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gagal panen udang

This Is The Reason Why Farmers Fail to Harvest! Check How to Prevent It!

Harvest failure can be experienced by every freshwater shrimp farmer. As the saying goes, it is more important for you to prevent than to treat. Even quoting from FAO, in 2013 recorded 80% Farmers in Hainan China experienced shrimp crop failure.

It's quite troubling, isn't it for Mr/Mrs Shrimp Farmers. Start being vigilant by preventing the cause before crop failure occurs. Let's get to know what causes crop failure in shrimp!

3 Causes of Shrimp Farmers' Harvest Failure

Harvest failure is indeed troubling for freshwater shrimp farmers. Let's understand what are the problems that can cause crop failure.

Here are three reasons why shrimp farmers fail to harvest!

1. Extreme Weather

Extreme weather can be a major cause of crop failure for shrimp farmers. Imagine shrimp that live at a temperature of 25°C-30°C suddenly comes the dry season so that the temperature can increase to above 35°C. Or comes winter when the temperature drops dramatically. 

This will result in a decrease in the body's immune system of the shrimp. In addition, this problem can result in changes in the shrimp's natural secretory ability. As a result, the shrimp's ability to digest food will decrease. And have an impact on the slow growth of shrimp.

Even worse if there is flooding in the cultivation area. The shrimp that you cultivate can be dragged away by floods. Therefore it is important to select the cultivation location. Don't let you choose the wrong place that often floods for the location of your cultivation.

2. Poor Maintenance

Poor maintenance can be one of the causes of pond shrimp crop failure. There is some maintenance that you have to do, such as giving regular feed and controlling the water quality of the shrimp pond.

Water quality control is very important because shrimp are very sensitive to environmental conditions. In dirty water conditions, shrimp can be deprived of oxygen and poisoned. So make sure you regularly change the aquaculture pond water.

You need to provide feed regularly so that the shrimp can get full nutrition. Excess feed is also not good because it can not be eaten by shrimp and accumulates at the bottom of the pond. 

So, if you want feeding to be controlled, eFeeders can be a solution! Because this tool can automatically provide controlled amounts of feed. Your FCR will also be more efficient using this tool.

3. Diseased Shrimp

Several types of disease in shrimp can cause death up to 100%. So you must be able to identify if there is a disease attack on the shrimp.

One of the disease outbreaks that are dangerous for shrimp is the disease outbreak Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND) and Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS). These two types of disease have become a concern for shrimp farmers in Indonesia.

EMS can cause death in shrimp fry due to vibrio bacteria whose disease is called vibriosis. Vibrio bacteria are commonly found in shrimp hatcheries. For example in post larvae fry, water for fry and broodstock, and natural food.

Tips for Preventing Disease in Aquaculture Shrimp

Diseases of cultivated shrimp are the biggest factor in crop failure from shrimp ponds. The existence of this disease can cause crop losses of up to millions of tons. Because there are several diseases that are very dangerous, you need to overcome the factors that cause disease in shrimp.

Water quality management has been proven to be effective in preventing disease in shrimp ponds. Therefore, you need to control the quality of the water in the shrimp ponds. There are also disinfectants that you can use to kill viruses and bacteria that cause disease. However, don't choose the wrong one because there are disinfectants that are dangerous for ponds!

eFishery provide innovation Disease Prevention System (DPS), solusi yang dapat mencegah terjadinya gagal panen akibat wabah penyakit pada budidaya udang. Sistem ini bekerja dengan mengatur kualitas air tambak udang Bapak/Ibu berbasis teknologi sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir terjadinya gagal panen.

DPS from eFishery provide biosecurity scoring checks to determine the level of vulnerability of ponds to disease attack. Furthermore, the team will analyze the quality of your pond water on a regular basis and provide reports and recommendations for water treatment.

One of the shrimp farmers named Pak Bobby has proven effectiveness DPS. before using DPS losses can be up to 25% due to premature death of the shrimp. However after using DPS pond conditions have improved. So DPS is a good investment for your pond.

Aside from the safety of preventing crop failure, there are additional benefits from DPS. Among them is an increase in average income of up to 111,27% for every square meter. Not only that, there was an average decrease in FCR of 0.23%, and an average increase in productivity of 0.12 kg/m2.

Now, isn't it interesting, so there's nothing wrong with investing for greater profits with the DPS system. Let's try DPS now for safer shrimp farming.

Besides that, eFarm also offers Cultivation Consultation which gives quick access to Aquaculture Experts and Teams eFishery for consultation on cultivation constraints. eFarm equipped with other features such as Harvest Plan And Cultivation Shop. So what are you waiting for, let's consult your cultivation at eFarm Now!

Have a Cultivation Constraint? Come Consult at eFarm

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Not only that, eFishery also provides solutions to overcome obstacles in cultivation. Come on, let's meet eFarm!

eFarm is platforms which offers complete solutions, especially for shrimp farmers. Enjoy a variety of services that help your cultivation productivity, in just one platform!

eFarm offers you various types of features that can help in the process of shrimp farming. Starting from Learn Cultivation, which provides insightful videos about shrimp farming from senior experts and technicians FREE!