padat tebar udang vaname kolam terpal
padat tebar udang vaname kolam terpal

Here's How to Calculate the Stocking Density of Vaname Shrimp for Tarpaulin Ponds!

For those of you who are interested in cultivating vaname shrimp, it is very important to know the stocking density of vannamei shrimp in the following tarpaulin ponds. This is because it is closely related to shrimp productivity, thus reducing the risk of crop failure. 

Vaname shrimp is one of the shrimp that can be cultivated in fresh water. Gentlemen, just add a little salt to increase the salinity. The profit potential is also very large with vannamei shrimp prices ranging from 90,000-120,000 rupiah. 

Before starting cultivation, you need to know the important factors in freshwater shrimp farming. Starting from the types of vannamei shrimp ponds, steps for cultivating in tarpaulin ponds, to how to calculate the stocking density of vannamei shrimp. What are you waiting for, let's see!

Types of Vaname Shrimp Ponds

Each type of pool has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to carefully consider the pool that will be used. Come on, look at the types of vannamei shrimp ponds!

1. Ground Pool

If you are looking for a pool that is easy and cheap to make, then an earthen pond is one of the answers. Only need to dig a hole wide enough to be used as a shrimp pond.

One of the advantages offered is that it is easier to manufacture. In addition, the temperature does not change easily because heat can be absorbed by the soil which acts as an insulator.

However, earthen ponds are very susceptible to attack by pests which can easily enter the pond. In addition, shrimp can also be easily attacked by bacteria that take advantage of the surrounding soil area to grow and develop.

Not only that, the water quality also tends to be low so that the growth and development of shrimp can be disrupted.

2. Concrete Pool

In contrast to earthen pools, concrete pools are more sterile and safer from disease. In addition, concrete pools are also safer from pest attacks and can last longer than other types of pools.

However, concrete pools also have some drawbacks. Requires high investment costs to make a pond. Making concrete ponds requires a large area of land and greater capital than other types of ponds.

3. Tarpaulin Pool

Tarpaulin ponds are ponds that are widely used by vannamei shrimp farmers in Indonesia. This is because tarpaulin ponds are easier to make and the investment costs are cheaper, so they are much favored by small-scale vannamei shrimp farmers.

Budidaya udang vaname di kolam terpal juga punya kelemahan. Kolam terpal tidak dapat mengontrol temperatur sehingga temperatur air akan cenderung fluktuatif. Selain itu, ada potensi kolam terpal bocor dan roboh.

To avoid this, use quality tarpaulin materials!

5 Ways to Cultivate Vaname Shrimp in a Tarpaulin Pool

Tarpaulin ponds are excellent for vannamei shrimp farmers because they are easy to manufacture and relatively cheap. Following There are several steps for cultivating vannamei shrimp in tarpaulin ponds.

1. Site Selection

In order to be able to choose the right location, you must first conduct a survey, in order to minimize the resulting negative impact, both in terms of the environment and society. There are several criteria for site selection, viz

  • Sufficient source of fresh water
  • The location is not contaminated by households and factories
  • Safe social conditions
  • Avoid routine flooding
  • Making a Tarpaulin Pool

2. Making a Tarpaulin Pool

Tarpaulin pools must be made strong and sturdy so that water does not leak out of the pool. A good tarpaulin layer can also protect vannamei shrimp from rain, when groundwater comes out and can cause changes in the acidity of pond water.

There are two types of vannamei shrimp tarpaulin pond designs that are often used by farmers, namely square and round tarpaulin pond designs. Square tarpaulin ponds have the advantage of being able to be arranged in a row so that they save more space. In addition, the raw materials for box tarpaulin ponds are also easy to find on the market. However, this pond is not without drawbacks, namely the risk of collisions between shrimp.

The next tarpaulin pool design is a round tarpaulin pool design. This tarpaulin pond is suitable for high stocking densities.The aeration process in this month's pond design is easier so that the shrimp cultivation process runs more optimally. Besides that, the shrimp harvesting process is easier, so the risk of shrimp death is smaller.

3. Vaname Shrimp Pond Fermentation

Fermentation of vaname shrimp ponds is carried out to stimulate the growth of plankton which is useful as additional feed for shrimp while maintaining pH stability. This fermentation process is carried out by adding probiotics to the vannamei shrimp tarpaulin pond.

In addition to probiotics, salt is also added to the pond to increase the salinity according to the needs of the shrimp.

