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Start a Fish Livestock Business, Make a Future Investment!

Who would have thought that fish farming could be a profitable investment instrument choice if done diligently and seriously. The reason fish farming is one of the potential investment instruments is because the demand for each period has never decreased too significantly.

Considering that fish is one of the animals that must be consumed as a substitute for meat or chicken side dishes, it can be said that this fish farming business is not a seasonal business that only makes a profit in certain periods.

If you currently have savings, pension funds, severance pay, or other surplus funds, then you may consider starting this business, especially if you live in an area or village. As an illustration of how potential the fish farming business is to be used as an investment option, see the explanation here!

Why Promising Fish Livestock Business?

Based on report data from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (KKP), in 2011, fish consumption in Indonesia only reached 31.5 kg/capita. This amount is very different from Malaysia which reaches 55.4 kg/capita annually. Nevertheless, every year Indonesia continues to experience an increase in fish consumption compared to Malaysia. 

Latest released data Marine and Fisheries Ministry The official website shows that there has been an increase in fish consumption by 69.17% in 2021. Currently, fish consumption is 55.37 kg/capita. This figure increased by 1.48% when compared to the fish consumption rate in 2020 which was only 54.56%.

Meanwhile, based on data on fish consumption figures in 2011, the fisheries sector has produced 12.39 million tonnes of fish: 5.41 million tonnes of direct catch and 6.98 million tonnes of aquaculture production.

If you find out more specifically, it turns out that as much as 1.1 million tons of aquaculture production comes from freshwater fish farming, followed by brackish water pond cultivation, sea fish cultivation, cage cultivation, and floating net cultivation.

Going forward, the government is targeting fish consumption of 59.53 kg/capita per year in 2022 and increasing to 62.5 kg/capita in 2024.

This data can be used as evidence that fish farming can become a potential wet field for a long-term investment business because market demand continues to increase every year, followed by government support.

Preparation for Starting a Fish Livestock Business

To start a fish farming or farming business, you need to prepare a number of things, such as special land for fish farming, the best fish seeds, feed, and the fish harvesting process.

This article will discuss the methods and preparation stages of starting a freshwater fish farming business to fulfill a promising business potential.

1. Land or Location of Fish Livestock

In general, determining the best land or location for cultivation is done by ensuring that the fish pond will get good exposure to sunlight. However, every type of freshwater fish has treatments different ways, including to decide the location of the aquaculture pond.

In addition, you can choose the right type of aquaculture pond according to costs or business capital. There are four fish cultivation media, namely earthen ponds, concrete ponds, tarpaulin ponds, and aquariums or ordinary water tanks.

2. The Best Freshwater Fish Seeds

The best freshwater fish seeds in question are fish seeds that have high quality. Tips to make maintenance easier, you can choose the type of fish according to the characteristics of the area where you live or the location of the pond.

In addition, choose healthy fresh water fish seeds to minimize the length of harvest time. The reason is, by relying on the best quality fresh water fish seeds, you can shorten the cultivation period by 30 percent of the estimated harvest time that has been determined.

3. Sow Fish Seeds According to Pond Capacity and Size

Before sowing fish seeds, you need to know the effective stocking density of fish seeds for your pond. With this, you can also calculate the number of seeds to stock.

For example, if you want tilapia livestock. For a pond measuring 2 x 3 meters, the seeds that can be sown are as many as 500 individuals, with a stocking density of around 80-100 individuals/m.2. 

So, how much fish seed can be cultivated is directly proportional to how big the livestock pond is. By adjusting the number of seeds according to the size of the pond, the fish can adapt to the right temperature and oxygen levels, thereby minimizing the risk of death due to stressed fish.

4. Fish Feed and Supplements

There are different provisions in the feeding of catfish and catfish livestock. For certain fish, there are rules where fish cannot be fed every day. You need to know the rules for feeding each type of freshwater fish. 

Provision of fish-specific supplements or vitamins also has certain dosage rules for each fish. If you don't pay attention to the rules for giving feed and supplements, the fish can get addicted and the size or body weight of the fish gets worse.

5. Water Temperature

Aquaculture pond water temperature can affect the growth and development of fish. Ideally, the temperature of the fish pond is between 25-30 °C.

In addition, pay attention to water circulation and oxygen levels needed for each type of fish. For example, how many times should the pool be cleaned and the water changed.

6. Treatment of Fish, Ponds and Ecosystems

To care for fish, you need to pay attention to the current condition of the pond and pond ecosystem. Pay attention to the condition of the pool water, how often it has to be replaced, or whether a flowing water system is needed in the pool.

