kabayan bisnis ikan nila makin besar
kabayan bisnis ikan nila makin besar

Cultivation Story: Kabayan Helps Growing Fish Farming Business!

eFishery always trying to create a positive impact, especially for cultivators and fish farmers in Indonesia. All products and services created by eFishery made by prioritizing the welfare of Indonesian Farmers and Farmers. One figure who was successfully assisted by eFishery is Mr. H. Abdullah.

Pak H. Abdullah is a tilapia fish cultivator from Pangkajene Regency. Before using products and services eFishery, Pak H. Abdullah often harvests prematurely in order to overcome the limited funds to buy feed. Mr. H. Abdullah did this because he no longer had the capital to buy feed. 

“The main obstacle is feed. To the extent that sometimes it's not harvest time yet, but we have to harvest because we run out of funds. Borrowing money here and there can not and almost in debt. But with it eFishery, I am relieved now.” he said.

He has been cultivating tilapia for 20 years, often experiencing difficulties, especially in terms of feed. Feed is one of the most costly components in cultivation. The harvest from his pond, which at that time only amounted to 2, apparently could not cover the cost of buying feed. Now, Pak H. Abdullah is one of the cultivators using the service Kabayan.

Kabayan* is a service eFishery which provides access to trusted financial institutions, made to accommodate the feed needs of cultivators, which can reach 80% of the total capital of all fish farming. According to Pak H. Abdullah, the process to get Kabayan relatively short, only about 2 weeks. Kabayan very helpful for Mr. H. Abdullah's difficulty with feed, moreover the ordered feed can be delivered directly to the pond. The delivered feed comes from the nearest feed agent, so the feed reaches Mr. H. Abdullah quickly.

Mr. H. Abdullah felt very helped by this Kabayan because the tilapia business that he has is growing rapidly. Before using the service Kabayan, Mr. H. Abdullah only has 2 pond plots, now there are 4 ponds and will increase to 6. He hopes that in the future more and more fish cultivators will know Kabayan so they can optimize their fish farming business. 

That is the story of Pak H. Abdullah, who was helped to overcome premature tilapia harvests thanks to his presence Kabayan. Thank you for reading Pak H. Abdullah's story!

Let's submit Kabayan sekarang dengan mengisi form di bawah dan rasakan kemudahannya!

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*For programs Kabayan, eFishery cooperate with third parties supervised/licensed by OJK.