cara memasarkan ikan gurame
cara memasarkan ikan gurame

How to Market Gurame Fish, Quickly and Definitely Money!

After the cultivation cycle is complete, it is time for Mr/Mrs Cultivator to think about how to market carp quickly and precisely. Of course, after about one year of cultivating carp, you want to get a good price when the carp is going to be marketed.

Come on, read this article to find out how!

Business Prospects for Gurame Fish Cultivation

Carp is a type of fresh water fish that is very popular. However, the current stock of carp in the market cannot meet this demand. Apart from the fact that not many cultivators are interested in cultivating carp, the low stock of this fish is also caused by the length of time Day of Cultivation (DoC).

Day of Cultivation is the day needed for fish to be cultivated in order to reach the ideal harvest weight. Usually carp takes up to 1 year to reach a weight of 0.5 kg.

Even though you have to spend more effort in cultivating carp, the price of this fish is much higher than other types of freshwater fish. In the market, carp are sold for IDR 30,000-IDR 50,000 its perkilo. Most people who are crazy about the delicacy of fish meat are not a problem if they have to spend a lot of money.

The carp cultivation business seems to have never faded. Moreover, coupled with the existing cultivation innovations, the distribution of the carp business still has the opportunity to bring lucrative profits for you. So, this carp cultivation business is worth trying!

Benefits of Gurame Fish Cultivation Business

High market demand for carp makes this type of fish farming more profitable. The profits obtained are also promising, with the number of carp stocks that have not been fully fulfilled making the opportunity wide open to run. Come on, see the reasons why the carp cultivation business is profitable!

1. The selling price is quite high

In the market, carp is a fish that has a high price with the majority of consumers who are in the upper middle class. This is because the meat tastes very delicious and is highly nutritious, especially if you cultivate it in the right and intensive way.

2. Easy and Economical Maintenance

Gouramy is a fish that has high immunity, therefore it tends to be easier to treat than other fish. For maintenance costs, you only need to spend money on feed and cleaning the pond.

Carp, which is an omnivorous fish, will also save more on feed costs. In addition to pellets, carp can eat insects, kale, taro leaves, sente leaves, and other aquatic plants.

3. Less Market Competition

Because Day of Cultivationits old age, not many cultivators are willing to cultivate carp. The good news is that the competition in fish farming is relatively less compared to other freshwater fish farming.

How to Marketing Gurame Fish

There are several ways that you can do in marketing the harvested carp. Usually, carp is marketed in the traditional way. However, thanks to technological sophistication, now you can market carp for free on line. Come on, see more below!

1. Ways of Marketing Gurame Fish Without Intermediaries

This method of marketing the results of carp cultivation on this one can be said to be simple and concise because cultivators as producers directly market their products without the need for intermediary services. If marketing is done without intermediaries, the cultivator directly sells the carp he harvests to the market or offers it to restaurants. There are also cultivators who have their own stalls in the market so they usually sell the carp they harvest directly at the stalls.

2. Ways of Marketing Gurame Fish Through Intermediaries

In this way, the freshly harvested carp cultivators are usually purchased by collectors, dealers, or retailers at prices that are lower than those in traditional markets. Even so, your carp will sell quickly because they will immediately buy in large quantities. In contrast to individual consumers in traditional markets who only buy carp in small quantities.

3. Marketing of Gurame Fish On line

Thanks to technological sophistication, now fish cultivators can market their fish online on line through intermediaries or not. By marketing carp on a regular basis on line, Mr / Ms can hook consumers from various regions.

If you want to sell harvested carp without using intermediaries, you can market it directly through e-commerce. That way, you just have to wait for the buyer to buy the carp that you sell and deliver it via the existing delivery service.

Perbesar Skala Budidaya Ikan Gurame Pakai Kabayan

Setelah melakukan pemanenan ikan gurame dari siklus budidaya terdahulu, saatnya Bapak/Ibu memulai siklus budidaya baru dengan memperbesar skalanya pakai Kabayan. Kabayan (Kasih, Bayar Nanti) merupakan penyedia akses ke institusi finansial terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK untuk membeli pakan. Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang dapat dibayarkan setelah panen. Dengan proses cepat dan persyaratan mudah, budidaya ikan pun makin lancar pakai Kabayan.

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