4. Spreading Vaname Shrimp Benur

Before spreading vannamei shrimp fry, make sure the fry selected are superior fry. Its uniform size is a superior fry marker.

Furthermore, fry acclimatized or adapted to the temperature of the pond. The trick is to float a bag containing shrimp fry in a pond that will be used for cultivation.

There is another factor that must be considered when stocking shrimp fry, namely the time of stocking. Choose the time of spreading in the afternoon or when the sun is not too hot. This is done so that the vannamei shrimp fry don't get hot when they are spread out onto the tarpaulin pool.

5. Maintenance of Vaname Shrimp

Vannamei shrimp maintenance is carried out by maintaining the temperature and pH as well as the quality of pond water. In addition, vannamei shrimp feeding must be carefully regulated. After 7 days, vannamei shrimp must be given high protein food with 30% levels once every 3 to 4 days.

The Importance of Accurate Stocking Density of Vaname Shrimp

You must know the stocking density of vannamei shrimp in tarpaulin ponds so that shrimp farming can run productively. There are several reasons why you have to adjust the stocking density of vannamei shrimp correctly. Let's see!

1. Maintaining Water Quality

Vaname shrimp stocking density can affect changes in water quality. The more vannamei shrimp, the more dirt that will be produced.

These impurities will affect the levels of nitrogen and other compounds in the water. If there is too much, the water can become toxic to vannamei shrimp.Therefore, you need to properly regulate the stocking density of vannamei shrimp.

2. Avoiding Disease

Too high a stocking density of vannamei shrimp in tarpaulin ponds can cause a high risk of death for vannamei shrimp, due to decreased oxygen levels and poor water quality. As a result, vannamei shrimp will be more susceptible to disease. 

If the density is higher, the spread of disease between vannamei shrimp to one another will be easier and faster, it will increase the risk of death from the vannamei shrimp themselves.

3. Slow Growth of Vaname Shrimp

The stocking density of vannamei shrimp in tarpaulin ponds that is too high can reduce the growth rate of cultivated shrimp. Vaname shrimp will compete with each other for food, space for movement, and oxygen, so their growth will be slower and the harvest can take longer.

The stocking density of vannamei shrimp in tarpaulin ponds that is too low is also not good for farmers. The efficiency of the space that should be filled with vannamei shrimp is not utilized. For example, a pond that should be filled with 5,000 vannamei shrimp will be very ineffective if only 2,000 vaname shrimp are filled.

How to calculate the stocking density of Vaname Shrimp

So, controlling the stocking density of vaname shrimp in tarpaulin ponds is important, isn't it? Then, how do you calculate the scattering density of vannamei shrimp in tarpaulin ponds?

Here's how to calculate the stocking density of vannamei shrimp correctly. Let's see the steps!

1. Know the Size of the Pool Used!

The first step to calculate the stocking density of vannamei shrimp is to measure pond volume used. If you use a square pond shape, you can calculate the stocking density of vannamei shrimp with this formula!

Area = Length of pool (m) x Width of Pool (m) x Depth of pool (m)

For example if You have a pool with a length of 5 meters, a width of 3 meters and a depth of 5 meters. So, the volume of the pool is 75 mcubic ether.

If the pond is circular, the formula used for the volume of the pond is also different. The formula used is as below!

Area = 0.785 x diameter(m) x diameter(m) x depth(m)

If you have a pond with a diameter of 10 meters and a depth of 2 meters, then the volume of the pool is 157 cubic meters.

Next, you must adjust to the stocking density of vannamei shrimp in the pond.

2. Vaname Shrimp Stocking Density

Vaname shrimp stocking density will depend on the cultivation method used. There are several vaname shrimp cultivation methods, namely intensive, semi-intensive and extensive. The formula is below!

Total stocking density = Pond area (m²) x stocking density per meter

This cultivation method is distinguished by how many aerators and pond capacity are used. The higher the stocking density, the more massive the process of aeration and cleaning of pool water that you do.

Shrimp stocking density in the intensive vaname shrimp cultivation method is 20-60 PL/m3. So, it can cultivate up to 60 shrimp in 1 cubic meter. If you have 10 cubic meters, you can cultivate 600 PL of vannamei shrimp. 

Shrimp stocking density in the semi-intensive vaname shrimp cultivation method is 5-20 PL/m3. JAdi, if you have a pond measuring 10 cubic meters, you can cultivate 50 to 200 vaname shrimp

The last cultivation method is the method most used by Indonesian farmers, namely extensive vaname shrimp cultivation with a maximum stocking density of 2/m².

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