keuntungan ternak lele 1000 ekor
keuntungan ternak lele 1000 ekor

Very Cash! Here Are the Profits of 1000 Catfish!

Keuntungan ternak ikan lele 1000 ekor berapa juta? Pertanyaan ini tentunya muncul pertama kali di kepala kita jika ingin memulai budidaya ikan lele. Apalagi melihat mulai banyak kuliner ikan lele menjamur di pinggiran kota.

That's right, catfish farming is indeed profitable and easy to sell. In fact, according to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the consumption of catfish continues to increase every year. That is, the opportunities are wide open for many new catfish cultivators.

To start catfish farming, 1,000 fish is the right amount. The value is neither too big nor too small. Then what are the advantages?

In this article we will discuss the analysis of 1000 catfish cultivation. Let's see!

Catfish Livestock Business Prospects

The catfish livestock business has good opportunities because it has a taste that suits the tongue of the Indonesian people and its cultivation is not difficult. Here are 3 business prospects for catfish in Indonesia.

1. High Enthusiasm

Catfish is one of the Indonesian culinary delights that you can easily find on the side of the road. Many restaurants and restaurants serve catfish as their main menu, such as catfish pecel and grilled catfish.

In Indonesia, consumption of catfish per capita is quite high, reaching 50.69 kg per capita per year. According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Agriculture (2018), catfish production in 2015-2018 also continued to increase with an increase of 56,32%.

This means that catfish are in great demand, so if you cultivate catfish it will not be difficult to sell it. The reason is the ever-increasing needs and large market share.

2. Small Capital

Catfish can be cultivated with relatively small capital compared to other types of fish. This is because catfish are not fussy about feed and have a high feed conversion rate.

The proof is, for 1000 catfish, you only need 90 kg of feed. Thus, the profits of the catfish business will be relatively large.

3. Practical Cultivation

Cultivating catfish is relatively more practical compared to other types of fish. This is because catfish farming can use cheap tarpaulin ponds, no need to use expensive concrete. In addition, tarpaulin is also easy to disassemble.

Analysis of 1000 Heads of Catfish Livestock Business

How much capital do you have to spend to start a catfish farm of 1000? The following is an analysis of 1,000 catfish livestock businesses.

Cultivation ComponentsPrice (IDR)
1000 catfish seeds250.000
Feed 90 kg450.000
Tarpaulin (2 x 3)100.000
Bamboo and Equipment100.000

So you can start cultivating 1,000 catfish with the capital is only IDR 1,200,000. So how much profit do you get?

Profits of 1000 Catfish

After starting catfish farming, in about 3 months you can harvest catfish. If the success in cultivating catfish is 90%, the number of catfish that can be harvested is 900 catfish.

One catfish weighs 250 grams so the total weight of the catfish harvested is 225 kg. The benefits that you get during the harvesting process are presented in the table below.

Total fish weightPrice per kgTurnover/harvest
225 kgsIDR 18,000IDR 4,050,000

So the turnover per harvest that you can get is equal to IDR 4,050,000. Meanwhile, the profit for catfish per 1000 heads that can be obtained can be calculated using the formula below!

Profit = Turnover – Capital

With the required capital in catfish farming of IDR 1,200,000 then the profit of 1,000 catfish livestock is IDR 2,250,000

From this value, you can also predict the profit from catfish farming in larger quantities, for example 10,000 heads, 20,000 heads or 50,000 heads. The way to calculate the profit only needs to be multiplied by 10 times, 20 times and 50 times.

Tips for Success in Catfish Livestock

Here are some tips for successful catfish farming so that your catfish farming can be successful.

1. Choose the Right Type of Catfish

In Indonesia there are many types of catfish such as sangkuriang catfish, bumblebee catfish, otocinclus catfish, glass catfish, and others. Here you have to know catfish that are easy to sell in the market. In addition, choose the type of catfish that grows quickly and is disease resistant.

2. Start on a Small Scale

Every business activity must have a risk. Therefore, you can start from small-scale catfish farming in order to know the factors and challenges in catfish farming. After having knowledge and experience in cultivation, then you can increase the scale and capacity of catfish farming.

3. Water Quality Management

Although catfish is classified as a type of freshwater fish that has good immunity, it does not mean that catfish 100% is disease resistant. So you have to control so that the quality of the water remains clean, especially since the water in catfish farming ponds gets dirty quickly. That way, the success rate in catfish farming can increase.

Kembangkan Budidaya Lele 1.000 Ekor dengan Kabayan

Setelah sukses budidaya ikan lele 1.000 ekor, saatnya mengembangkan budidaya lele agar keuntungannya makin banyak. Mengembangkan budidaya lele bisa Bapak/Ibu lakukan dengan bantuan Kabayan from eFishery yang menyediakan akses ke lembaga keuangan terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK.

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Questions Regarding the Profits of 1,000 Catfish Livestock

A livestock of 1,000 catfish requires a capital of IDR 1,200,000. This business capital includes the investment cost of making tarpaulin.

The profit of 1,000 catfish livestock is IDR 2,250,000 for one catfish harvest cycle. One catfish harvest cycle is for 3-4 months.

The selling price of catfish in the market depends on the sales area. Can range from IDR 18,000-25,000.