budidaya ikan gabus
budidaya ikan gabus

Easy Tips for Cultivating Snakehead Fish for Fast Harvest!

Even though it is not yet very popular, snakehead fish cultivation has selling power and profits that are no less than tilapia, carp, or catfish. The reason is, the public demand for this fish is quite high, but the supply in the market is not much. This is because most of the existing snakehead fish are caught from nature, not cultivated. Therefore, the cultivation business has good potential.

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Types of Snakehead Fish for Cultivation

Before knowing how to cultivate snakehead fish, it would be nice if you knew the types of snakehead fish that are often cultivated so that you don't get confused in choosing it. Come on, know the types of cork fish below!

1.Forest Snakehead

forest snakehead
Source: Ecology Asia

Forest Snakeheads are found in fresh water. This type of cork fish is quite small and has a color that is not as dark as other cork fish. This fish is most in demand for cultivation because it can survive in various temperatures. Its resistance to both low and high temperatures makes it strong enough to be cultivated anywhere. When mature, the size of the Forest Snakehead type snakehead fish can reach 40 cm.

2.Great Snakehead

great snakehead

The Great Snakehead is a rare breed with quite a high price because it has a very large size, thick flesh, and is full of nutrition. The Great Snakehead has a very smooth body and a head that is not scaly like the usual fish. This fish, which has dark scales, is usually served in large restaurants.

3. Channa Gachua

channa gachua
Source: Wikipedia

The Channa Gachua snakehead fish is better known as the “bogo” snakehead fish. Usually the Channa Gachua type is often found with a small size and has a length of 20 cm. Many people like this type of fish because of its beauty with a bright brown color and black spots on the side.

How to Cultivate Snakehead Fish

1. Pemilihan Jenis Kolam

Usually there are three kinds of ponds used, namely earthen ponds, tarpaulin pools, and concrete pools. You can adjust the type of pool that is made with the land and capital you have. For consideration, you can see the table below:

jenis kolam budidaya ikan gabus
Advantages & Disadvantages of Types of Snakehead Fish Cultivation Ponds

2. Selection and Spread of Seeds

Usually the snakehead fish seeds that are spread are seeds that are about 2 weeks old. The spread of seedlings is carried out in the morning.

Try not to give food to the seeds when they will be spread into the pond. New seeds can be fed after 2 days in the pond. You can give feed in the form of pellets or factory-made fish food to seedlings that are only 2 weeks old.

Don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, the size of the feed given must match the size of the fish seeds.

3. Feeding

You must not be late to provide feed because snakehead fish is a predatory fish that can eat each other when hungry. Of course this will be very detrimental to you.

You can feed the snakehead fish in the form of pellets, termite puppies, or pulp. You can also make your own feed by mixing tofu dregs, corn, bran and anchovies.

4. Pembesaran Ikan

At the fish enlargement stage, you have to sort once a month when the cork fish being cultivated are getting bigger. Sorting is done by separating the large fish from the small ones.

This is done in order to avoid cannibalism between fish because snakehead fish can cannibalize if they are starving.

5. Harvest

To get to the harvest stage, snakehead fish usually takes 6 months. At this age, the snakehead fish already has thick flesh and good body resistance when kept outside the cultivation pond.

The snakehead fish harvesting process can be done in stages, so you can adjust the harvest time according to market demand.

Snakehead Fish Cultivation Business Opportunities

Snakehead fish has a high demand in the market, so the business opportunity is still very wide open for those of you who want to work on it. The success of the snakehead fish business is of course based on the right process and method of cultivation so that maximum yields are obtained and generate multiple profits.

Snakehead fish is a fish that lives in rivers, lakes and rice fields. This will make it easier for you because the feed needed is not too difficult and the initial capital that can be prepared is not too much so you can start immediately.

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