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makanan ikan bawal

7 Foods for Pomfret Fish to Grow Big Quickly and Harvest Success!

Pomfret cultivation is one of the cultivations that has the opportunity to achieve maximum profit if you focus on doing it. To start a pomfret farming business, you don't need to need a large capital to keep getting the maximum profit margin. One of the main factors for its success is the selection of pomfret food so that the fish grow big quickly.

The target market for the pomfret business also varies, from traders in traditional markets, restaurants, culinary businesses, to household consumption. Facts on the ground, pomfret prices tend to be stable so as to minimize the level of risk. Interested in getting started? Let's see this article!

Pomfret Fish Food To Grow Big Fast

To get a proportional pomfret body weight, you must pay attention to the selection of pomfret feed so that it grows quickly and can be harvested as soon as possible at a fair selling price. Following are the types of pomfret feed, complete with their nutritional content.

1. Natural Feed

Pomfret is classified as an omnivorous fish. However, when they are still small, they are still larvae. The pomfret fish larvae eat plankton/zooplankton and egg yolks.

For 3-4 days, the mouth cavity of the pomfret larvae is still not open. Therefore, pomfret larvae still rely on the egg yolk under their stomach as food.

After 3-4 days or after the yolk runs out, the pomfret fish larvae eat plankton or zooplankton. The pomfret feed in the form of plankton will last the next 3-4 days until the plankton runs out.

Of course, the pomfret larval stage is very different from adult pomfret fish which can eat anything, that's why pomfret fish are classified as omnivorous fish. Some examples of natural freshwater pomfret feed include tubifex, larvae chironomus, worm oligochaeta, and molluscs.

2. Pellets

Pellets can be used as pomfret food in all types of pomfret cultivation media, from ponds, ponds, to cages. In fact, it can be said that pellets are the main freshwater pomfret feed. Ideally, you only need to feed pomfret 1 to 2 times a week.

There are several types of pomfret feed, namely types FF999, 781-SP, 781-2, and 781. Give the pellets evenly on the surface of the pond with the stocking ratio according to the weight and weight of the newest pomfret.

You need to measure the weight and weight of the pomfret on a regular basis to determine the amount of feed to distribute. The estimated amount of feed for a 100 m aquaculture pond3 need pomfret feed as much as 5-10 kg in wet conditions.

3. Vegetables and Fruits

One of the pomfret feed besides pellets is vegetables. You can provide soft-textured vegetables such as mustard greens, cabbage, kale, and spinach. This vegetable must be chopped first so that it is easier for the pomfret to consume it.

After the vegetables are chopped, you can store them in a special container that is placed above the surface of the pool water, more precisely in one corner of the pond which is close to the drain, in a floating position. You can provide vegetables as pomfret food on the 10th day after stocking the seeds.

Apart from vegetables, pomfret fish also consume fruits. Giving this type of feed is done once every 2-3 days.

4. Coconut dregs

The next type of pomfret fish feed that is rich in protein is coconut dregs. Instead of being thrown away, the coconut dregs that comes from the remaining coconut milk can be used as pomfret feed. The nutritional content of pomfret consists of 11.35% protein, total fat reaching 23.36%, and galactomannan fiber.

You can give it by spreading it directly on the surface of the pond or fermenting it first. If you want it to be fermented, you can mix coconut dregs, crushed pellets, anji flour, and water, then leave it in the open air for 4-5 days.

5. Azolla Microphylla

Azolla Microphylla or commonly known as water fern is a type of plant that is suitable as organic food for pomfret. Apart from being used as pomfret food, Azolla is also suitable as poultry feed or fertilizer because of its good nutritional content.

Azolla contains 31.25% of protein nutrition, 6.5% of carbohydrates, 13% of crude fiber and 7.5% of total fat. No wonder that Azolla is called the best feed compared to bran, rice or corn.

From a business perspective, feeding pomfret using Azolla can reduce feed costs by 20-30%. To produce a harvest of 70 pomfret fish, you only need to prepare 1 kg of pellets and 1 kg of Azolla.

6. Expired Food Waste

Another alternative to pomfret feed is food waste, such as food that you often consume, or restaurant food waste. Expired bread can also be used as an alternative to pomfret feed. One sack of food waste can be consumed by 40 fish per kg for 2-3 days, depending on the condition of the food.

In addition, another alternative to pomfret food is lorotan rice which can be purchased at a price of IDR 5,000 and mixed with expired bread at a price of IDR 50,000 per sack weighing 50 kg per sack. Even though this expired food waste can reduce the cost of fish feed, this waste can damage the quality of pond water, so you need to pay attention to the condition of the pond.

It is recommended that this type of feed be given only to pomfret in aquaculture ponds where the water is running. This is because this food waste contains oil which is not good for pomfret fish growth so if food waste is left behind and accumulates on the surface of the water, the waste can get stuck in the fish gills and has the risk of accelerating fish death.

7. Supplements

Supplements can be used as pomfret food as a companion to the main food which aims to provide boosters pomfret to increase their appetite or accelerate fish growth. Supplements that can be given to pomfret include honey, sugar, or milk mixed with pellets.

The ratio of supplementation is 1 tablespoon of honey or 1 tablespoon of sugar or 1 tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk mixed with 1 kg of pellets. 

In certain cases where the number of pomfret reaches 10 thousand heads, you will need two cans of sweetened condensed milk or 1 bottle of honey or 1.5 kg of sugar. The method of giving these supplements must apply an alternating system, where today you can give supplements and tomorrow there will be no supplements.

Tips for Feeding Pomfret

Whatever type of pomfret feed you choose, you need to pay attention to several things in giving pomfret feed, namely:

  1. Give feed in the morning at 9 am and at 3 pm because at these times the temperature of the pool water is still warm and the movement of pomfret fish is active.
  2. Give pomfret food 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  3. The total amount of feed is 3 percent to 5 percent for each feeding.
  4. Apply a periodic system when providing fish feed by paying attention to the fish's appetite so that the feed is always used up in one feeding.
  5. Sprinkle pomfret feed in the center to establish the habit of the fish eating in the area.
  6. Especially for food waste feed, it is better sown near the pond sluice.

Stok Pelet Ikan Bawal Makin Lancar dengan Kabayan

Salah satu pakan yang bisa membuat ikan bawal cepat besar adalah pelet. Hal tersebut karena pelet mengandung nutrisi yang sudah disesuaikan langsung oleh ikan bawal yang mengacu pada kebutuhan ikan bawal.

Kini, Bapak/Ibu tidak perlu khawatir akan suplai pelet ikan bawal yang kurang lancar, karena sekarang ada Kabayan yang memperlancar semuanya. Kabayan merupakan penyedia akses ke institusi finansial yang terpercaya, diawasi OJK, dan bisa dibayar setelah panen.

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Questions About Pomfret Food

You can provide pomfret feed using natural food, pellets, vegetables, coconut dregs, Azolla Microphylla, food waste and expired bread to special supplements.
Give pomfret feed three times a day, especially at 9 am and 3 pm.