cara mengelola tambak udang
cara mengelola tambak udang

Things to Look For in Managing Shrimp Ponds

Cara mengelola tambak udang yang tepat akan meningkatkan produktivitas panen udang Bapak/Ibu. Tentunya mengelola tambak udang memerlukan sebuah strategi khusus dan tidak bisa dilakukan dengan sembarangan. Ada banyak faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam budidaya udang mulai dari manajemen produksi, mengontrol kualitas air, hingga metode panen, dan pasca panen.

If shrimp pond cultivation has grown to a large extent, of course, you will find it difficult to do it yourself. Therefore, you need to work with or employ the right and professional human resources (HR).

Then what human resources are needed in shrimp pond cultivation? In this article, we will discuss it in full, starting from the right human resources to other factors so that your shrimp farming can be successful.

Determining the Right Human Resources for Shrimp Ponds

The first way to manage shrimp ponds is to choose a shrimp pond technician. The right human resources (HR) will assist you in developing shrimp farming. The following is a shrimp pond technician that you should need.

1. Cultivation Equipment Technician

Large shrimp ponds certainly use several technologies such as wheels, motors, generator pumps, dynamos, and a good electricity network. The technology serves to ensure operational success in aquaculture. Then what if there are problems with the equipment?

Therefore, human resources for shrimp pond technicians are needed who are able to master the equipment in shrimp ponds. HR with a background in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering will be able to overcome problems in shrimp farming technology.

2. Aquaculture Team

The next shrimp pond technician is the aquaculture team. This team consists of fisheries management, laboratory analysts, and aquaculture experts. The management team will control workflow shrimp pond cultivation activities, determine the amount and production capacity, to control the yield and amount of harvest. Of course, the required human resources have a background in fisheries management.

Next is the role of laboratory analysts to maintain the quality of pond water. This laboratory analyst must be able to check the levels of pH, NH3, and dissolved oxygen levels in shrimp pond waters. Thus, water quality is maintained and shrimp can grow optimally. The required human resources must master microbiology, chemistry, and biochemistry

The next shrimp pond technician who is no less important is the cultivation expert who works to ensure that the pond uses the right cultivation method, preventing disease, and even dealing with disease outbreaks in shrimp ponds.

3. Security Team

The security team is a human resource for shrimp ponds that cannot be forgotten in shrimp farming. This is because the security of the pond is a priority. Don't let Mr/Mrs have carried out pond production and management properly but instead the shrimp products are stolen. So the security team will keep shrimp pond cultivation safe and conducive.

Importance Water Treatment In Shrimp Ponds

The next way to manage shrimp ponds is to control the quality of shrimp farming water or what is commonly called water treatment. That way, the water quality in the pond is maintained. Even when changing the water, the waste from the shrimp ponds does not pollute the environment.

Water in shrimp pond cultivation should not be discharged directly into the waters. This is because the water in shrimp ponds has a high nutrient content such as nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter which can be bad for the environment. These substances come from waste from uneaten feed, shrimp droppings, shrimp carcasses, bacteria, and phytoplankton. 

Water treatments in shrimp pond cultivation is also very important to maintain the health of shrimp livestock. The low quality of shrimp pond water can become a nest of bacteria and pathogens that cause disease in shrimp. This is because pathogenic bacteria easily live in dirty water and have a high organic matter content. Therefore, water quality must be maintained properly so that it does not become a hotbed of disease. 

If there is an outbreak, it will be very difficult to overcome it. Moreover, shrimp disease is very easy to spread from one shrimp to another. An example of a case that occurred in Hainan China in 2013 where 80% Farmers experienced shrimp harvest failure.

So maintaining the quality of pond water is an important key to preventing disease and outbreaks in shrimp ponds. Then, how water treatment working to maintain the water quality of shrimp ponds?

Generally, water treatment What many farmers do is make water reservoirs. The water reservoir functions to precipitate water before it enters the aquaculture pond. That way, the content of organic substances that cause pathogenic bacteria can be reduced. Here, the sterilization process can also be carried out using chlorine so that it can kill pathogenic bacteria.

Unfortunately, many farmers ignore the construction of reservoirs and think that making reservoirs is a waste of money. In fact, reservoirs are a form of anticipation of crop failures which give far greater losses than the making of the reservoirs themselves.

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Learning Shrimp Cultivation at eFarm Guaranteed to Understand Quickly!

Being a shrimp farming businessman certainly has many challenges and obstacles, because shrimp farming is an art. For this reason, as farmers, we must continue to learn to deepen the knowledge and experience of shrimp farming. So that if there is a problem, the knowledge we gain can be used to find a solution.

The best choice for learning shrimp farming is at eFarm yang merupakan solusi lengkap untuk belajar budidaya udang. Di sini Bapak/Ibu dapat belajar budidaya udang dari ahli dan teknisi senior budidaya secara FREE!

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan berharga ini! Ayo tonton beragam video budidaya udang di fitur Learn Cultivation dalam Aplikasi eFarm right now.

Questions About How to Manage Shrimp Ponds

Shrimp crop failure can be caused by disease outbreaks that occur in shrimp ponds.

Ponds can harvest if the shrimp are aged for about 80 days.

The requirements for the quality of vaname shrimp aquaculture water are pH ranging from 7.5-8.5, temperature 26-30 Celsius, and DO of 4.9-7.9.