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15++ Types of Milkfish Feed and Effective Methods of Feeding!

In order for milkfish to quickly develop and grow big, Friends of Farmers need to think carefully about the types of feed for milkfish and how to feed them. 

In the past, to get milkfish with thick flesh and high protein, you gave natural food for about 6 to 12 months or until the milkfish grew big by themselves.

But now, you don't have to wait too long. In just a few months, cultivated milkfish can quickly grow big just by paying attention to milkfish food. That way, milkfish can be sold at fish markets at high prices.

Milkfish Cultivation Business Opportunities

Discussing the business opportunities for milkfish farming, there is no need to doubt the profit potential. In Indonesia, the business opportunity for milkfish cultivation is quite promising.

The demand for milkfish increases every period so that this fish that lives in fresh water becomes a mainstay commodity in the fishing industry.

In addition to its delicious taste and good nutrition contained in milkfish, this fish is also easy to process with various preparations. For example, such as presto milkfish, milkfish stew, milkfish brains, milkfish satay, and many other preparations made from milkfish.

In several places to eat and restaurants also make menus processed milkfish as a favorite menu, such as milkfish with basil and milkfish with rujak spices.

Seeing this potential, of course you still have business opportunities if you start milkfish farming at this time.

Composition of Good Milkfish Feed

The purpose of feeding milkfish is none other than to increase the body weight of milkfish. 

Even so, you need to pay close attention to the composition of this milkfish feed. Not too little so that it inhibits fish growth, also not too much so that organic matter does not accumulate which can reduce water quality.

Ideally, the composition of milkfish feed, as follows:

  1. Protein content, fish need feed with a protein content of 20 to 60 percent. 
  2. Fat level, the need for fat content in the feed needed by fish ranges from 4 to 18 percent. These fats must come from animal fat or vegetable fat.
  3. Vitamin and mineral levels, fish need vitamins and minerals as much as 2 to 5 percent.
  4. Carb content, while the need for carbohydrates in fish ranges from 20 to 30 percent consisting of crude fiber and non-nitrogen extract material (BETN). Sources of carbohydrates can be from wheat flour, bran, corn, or rice.

Milkfish Feed

It's different from the old days where you could only rely on one type of feed, namely natural food. Now, there are many types of fish feed that can be an alternative to increase the body weight of milkfish.

1. Grit Algae

Grit algae or Latin is Bacillariopyceae is a natural milkfish feed for algae types that can be found in freshwater or saltwater ponds. 

The nutritional content of grit algae consists of grit, silicates, and photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll a, c, and xantrophils such as diatoxanthin, fucoxanthin, and diaddinoxanthin. 

This grit algae is also useful as a lowering of the pH of water that is too high and is not liked by milkfish. 

2. Protozoa

Several types of protozoa that can be used as natural food, such as didinium, colpoda, and paramecium, are in the infusoria class, so they are very easy to breed in fresh water, which contains lots of organic matter. The size of this protoza is quite small, namely 25 to 300 microns.

3. Earthworms

The next alternative to milkfish food is earthworms. Earthworms are a favorite feed for fish cultivators because they are easy to care for in the soil and are very liked by milkfish.

4. Blood Worms

Apart from earthworms, you can also provide natural milkfish food in the form of blood worms. 

Physically, blood worms are brownish red in shape and similar to the chironomus mosquito larvae. The body size of blood worms ranges from one to three centimeters with a protein content of 62 percent, 10 percent fat and water.

5. Water Flea

There are two types of water fleas that can be used as natural milkfish feed, namely daphnia and moina water fleas. Both water fleas are suitable as food for milkfish because of their small size and colonies. 

Meanwhile, this type of water flea contains high levels of protein which can accelerate the process of growth and development of milkfish.

Not only the protein content, but athlete's foot also contains a water content of 66 percent and a fat content of 6 percent.

6. Klekap

Klekap is a type of moss that is easy to breed in fresh water ponds and can be used as natural milkfish feed. In fact, by itself klekap can grow and develop naturally around fish ponds.

