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Goldfish Feeding Tips To Grow Big Fast But Save!

Choosing the right goldfish food is a successful way for you to speed up cultivation. With so many types of feed available, you need to choose goldfish food that is high in nutrition and balanced. So that your goldfish does not lack nutrition.

There are many types of goldfish feed that you can choose from. However, the nutritional content of the type of material needs to be a major consideration. Carp feed with high nutrition will significantly affect the success of cultivation. Then, what is the right feed for goldfish?

This article will discuss goldfish food so that you don't choose the wrong one. Let's see!

Proper Composition of Goldfish Feed

Komposisi makanan ikan mas yang tepat akan membantu kesuksesan budidaya ikan mas Bapak/Ibu. Berikut komposisi nutrisi ikan mas yang harus ada di pada pakan ikan mas.

Mineralsmall amount
Vitaminsmall amount

The elements above must be fulfilled when you want to make carp feed. If the feed made has a balanced nutritional content, your goldfish can grow quickly.

One thing that you need to pay special attention to when making feed is the protein content of the feed, because protein is the key to goldfish farming.

Providing sufficient protein will increase the efficiency of converting protein in the feed into goldfish body protein. According to the publication Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology (2015), providing protein has an effect on the growth rate of carp. 

The results of this study showed that the protein content of 30% gave the best results. Therefore, if you make feed, make sure the protein content is sufficient for goldfish food.

7 Foods for Goldfish to Grow Big Fast

In the following, we summarize the various types of goldfish food so that they grow up quickly so that you can determine the right feed. Of course, the availability of raw materials is a top priority, so choose the types of food that are widely available where you live.

1. Crickets

Crickets are one of the goldfish's favorite foods. Crickets have a high protein content. In fact, the protein content of crickets is 3 times higher than chicken meat. In addition, crickets contain omega 3 which can accelerate the growth of fish.

2. Kroto

Kroto are weaver ant eggs that can be used as goldfish feed. Kroto has a high protein so it can accelerate the growth of goldfish. 

You can look for it in the lush trees. After getting it, Kroto can be crushed and given to goldfish as feed.

3. Silk Worms

Silk worms are a type of worm that is widely used as goldfish feed. Silk worms have a protein content of 57%. Therefore, these worms are widely used as goldfish feed.

4. Daphnia

Daphnia sp. are water fleas that are used as natural goldfish food. Water fleas have a high nutritional content, are sized according to the mouth of fish larvae, and are easy to cultivate. Currently daphnia is one type of feed that is widely cultivated in bulk.

5. Rice Husk

Rice husk is an alternative food for carp. Goldfish are all-eating omnivorous fish. One type of plant that goldfish like is rice husk.

However, don't just add rice husk but add molasses, coconut charcoal, and fish meal to the feed mixture to make natural pellets.

6. Earthworms

Earthworms are a source of food that is known by many people. Earthworms have a high nutritional content, such as a protein content that reaches 40%. You can look for earthworms in muddy places, but you can also cultivate them yourself.

7. Banana leaf caterpillar

Banana leaf caterpillar is a natural food for carp which has high nutrition. Banana leaf caterpillars have complete nutrition and high protein so they are good for the development of goldfish. Banana leaf worms are common in rolled up banana leaves.

4 Tips for Feeding Goldfish

To provide goldfish food, here are some tips that you can follow to provide goldfish food effectively.

1. Goldfish Feeding Time

Tips for feeding the first carp is to determine the time of feeding. You must determine the time of feeding goldfish at the same time. 

For example, if you set a feeding time at 08.00 WIB, you must provide the feed at the same time the next day. Thus, the fish will recognize the time of feeding and can grow more optimally. 

2. Provide a variety of feed

You must provide a varied feed for goldfish because each type of feed has a different nutritional content. By using various types of feed, goldfish can get complete nutrition and grow quickly.

3. Feed Size

The size of the feed also determines the rate of growth and development of goldfish. Feed the goldfish 2-3 times a day with small amounts for one minute. Next, you can determine how many parts of the feed to add until there is feed that is not eaten by goldfish.

4. Dosage of Goldfish Food

The dose of carp feed is 3-4% of the weight of the fish cultivated. For example, a fish weighing 100 grams requires 3-4 grams of feed per head per day.

If you have 1,000 goldfish, the feed requirement is 3-4 kg per day. Feeding is done 3 times a day, namely morning, afternoon and evening/night.

Beli Pakan Ikan Mas Lebih Mudah Pakai Kabayan

Sebelumnya Bapak/Ibu telah mengetahui bahwa cara pemberian pakan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ikan mas. Oleh karena itu, jangan memberikan pakan yang terlalu banyak, sedikit, maupun dengan jadwal yang tidak sesuai. Namun, selain cara pemberian pakan yang tepat, jenis makan juga mempengari kecepatan pertumbuhan ikan mas karena setiap jenis pakan mengandung nutrisi yang berbeda. Salah satu jenis pakan yang nutrisinya sudah disesuaikan oleh ahli pakan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan ikan mas adalah pelet.

Kini, Bapak/Ibu bisa membeli pelet di eFishery menggunakan Kabayan (Love, Pay Later), penyedia akses ke institusi finansial yang aman dan diawasi OJK. Dengan Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang prosesnya cepat dan persyaratannya mudah.

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Questions About Goldfish Food

Common carp feeds are pellet feed, earthworms, silk worms, daphnia, banana leaf caterpillars, and others.

The price of carp feed per kg ranges from IDR 8,000-13,000.