budidaya ikan lele
budidaya ikan lele

Get Big Profits by Starting a Catfish Farm!

Catfish is one of the fish that is very popular with cultivators. The small risk of crop failure and strong body resistance make catfish generate big profits for cultivators. In addition, market demand for this fish is never empty. As a fish that is very popular with the community, the catfish farming business often generates large profits.

Even though it could generate great profits, cultivating it required some special methods, especially for novice Cultivators. Don't worry, here are things that must be prepared before starting catfish farming or farming!

1. Capital

Capital is the most important thing that must be prepared in the catfish farming business. For catfish farming itself, the components that require capital are usually ponds, feed, seeds, water, water pumps, medicine, and electricity.

2. Pool Preparation

Newly built ponds still leave chemical compounds, for example from cement, which will harm the catfish seeds. This can be removed by settling the water in the pool for 1 day before use. After that, the pool must also be drained and brushed using papaya leaves. When the pool has been brushed clean, fill the water to settle again for 1 day for the fermentation process. This fermentation is carried out by taking catfish pond water which has been proven to be able to raise fish quickly and as much as 1.5 liters.

3. Seed Selection

The first step that must be taken to choose catfish seeds is to choose the type of catfish you want to cultivate. This stage must be really considered because it is very important to choose the type of catfish that can grow quickly and is not easily affected by disease. Furthermore, the size of the catfish seeds must also be the same size because if not, the seeds will become cannibals. The size of seeds that are ready to be cultivated are seeds that are at least 5 cm long. In addition, the seeds should not be too small because seeds that are too small are very susceptible to disease.

4. Feed Selection

Appropriate and quality feed is the main factor for the success of the growth and health of catfish. In order for catfish to grow large and of good quality, the selected feed must contain high protein (about 30%), carbohydrates (10%-20%), and other needed vitamins. Usually, in catfish farming, pellets are the main type of feed. Pellets produced by the factory are usually arranged in such a way as to contain all the nutrients needed by catfish. Catfish pellets produced by the factory are made from coconut meal, soybean meal, bran, minerals, oil, flour, and various types of vitamins. In Indonesia alone, catfish pellets are divided into 2 types, namely floating pellets and sinking pellets. Floating pellets contain higher protein and are usually very often used by cultivators when the harvest season approaches.

5. Selection of Harvest Time

Usually, the time needed to harvest catfish is 3-4 months. Catfish that are marketable are fish that have a size of 4-7 fish per kilogram. Before harvesting, catfish should fast for 1 day. This fasting process aims to empty the catfish stomach so that there is not too much dirt when it is consumed.

Kembangkan Bisnis Budidaya Ikan Lele Pakai Kabayan dari eFishery!

Mengembangkan bisnis budidaya ikan lele bisa Bapak/Ibu lakukan dengan menggunakan Kabayan (Love, Pay Later) yang menyediakan akses ke institusi finansial terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK untuk mempermudah pembelian pakan. Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang dapat dibayarkan setelah panen. Dengan proses cepat dan persyaratan mudah, budidaya ikan pun makin lancar pakai Kabayan.

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  • https://jawatani.com/baca/cara-memilih-bibit-ikan-lele-yang-baik-dan-berkualitas/
  • https://kolamterpal.net/jenis-pakan-ikan-lele/
  • https://perikanan.pamekasankab.go.id/mari-mengenal-teknik-budidaya-lele-tingkat-dasar.html
  • https://www.pertanianku.com/cara-mempersiapkan-kolam-ikan-lele-dengan-benar/