7. Artemia

Artemia is a type of small shrimp or it can also be called a seed that lives on the coast. Good nutritional content in artemia includes protein and fat needed for the growth of milkfish. 

8. Azola

Azola is a water fern that is often seen in rice fields.

9. Rice Field Conch

Another natural milkfish food that is easy to find in rice fields is rice conch. Rice field conch or snail is an alternative feed for milkfish.

10. Flakes

Meanwhile, the recommended feed for artificial milkfish is flakes which are popular as feed for fish in aquariums. You can find it at an ornamental fish shop at a fairly cheap price, which is IDR 40,000.

11. Details

The next alternative to artificial milkfish feed is granules. You can mix granulated feed and flake feed together. The selling price of granulated feed is quite cheap, which is under Rp. 20,000.

12. Tablets

You can find tablet milkfish feed at ornamental fish shops at quite affordable prices, around IDR 60,000. 

As the name implies, this tablet feed has a fairly heavy weight so it doesn't float easily.

13. Taro Leaves

The first alternative choice of organic milkfish feed is taro leaves. To give taro leaves to milkfish, you need to cut the leaves into the smallest size and then spread them in the milkfish ponds.

14. Coconut dregs

Coconut dregs are the remains of coconut from the coconut milk making process which can be found at grated coconut sellers. 

Coconut dregs do not need to be processed first, you can spread coconut dregs directly in fish ponds. Or, coconut dregs can also be mixed with fish meal.

15. Wolffia

The wolffia form is a small earth plant. You can get this type of feed at a plant shop offline or on line at a fairly affordable price of IDR 30 thousand.

Why wolffia is suitable for milkfish food because of its small size so that it can be eaten by small milkfish or seeds.

16. Plankton

Milkfish ponds that are cleaned first before stocking milkfish seeds have the potential to give birth to plankton easily. Plankton is good as feed for milkfish because it has a high protein content.

17. Sticks

The last feed alternative is suitable as food for large milkfish, namely stick feed. The drawback of this feed is that the selling price is quite expensive and the minimum purchase size is five kilograms at a time.

Those are the types of milkfish feed that you can choose as milkfish feed. Tips for choosing milkfish feed, including:

  • Choose a brand of pellets or fish feed according to the type of fish.
  • Determine feed producers who have guaranteed credibility.
  • Pay attention to the composition of good nutritional content such as levels of protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Determine the type of feed according to the age of milkfish.

How to Feed Milkfish Correctly

After knowing the right composition for feed content and types of feed for milkfish, now you need to know the right way to feed milkfish. 

However, what needs to be underlined is that to meet the needs of milkfish feed, it must be in accordance with the composition and operational costs. 

There are many types of natural milkfish food that can reduce operational costs but still require other feed alternatives. Here's how to feed milkfish, including:

  1. Preparing feed in a special bucket or tub.
  2. Measuring the amount of milkfish food given must be according to the dosage, namely five to seven percent of the weight of the milkfish sampling.
  3. Also mix additional vitamins into the feed and stir it evenly.
  4. After the fish feed is ready, you can start spreading the feed evenly on the surface of the pond.

Ideally, the number of feeding times depends on the age of the fish. For milkfish aged 0 to 2 months, you can feed it three times a day. While milkfish aged 3 to 6 months twice a day.

Dapatkan Pelet Ikan Bandeng Berkualitas di eFishery Pakai Kabayan

Ikan bandeng yang berukuran besar memerlukan pakan buatan seperti pelet untuk memaksimalkan pertumbuhannya. Hal tersebut karena pelet dibuat di pabrik dan komposisinya langsung diracik oleh ahli pakan yang paham betul kebutuhan nutrisi ikan. Kini, pelet ikan bandeng bisa Bapak/Ibu beli di eFishery menggunakan Kabayan, penghubung akses ke lembaga keuangan yang terpercaya, terdaftar, dan diawasi oleh OJK.

As is Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapat pakan ikan yang bisa dibayar setelah panen. Keuntungan menggunakan Kabayan lainnya adalah prosesnya cepat, akad perjanjiannya bisa secara syariah, pemesanannya bisa melalui aplikasi, serta beragam keuntungan menarik lainnya.

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