphnia as food for baby fish is that it does not make the pool water dirty.

How to Make Feed for Newborn Tilapia Chicks

Maybe you have ever wondered how to make food for newborn tilapia. To answer this question, let's see how to make it!

1. Culture Artemia sp.

  • Prepare tools and materials, such as artemia, gsalt fish, container kUltur, aerator, aclean ir, and sfish scraps.
  • Fill the culture container with clean water.
  • Enter the fish salt to taste then stir until the salt dissolves.
  • Add the artemia at the rate of half a tablespoon then stir until well blended.
  • Turn on the aerator, leave it for 1×24 hours because artemia usually hatch after 24 hours.
  • After the artemia has hatched, strain the artemia with a drain.
  • Artemia can be given to young tilapia.

2. Culture Rotifers sp.

  • Prepare tools such as, wada culture, stie, srotifers, karet tires, gcome on, morally, and emr.
  • And prepare the ingredients, namely, bibit rotifers, fitoplankton, ragi (5 grams), madu (5 ml), vvitamin B12 (10 eggs), vvitamin B6 (10 eggs), vvitamin B1 (10 items), and air sea.
  • Clean the culture container with a brush until clean. 
  • Complete the culture container with an aeration system, seawater pipes, and phytoplankton pipes.
  • Fill the container with seawater.
  • Add rotifer seeds to the culture container as needed.
  • Add phytoplankton to the culture container.
  • Add back the phytoplankton the next day.
  • Check the density of the rotifers daily.

3. Culture Moina sp.

  • Clean the culture container.
  • Fill the container with clean water as much as 40% of the total volume, add dolomite at a dose of 0.1 g.
  • Insert Chlorella sp. 60% of the total volume.
  • Insert starter (seeds) clean moina as much as 50-100 g/ton of media.
  • Install adequate aeration.
  • Moina culture monitoring.
  • Harvest moina.

4. Culture daphnia sp.

  • Prepare the tools to be used, such as aaquarium, aerator, saerated eagle, bor aeration, and kain try.
  • Also prepare clean water and kchicken poop.
  • Put water in an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters.
  • Weigh the chicken manure at a dose of 100 gr/100 liters, then put it in a strimin cloth and tie it up so it doesn't spill everywhere.
  • Enter the chicken droppings that have been wrapped in a strimin cloth into the water in the aquarium.
  • Squeeze the strimin cloth containing chicken manure so that the excrement extracts come out.
  • After the pool water is brown, let stand for 1 day.
  • After letting it sit for 1 day, put the daphnia seeds into the water. 
  • Harvest daphnia after 7 days of seed stocking.

Kabayan, Penyedia Akses ke Institusi Finansial untuk Mendukung Budidaya Nila

Anak ikan nila yang baru lahir dianjurkan untuk mengonsumsi Artemia sp. Rotifera sp., Kultur Moina sp., dan Daphnia sp., yang biasanya berukuran sangat kecil, sesuai bukaan mulut ikan. Namun, ketika anak ikan nila memasuki usia 30 hari, Bapak/Ibu bisa memberi pelet untuk menunjang dan mempercepat pertumbuhannya. Pelet dipilih karena nutrisi penuh di dalamnya diracik langsung oleh ahli pakan sehingga bisa menyesuaikan kebutuhan ikan nila.

Sekarang, pelet untuk anak ikan nila bisa Bapak/Ibu beli di eFishery pakai Kabayan. Kabayan (Love, Pay Later) merupakan penyedia akses ke institusi finansial yang aman dan diawasi OJK. Dengan Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang prosesnya cepat, persyaratannya mudah, dan bisa secara syariah.

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