cara membuat probiotik untuk udang vaname
cara membuat probiotik untuk udang vaname

The Easiest Way to Make Probiotics for Vaname Shrimp

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

How to make probiotics for vannamei shrimp is fairly simple and easy to do. The function of giving probiotics to shrimp ponds is as a measure to prevent a decrease in water quality during the cultivation period. If interested, you can try the following method of making probiotics for vannamei shrimp, which combines several ingredients to make probiotics for vannamei shrimp. Let's listen!

How to Probiotic Culture for Vaname Shrimp 

The probiotic culture method is as follows:

1. Prepare tools and materials. The tools used are scales, containers, aerators. The material used is bacteria Bacillus sp., fermipan (baker's yeast), salt, molasses, fish meal, bran and water
2. Make a hole in the lid of the container to insert the aerator hose into the bucket
3. Weigh each ingredient:

  • Fresh water 10 liters
  • Bran 500 gr
  • Bacteria Bacillus sp. 195 ml
  • Molasses 250 gr
  • Fermipan (bread yeast) 11 gr

4. Boil the water until it boils and then cool it. The goal is to kill bacteria in the water
5. Put water in the container
6. Add fish meal, bran, then stir
7. Add salt, then stir
8. Add fermipan (baker's yeast), molasses and Bacillus sp. Then stir
9. Install aeration on the container
10. Wait 3-4 days, bacteria will grow. Probiotics are ready to be applied to the ponds

Probiotics must be spread evenly throughout the pond and keep the waterwheel running on the pond. This is so that during the distribution of probiotics it produces hydrogen peroxide to fight vibrio. 

Benefits of Probiotics for Vaname Shrimp

To meet the increasing demand for high quality shrimp products, new production systems must be designed to minimize the introduction and spread of pathogenic agents with probiotics. Probiotics are very useful for vannamei shrimp in regulating biogeochemical cycles (material recycling cycle in nature) in the culture environment and directly affect the growth and survival of shrimp. Probiotics are known to control pathogens through various mechanisms, as an alternative to the use of antibiotics. 

Several farmers tested several specific microorganisms as probiotic organic matter in improving the water quality of vannamei shrimp ponds. The use of probiotics consisting of bacteria Bacillus sp. which is mixed into the vaname shrimp cultivation pond produces a good correlation for the growth of vannamei shrimp. Adding this mixture to the culture system reduces the concentration Vibrio sp., improve water quality, to improve numbers Survival Rate (SR), Mean Body Weight (MWB), total biomass, and Feed Conversion Rate (FCR). 

Types of Probiotic Bacteria that are Beneficial to Vaname Shrimp

Consideration of the bacteria selected as probiotics must be safe to use and able to provide beneficial benefits to the animals being cultivated. Probiotic bacteria can be applied directly to the aquaculture ponds or into the feed. 

Generally, bacteria play two main roles as beneficial bacteria and pathogenic forms; beneficial bacteria are very helpful in recycling nutrients and degradation of organic matter, as well as improving the water quality of vannamei shrimp ponds. Pathogenic bacteria are causative agents of poor water quality, stress, and disease because they act as both primary and secondary pathogens.

Bacteria that can be a probiotic ingredient in shrimp pond waters namely Bacillus sp.. Bacillus sp. which is used as a mixed ingredient for vannamei shrimp feed increases shrimp growth compared to regular feed. Suspected application of probiotics Bacillus sp. able to increase the survival of post-vaname shrimp larvae. Bacillus sp. very suitable for use as a probiotic because it is easy to grow, does not produce toxins, does not require expensive substrates, can withstand high temperatures, and has no metabolic by-products.

Probiotics in aquaculture have been used to maintain water quality for vannamei shrimp. The probiotics for vannamei shrimp that you have read above should be applied routinely with bacteria Bacillus sp.. Probiotic content Bacillus sp. high-quality fish can increase the body's resistance to various unwanted diseases. You can find probiotics that contain Bacillus sp. good quality easily only in eFarm app. 

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Bagi Bapak/Ibu yang masih bingung terkait cara membuat probiotik udang dan ingin langsung bertanya/berkonsultasi dengan Ahli Budidaya, Bapak/Ibu bisa berkonsultasi di fitur Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm.

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Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

Questions About How to Make Probiotics for Vaname Shrimp

Bacteria that can be a probiotic ingredient in shrimp pond waters namely Bacillus sp.. Bacillus sp. which is used as a mixed ingredient for vannamei shrimp feed increases shrimp growth compared to regular feed.

Bacillus sp. which is used as a mixed ingredient for vannamei shrimp feed is able to increase shrimp growth compared to regular feed. Suspected use of probiotics Bacillus sp. able to increase the survival rate of post-vaname shrimp larvae. Besides that Bacillus sp. easy to grow, does not produce toxins, does not require expensive substrates, can withstand high temperatures, and has no metabolic by-products.

  • Agustama Y, Lestari TA, Verdian AH, Witoko P, Eulis. 2021. Marlina Addition of Probiotic Em4 and Bacillus Sp to Artificial Feed on the Growth and Survival of Vaname Shrimp Post Larvae. Journal of Applied Fisheries (PERANAN) Vol. 2(1): 39-44.
  • Kharisma FL, Ali D, Subagiyo. 2013. The use of Bacillus sp. as a Probiotic Candidate for Crab Maintenance (Portunus sp.). Journal Of Marine Research. 2(1): 1-6.
  • Lakshmi B, Viswanath B, Gopal S. 2013. Probiotics as Antiviral Agents in Shrimp Aquaculture. DOI. 10:1155.
  • Rengpipat S, Tunyanun A, Arlo W, Somkiat P, Piamsak M. 2003. Enhanced growth and resistance to Vibrio challenge in pond-reared black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon fed a Bacillus probiotic. DAO. 55:169-173.