penyakit ikan lele
penyakit ikan lele

Recognize Catfish Disease and How to Prevent It!

Ikan lele adalah salah satu ikan air tawar yang memiliki ketahanan tubuh tinggi terhadap penyakit. Dengan kata lain, ikan lele tahan akan serangan penyakit dan mampu beradaptasi dengan cepat di berbagai macam kondisi. Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti ikan lele tidak akan pernah terkena penyakit sama sekali. Kalau ikan lele sudah terkena penyakit, penyakit tersebut bisa menular ke ikan lele yang lainnya.

For that, see this article to find out the various catfish diseases that often appear and how to deal with them!

Causes of Disease in Catfish

Diseases that exist in catfish can come from within the body of the fish and from the surrounding environment. Pond water conditions and weather can affect the health of catfish. Pond water that is too dirty can contain ammonia and bacteria that are harmful to fish.

Meanwhile, erratic weather can affect the temperature of the water in the pond. Changes in temperature that are too fast are not liked by catfish so that it will disrupt their metabolism and cause stress.

When the immunity of catfish is decreasing, the catfish will be easily attacked by pests or diseases around it. Disease in catfish can also come from improper feeding, whether it's the type of feed or the management of the feed.

Types of Catfish Pests and Diseases

Even though it is known as a fish that has high survival, catfish can also get sick. Not only attacking the external organs of the fish, the following diseases can also attack the internal organs of the fish. Come on, let's see together!

1. White Spot Disease

penyakit ikan lele bintik putih
Source: Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office of Gunungkidul Regency

White spot disease in catfish is caused by protozoa of the type Ichthyphyhirius multifillis. To avoid this, you are advised to maintain the cleanliness of the catfish pond and ensure the pool water temperature is at 28°C.

Meanwhile, to treat fish that have contracted white spot disease, you can sprinkle salt into the pond 2-3 times per day. In order not to infect other catfish, you can also separate fish infected with white spot disease from other fish and improve the sanitation system in the pond.

2. Water Fungus Disease

penyakit ikan lele jamur air
Source: Dictio Community

Usually, the fungus only infects fish that are sick or injured, not healthy fish. Fungus only grows in the body of a fish that is experiencing a decrease in its immune system. When infected with a fungus, threads resembling cotton will appear on the fish's body, especially in the parts where there are wounds.

If attacked by fungus, the fish will also lose its aggressiveness. To treat catfish that have been affected by fungus, you are advised to quarantine the fish in a sterile pond.

3. Cotton Wool Disease

The next disease in catfish is Cotton Wool disease. This disease is caused by bacteria flexibacter columnaris. This disease will attack the gills of catfish.

If you have contracted this disease, there will be wounds, white coating, and white spots on the surface of the fish's body. Catfish infected with Cotton Wool disease will also move very slowly and look lethargic. 

This disease appears due to the decay of leftover food at the bottom of the pond and the water temperature is too high. To prevent this, you can improve feeding management and maintain the water temperature at 28°C.

4. Smallpox

Smallpox disease in catfish is generally caused by poor water quality. Smallpox usually appears in the bodies of fish that live in ponds with dirty water and lack of care. To prevent and treat catfish affected by smallpox, you are advised to take better care of and improve the quality of pond water by changing it regularly.

It is important to remember that smallpox is a contagious disease. So, if you find catfish infected with smallpox, separate the fish from other fish.

5. Itching

Itching disease in catfish is caused by bacteria Trichodina sp. Symptoms that arise in fish when attacked by this disease are limp movements and dull skin color. Because they feel itchy, the fish will often rub their bodies against the walls or bottom of the pond.

Just like other diseases, this disease can also be transmitted through water. For this reason, if the symptoms mentioned above are visible, you are advised to separate fish that are infected with fish that are still healthy. To prevent this, you can reduce the density of fish fingerlings because this disease can also be caused by a lack of oxygen content. 

6. Bacterial attack Aeromonas hydrophila

Bacteria aeromonas hydrophila very often attack catfish. If the catfish has been attacked by this bacteria, its stomach will bulge, its fins will swell, and the surface of the body will be injured.

Just like Cotton Wool disease, this bacteria appears due to the large amount of rotting feed residue on the surface of the pond. Therefore, to prevent catfish from this bacteria, you must manage the feeding management very well.

Maksimalkan Manajemen Pakan dengan eFeeder, Beli/Sewa di eFisheryKu Sekarang!

efeeder alat pakan ikan otomatis

Banyak jenis penyakit yang menjangkit ikan lele karena banyaknya pakan yang mengendap di dasar kolam. Pakan yang mengendap di dasar kolam dapat menimbulkan bakteri seperti aeromonas hydrophila And flexibacte. Untuk itu, Bapak/Ibu memerlukan eFeeders, pemberi pakan otomatis dari eFishery yang bisa menyesuaikan jumlah dan bobot pakan di waktu pemberian yang sudah ditentukan.

Kini eFeeders bisa Bapak/Ibu beli dan sewa di eFishery. eFisheryKu is the application of eFishery which is the mainstay of cultivators in Indonesia from the beginning of the cultivation cycle to harvest.

Selain beli/sewa eFeeders, di eFisheryKu Bapak/Ibu juga bisa membeli pakan di fitur Buy Feed, mendapat akses ke lembaga finansial dengan Kabayan, menjual ikan hasil panen di Fish Stall dan mendapatkan berbagai kemudahan lainnya.

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