In addition, pay attention to whether there is dirt in the pond that comes from leftover feed. Leftover fish feed usually has the potential to create bacteria that are not good for fish seeds.

Also pay attention to whether there are fish that have symptoms of certain diseases or pests. If yes, then separate the fish and keep them in an isolation pond until they are completely healthy. Pay attention to the condition of the fish one by one to minimize the occurrence of the spread of pests and diseases that cause mass death in fish.

7. Freshwater Fish Harvest

The last stage is the stage of harvesting freshwater fish. After the factors above have been carried out correctly, you can harvest fish at the predicted time. In fact, providing the right feed and supplements can speed up harvest time.

Profitable Fish Livestock Business Types

Here are the types of freshwater fish that can be bred and generate a turnover of up to hundreds of millions of rupiah!

1. Tilapia Livestock

Parrot fish included in the category of types of freshwater fish that have a relatively high selling price in the market. Although the price is quite expensive, demand from consumers continues to increase.

The target market for tilapia ranges from traders in traditional markets, restaurants, to household consumption. Many people like this type of freshwater fish, so it is suitable for cultivation businesses.

The time needed to harvest tilapia since the seeds are sown is 6 months. However, if you really pay attention to care and feeding, it is not impossible for tilapia to be harvested within 4 months.

2. Catfish Livestock

Compared to other freshwater fish, catfish are commodities that require the least amount of capital. In addition, the process of harvesting catfish is faster, which is less than 3 months.

Especially if you apply a modern cultivation system, it is not impossible that the catfish harvest time will be faster.

3. Snakehead Fish Livestock

Cattle fish cork has promising potential, considering that only a few people cultivate snakehead fish. Even though there is rarely a demand for snakehead fish in restaurants, restaurants or hotels, the current availability of snakehead fish is not sufficient to meet the demand for snakehead fish in the market. It can be said that the production of snakehead fish is relatively small compared to its ever-increasing demand.

As a processed food, snakehead fish is good for the human body because it contains 70% protein and 21% albumin. However, the demand for snakehead fish is not only for food preparations. The demand for snakehead fish as an ornamental fish is also starting to increase.

4. Gurame Livestock

Capital needed for livestock gurame fish quite fantastic, namely between 10-11 million Rupiah. This capital is intended for the preparation of fish ponds or ponds, purchase of the best carp seeds, fish feed, supplements, vitamins, medicines, and several other needs. 

However, you need to consider that the price of carp in the market is relatively high and stable so that it has the potential to generate quite high and stable monthly income. Tips for reducing the cost of procuring a pool, you can use a tarpaulin pool.

5. Goldfish Livestock

It's the same with snakehead fish, increasing demand goldfish is getting higher because the demand is not only for processed dishes, but also for goldfish as an ornamental fish. Cultivating goldfish is quite easy with little capital.

For feeding there are also many alternatives because fish are classified as omnivorous fish so it is easy to determine the right goldfish feed.

6. Catfish Livestock

The next freshwater fish farming business recommendation is catfish. Demand for catfish comes from all aspects, starting from traders in traditional markets, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, to household consumption.

The capital needed for catfish farming is also cheap because you can start it in a tarpaulin pond. Catfish can be harvested after 5-6 months. However, this harvest period can be accelerated as long as you pay attention to feeding and supporting supplements.

7. Mujair Fish Livestock

The last freshwater fish recommendation to be used as a fish farming business is livestock tilapia fish. Almost all people in Indonesia like preparations or tilapia fish dishes. This is because this fish has a soft meat texture and is also rich in animal protein.

The advantage of tilapia fish farming is that there are none treatments specifically for tilapia fish farming and livestock capital which is quite cheap.

Tips for Successful Fish Livestock Business

The Indonesian government has stipulated that there are certain limits for importing fish abroad. The goal is to increase domestic fish consumption.

It was from there that many fish farming business actors emerged. In fact, not a few of these business actors come from the household scale. So that you can compete with many competitors, here are tips on fish farming:

  1. Find out complete and scientific information about fish farming.
  2. Find out about the latest market developments, such as which fish are in high demand.
  3. Choose types of freshwater fish that have high demand, especially requests that come from the market.
  4. Especially for beginners, determining the target market can simplify the cultivation business process.

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Questions Regarding Fish Livestock

When viewed from a capital perspective, catfish farming is the most profitable fish farming because it can be done in tarpaulin ponds with cheap capital. However, carp and tilapia livestock provide maximum profit because the prices are relatively high and tend to be stable.
Tips for accelerating fish growth so that they are ready for harvest are to pay attention to the feed content and water circulation in the pond.