penyebab udang vaname lambat besar dan cara menanganinya
penyebab udang vaname lambat besar dan cara menanganinya

Causes of Slow Vaname Shrimp and How to Handle It!

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

DIn shrimp farming, there are many challenging factors that cause vannamei shrimp to grow slowly which are affected by poor pond water quality so that harvest opportunities decrease. However, you don't need to worry, there are several ways to prevent it delay in the growth of vannamei shrimp. Let's read here!

Causes of Slow Big Vaname Shrimp

Decreasing or slowing down of shrimp growth indicates attack from parasites, ie Enterocytozoon hepatopenae (EHP). EHP is a pathogen that lives in various types of environments such as freshwater lakes, rivers, estuaries, beaches, brackish and sea. EHP has a very small size, between 1-40 microns.

Apart from being the cause of slow growing vannamei shrimp (blank/dwarf shrimp), EHP can also attack the main organ of vannamei shrimp, namely the hepatopancreas. Hepatopancreas is an organ that digests enzymes that enter the shrimp's body. If the function of this organ is hampered, then the digestion and absorption function will be affected resulting in slow growing of the vannamei shrimp and decreased immunity of the vannamei shrimp.

In later stages, shrimp infected with EHP usually have soft shells and experience chronic death. EHP coinfection and Vibrio sp. has been associated with the development of white stool syndrome or White Stool Syndrome (WFS). This problem makes it increasingly difficult for shrimp farmers to run their shrimp business.

How to Prevent Vaname Shrimp Growth Delay

To get an optimal harvest, you need to pay attention to the growth of the shrimp you are cultivating. Shrimp that have been infected with EHP must be handled seriously as soon as possible so that it does not spread to become an epidemic in a shrimp pond waters. The only way to overcome it is to control the epidemic and apply biological precautions.

Here's how to prevent the delay in the growth of vannamei shrimp so that the vannamei shrimp grow quickly:

1. Management of Post Larvae

Confirm with the PCR test that the vannamei shrimp post larvae are not infected with EHP.

2. Disinfection of Cultivation Equipment

The equipment used in the vannamei shrimp cultivation process must be disinfected before use.

3. Environmental Management and Water Quality

Increase waste disposal capacity to avoid decreasing water quality in ponds by adding probiotics to vannamei shrimp pond water to avoid the growth of pathogens or bacteria. Avoid using inappropriate drugs, don't cause damage to the hepatopancreas in vannamei shrimp.

4. Disease Management

Use functional feed in the early stages of stocking to increase immunity. Dead shrimp should be removed to avoid cross-infection. Use vannamei shrimp seeds Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) high quality (based on PCR testing protocol).

5. Functional Feed 

Choose feed that has the following characteristics:

  • Enhance intestinal immunity, protect the intestinal tract, and increase palatability and disease resistance.
  • Stimulates shrimp non-specific immune function, enhances non-specific immunity, reduces the possibility of EHP disease infection, and has a marked effect on shrimp disease prevention.
  • Contains sufficient vitamins and amino acids which can supplement the physiologically required nutrition for shrimp, meet the shrimp's demand for enzymes and trace elements, promote metabolism, and help maintain the healthy growth and development of shrimp.
  • Contains selected glucans to improve the structure of intestinal flora, increase metabolism, protect cells from free radicals, maintain normal cell metabolism, and increase resistance.
  • Promote the production of digestive enzymes, can promote digestion, and has antioxidant function to increase growth efficiency.
  • Increase animal resistance to disease and cell recovery ability which can also prevent diseases caused by stress.

The precautions above show that good pond maintenance, safe water sources, safe cultivation areas, and selection of high quality post larvae can help avoid slow growth of shrimp (blantik/dwarf shrimp). In addition, farmers also need to know how to manage good water quality, clean the pond bottom, minimize pathogens that have the opportunity to enter the pond, and choose functional shrimp feed that has a good reputation to prevent stunting. Good functional feed comes from natural ingredients so that it can have a positive impact on the metabolic function of shrimp.

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Keterlambatan pertumbuhan udang vaname bisa dicegah dengan beberapa cara seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Jika Bapak/Ibu masih bingung dan ingin bertanya langsung ke Ahli Budidaya terkait pertumbuhan udang yang lambat, Bapak/Ibu bisa konsultasi di fitur Cultivation Consultation in app eFarmCultivation Consultation is a feature FREE yang bisa Bapak/Ibu gunakan kapanpun dan dimanapun. Selain konsultasi mengenai keterlambatan pertumbuhan udang, Bapak/Ibu juga bisa mengkonsultasikan hal lain seputar budidaya udang.

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Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

Questions Regarding the Causes of Slow Vaname Shrimp

Decreasing or slowing down the growth of shrimp (blatant/dwarf shrimp) indicates an attack from parasites, namely Enterocytozoon hepatopenae (EHP). EHP is a pathogen that lives in various types of environments such as freshwater lakes, rivers, estuaries, beaches, brackish and sea.

Hepatopancreas is an organ that digests enzymes that enter the shrimp's body. If the function of this organ is hampered, then the digestion and absorption function will be affected resulting in slow growing of the vannamei shrimp and decreased immunity of the vannamei shrimp.

To prevent vaname shrimp growth delays, it can be done in several ways, namely by post larval management, disinfection of cultivation equipment, environmental and water quality management, disease management, and providing functional feed.

  • Ning M, Bi J, Sun W, Xie X, Huang Y, Gu W, Wang W, Qiao Y, Jiang G, Shen H, Meng Q. 2021 . Linolenic acid improves growth performance and immune status of Penaeus vannamei infected by Enterocytozoon
  • hepatopenae. Vol. 535.