jenis ikan gurame
jenis ikan gurame

7 Types of Gurame Fish with Profit Potential

To start cultivating carp, you need to know the types of carp so you can determine which type is suitable and appropriate for a farming business. Carp cultivation is a promising fish farming business with high profit potential.

Because, carp has soft, tasty and delicious meat so that many people in Indonesia like this freshwater fish meat. Not only in Indonesia, carp is also a popular food throughout Southeast Asia and South Asia.

Fish that have a Latin name or scientific name Osphronemus goramy it has many different names in each region, depending on the local language of the area, so you need to find out what the term for carp is often used in the local area.

Generally, healthy carp are characterized by an oval and long body with a small mouth and larger scales compared to other freshwater fish. Interestingly, apart from being processed into food, carp can also be used as an ornamental fish.

Which types of carp are used as food and ornamental fish? To answer this, you should know the types of carp in detail.

Types of Gurame Fish

To start a business gouramy fish farming, You need to know the types of carp so you can determine which type of carp to cultivate. Here are 7 types of carp in Indonesian waters.

1. Rock Gourami

Rock carp is a type of carp that has black body color and hard scales. Rock gourami is rarely used as food because the total meat is quite small.

Because the maximum body weight of this fish is small. At the age of one year, the body weight only reaches 0.5 kg, so the rock carp is more commonly used as an ornamental fish.

2. Soang Gurame or Goose Gurame

The fast-growing carp is a type of soang carp or goose carp. Within 9 months, cultivators can harvest soang carp with a fish weight of 500 grams.

In fact, if you cultivate it longer, this type of carp can reach a weight of 8 kg with a length of 65 cm. Another advantage of cultivating soang carp is that the eggs produced by the broodstock are quite a lot, namely between 5,000-7,000 eggs per brood.

Gurame soang or also commonly called goose goose has the characteristics of a slightly protruding head like a goose, as well as an elongated flat body shape with a combination of black and white. The tail of the soang carp has a reddish color when it is under 1 year old. Gurame soang is often found in the area of West Java, especially Cianjur and Ciamis.

3. Cotton Carp

Cotton carp has the characteristics of a silvery-white color like cotton with wide, rough-textured and hard scales. Similar to soang carp, cotton carp is a type of carp that grows quickly.

However, the maximum weight is only 1.5 kg. In addition, the productivity of cotton carp brooders is also not too high, namely only getting 3,000 eggs per head for one spawning.

4. Gurame Blue Sapphire

Even though the name is blue sapphire carp, this type of carp is actually not blue, but reddish black or bright pink. The sapphire blue carp has a maximum length of 35 cm and a maximum weight of 2-4 kg.

Regarding its productivity, blue sapphire is a carp that has quite good productivity, which can lay 4,000-5,000 eggs per head for one spawning.

5. Porcelain Gurame

Porcelain carp is a popular carp and has many fans, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, it is not surprising that the selling price itself is higher than other types of carp. The characteristics of the porcelain gouramy are silvery pink, white lower body, and smaller head size than body size.

The growth of porcelain gourami is fairly fast and can reach a maximum weight of 1.5-2 kg per head. The productivity of this fish is quite high, namely in one spawning it can produce 8,000-10,000 eggs per head. To start cultivating carp, you can try this profitable porcelain carp.

6. Japanese carp or Japanese carp

Japanese carp or Japanese carp comes from Central Java. When he was still small, Japanese carp has a slightly bluish color. When it enters adulthood, the Japanese carp has a solid black color on top, with white scales and dark lines on the body that make it look like gray.

The maximum length of this type of carp reaches 45 cm, with a body weight of 3.5-4 kg. Japanese carp brooders are capable of producing 2,000-3,000 eggs per period.

7. Parisian carp

Parisian carp has a bright red base color with black spots all over the body and white on the head. The maximum weight of this fish is only 1.5 kilograms. The eggs produced by the Paris gouramy broodstock for one spawning are only around 5,000-6,000 eggs.

Gurame Cultivation Business Prospects

As previously mentioned, carp is a type of freshwater fish that has a lot of demand, so you won't have too much trouble selling it. You can offer carp to collectors with a lower selling price risk than the market.

Apart from that, you can also offer your harvested carp to fish traders in traditional markets, supermarkets, restaurants, or directly to household consumers. To get a fair price quickly, you can sell fish through the Fish Stalls in the application eFisheryKu

To reach the supermarket buyer segmentation, you need to pay attention to the quality of the carp so that your harvest has criteria suitable for sale in supermarkets.

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Questions About Types of Gurame Fish

The type of carp that grows quickly is the soang carp which is often found in the area of West Java, especially Ciamis and Cianjur. In addition, this type of cotton carp also grows fast.

Carp is a type of freshwater fish that is popular in Indonesia with a wide, flat body and a soft and delicious meat texture.
